
  • 网络Just-In-Time;Just-in-Time System;just in time system;jit
  1. 新经济为“适时制”、“全面质量管理”等管理理念、理论与方法提供了实现平台。

    New economy has provided a basis for managerial thought , theory and method of " Just in Time System " , " Total Quality Management " , and so on .

  2. 因此,本文从基于JIT适时制理论进行模块化课程设置的必要性和优越性两个方面分析其在旅游英语专业实施的可行性,并就实施的关键问题做具体阐述。

    Therefore , the essay analyses the feasibility of the two theories by means of discussing the necessity and the superiority , and then demonstrates the key points to applying two theories in detail .

  3. 我国制造业应用适时制的环境分析

    Analysis of Conditions for the Application of JIT to Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

  4. 饮食业与制造业的适时制经营模式之比较&以广东的饮食业为例

    Compare of Management Mode between Catering Services and Production System

  5. 适时制和全面质量管理下的成本核算方法探讨

    Exploring the costing methods based on just in time and total quality control

  6. 适时检测制备药物在模拟体液中的释放过程发现,在释放开始后的1h内,卡托普利药物释放速率非常快,此后,释放速率变得十分平缓。

    From the timely detection on the release process of the prepared drugs in a SBF solution , it was found that the captopril drug was very rapidly released from the carrier during the first 1 h. After that , the release rate changed slowly .

  7. 适时生产制在工业企业成本管理中的运用

    Application of JIT to the Cost Management in Industrial Enterprise

  8. 我们应该积极创造条件,适时实行通货膨胀目标制。

    So we need to create conditions for its realization in the near future .