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  1. 《周易》爻辞语篇认知隐喻结构分析

    An Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphorical Structure of the Liner Judgment Text in the Book of Changes

  2. 本文在结合宇宙生成论的基础上,对乾卦彖辞语序提出了自己的看法。

    Based on the Birth Theory of the Universe , the author will bring up her own opinion by this paper .

  3. 海明威的散文风格是句子结构十分简练,直截了当的叙述方式,不加修辞语的句法,不避重复、词语朴实。

    The style of Hemingway 's essay is the simple sentence structure and direct narration without modified syntax and avoiding repeated words .

  4. 《周易》爻辞语篇形成的认知隐喻模式是经过长久历史的演变成为认识自身、他人和世界的一种方式。

    After a long history the cognitive metaphorical structure of the linear judgment text in the Book of Changes developed to a mode of knowing man himself , others and the world .

  5. “用辞”表现为“引用前人诗句”和“把前人辞语和形式结构融化到自己的境界之中,创造新的风格”两大特点。

    " Applying phraseology " expresses to quote the verse of the predecessors , and draw the phraseology , forms and structure of the predecessors into his own draw realm , and create new style .