
  • 网络Trade subjects;trading bodies
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,要求作为经济贸易主体的公司的资本制度与国际接轨。

    With entering into the WTO , Company capital system should be linked up with the world .

  2. 近年来特别是我国加入WTO后,在贸易主体多元化和市场的竞争环境下,曾作为我国最主要的对外贸易窗口的国有外贸公司面临着严峻的挑战。

    Recently with the subject of trade being multi - dimensional and under the circumstances of competitive market , especially since China 's entering WTO , foreign trade enterprises which used to serve as the major window of national foreign trades are faced with severe challenges .

  3. 作为中间产品贸易主体的跨国公司,在中间产品贸易中起着非常重要的作用。

    As the main agent trading in intermediate goods , multinational corporations play a very important role in intermediate goods trading .

  4. 自成立以来,公司已快速发展为以氰胺类、碱类、活性炭为贸易主体的内、外向型的综合性贸易公司。

    Since its inception , the company has fast-growing category for Cyanamid , alkali , activated carbon within the main body for trade , export-oriented comprehensive trading company .

  5. 但在对外贸易经营主体、外贸经营许可制、运用关税保护国内市场和保障措施规定等方面与WTO的规定有差距。

    However , they are different in the respect of foreign trade subject , the system of foreign trade license , the protection of domestic market by applying tariff and the provisions of securing measures .

  6. 市场分割下中国加工贸易出口主体分化问题研究

    A Study on China 's Polarization of Processing Exporters in a Segment Market

  7. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈及其对策

    International Trade Contract Subject Fraud and Countermeasures

  8. 第二,外资企业成为我国加工贸易的主体。

    The second point is that foreign-funded enterprises have become major players in the processing trade .

  9. 企业是承担市场经济运作的单位实体,也是开展国际贸易的主体。

    Enterprises are the unit entity supporting market economic operation and the principal part engaging in international trade .

  10. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈的对策主要有资信调查和主体法律性质的审查。

    Countermeasures of international trade contract subject fraud mainly are : investigation of credentials and inspection of law subject nature .

  11. 目前国际贸易的主体逐渐由传统的散货运输演变为集装箱运输,集装箱运输量持续高速增长。

    At present the international trade main body is gradually changed from the traditional bulk cargo transportation to the container traffic ;

  12. 从事民间贸易的主体是以个人身份参与的,不代表官方行为。

    Engaged in the main body of non-governmental trade personal identity is based on participation , does not represent an official act .

  13. 从文化贸易的主体来看,大型跨国媒介集团垄断着当代国际文化贸易市场;

    From the perspective of trade sub - ject , the contemporary international cultural markets are monopolized by the large-scale media corpora - tions ;

  14. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈形式主要有虚构合同主体欺诈形式、变更合同主体欺诈形式、有限责任欺诈形式。

    The main forms of international trade contract subject fraud are : fabricating contract subject fraud , changing contract subject fraud and restricting responsibility fraud .

  15. 然后在此基础上论述了图书版权贸易的主体和客体、进行图书版权贸易应遵循的基本原则、以及图书版权贸易的形式和图书版权贸易的法律保护。

    Then in the light of these basic concepts , it elaborates the body and the object , the basic principle , the forms and the legal protection of the books copyright trade .

  16. 近代甘宁青的回族商人正是借助于这种社会关系网,将自身网络化,进而把以羊毛贸易为主体的商业活动嵌入到他们的社会关系之中。

    With this social network , the merchants of the Hui nationality in modern times set themselves in it ; therefore their trade activities with the wool trade as the main content are embedded into their social networks .

  17. 由于全球贸易的主体为商品贸易,而商品生产的可变度大于服务,同时由于进口消费品通常是支出削减的第一项,因此贸易的波动性倾向于超过整体经济。

    Because it is dominated by goods , production of which is more variable than services , and because imported consumer goods are often the first item of expenditure to be cut , trade tends to be more volatile than the overall economy .

  18. 同时,跨国公司的崛起也改变了过去以国际贸易为主体的国际经济关系,使生产和市场都实现了真正意义上的全球化。

    At the same time , the rise of the multinational companies has changed the international economic relations in which the international trade was the main body in the past , and it made production and market realize the true sense of globalization .

  19. 通过这三大贸易参与主体的协同创新实现浙江外贸的快速转型升级,而这需要它们各自把握好自身的创新重点,与此同时,还应该建立起完善的三位一体协同创新机制。

    Participants in the through three major collaborative innovation to achieve rapid transformation and upgrading of foreign trade in Zhejiang , which requires a good grasp of their own respective key innovation at the same time , it should establish a sound " trinity " of collaborative innovation mechanism .

  20. 我国出口商品频受反倾销的威胁,而在WTO框架下,解决国际贸易争端的主体只能是非官方的行业协会。

    In recent years , our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping , meanwhile , in the frame of WTO , the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .

  21. 中美贸易具有贸易主体是外商投资企业、主要贸易产品是工业制成品、加工贸易是主要贸易方式的特点。

    The trading relationship between Sino-US has the characteristics that the trading subject is foreign investment enterprises , the main products are manufactured goods and the main trading method is processing trading .

  22. 此模型主要由生产活动和要素市场、商品市场和国际贸易、经济主体行为与最终需求以及宏观均衡与闭合规则等四个部分组成。

    This model is composed of four parts , including the production activities and factor markets , commodity markets and international trade , the behavior of economic entities and final demand and the macroeconomic equilibrium and closed rules .

  23. 中国的外销瓷作为东方对西方世界贸易交流的主体,其悠久的制造历史、美观实用而又耐用的特质博得了世界的赞赏、商人的注目和收藏家的青睐。

    As the main commodity in the trade exchange from the orient to the west , the Chinese export porcelain has gained the attraction and favor from the merchants and collectors all over the world due to its long history , graceful appearance , practical utility and durability .

  24. 变国家优势为企业优势&论国际贸易中企业的主体地位及其重要性

    Changing the National Superiority to Enterprise 's Preponderance & on the Principal part of Enterprise and It 's importance

  25. 在国际贸易中,经济主体之间的相互作用内生地决定了国际分工的演化过程,而国际分工的演化过程又会对经济主体的行为产生深刻影响。

    As far as international trade is concerned , interactions among economic agents internally determine the evolution process of international specialization ;

  26. 国际商务谈判是指在国际经济贸易交往中不同主体之间就商务上的有关事务所进行的磋商、会谈。

    Intercultural business negotiation refers to consultation and talks between different main bodies about related business affairs during international economic and trading communications .

  27. 古典国际贸易理论假定贸易主体内部均质且协整,在简化了分析的同时,与现实的差距越走越远。

    Classic trade theory treats countries as homogeneous and integrative ones , which goes far away from the reality when it predigest the analyze process .

  28. 本文介绍了动物福利的基本情况,利用博弈论分析了畜产品贸易中各利益主体的价值取向,并提出了应对措施。

    This paper introduced the basic situation of the animal welfare , and utilized the game theory to analyze the value orientation of all interests subjects in the livestock product trade , and then gave some suggestions .

  29. 不仅体现在总量的增加,还包括加工贸易产品结构、贸易主体等方面。

    It not only reflectes in the total increasing but also the change of product structure , the principal sector of trade and so on .

  30. 管理贸易政策是各贸易主体参与国际分工中为追求最大化贸易利益而实施的政策。

    Trade management policy is adopted by a country in the pursuit of the present or potential maximum trading benefits when it participates in the international division of labor .