
  • 网络cargo cult
  1. 本地人信仰的是一种货物崇拜。

    The local faith tradition is a cargo cult .

  2. 在这个意义上,gata的工作可能令人联想到人类学家在太平洋岛屿上研究的货物崇拜:某种在造成可怕混乱的同时,带来模式和意义的东西。

    In that sense , the work of GATA might be seen as an echo of the cargo cults that anthropologists study in the Pacific Islands : something that offers pattern and meaning amid terrifying disorder .

  3. 一些古代宇航员理论支持者喜欢提及用来与当代作比较的一件事是所谓的货物崇拜。

    One thing some Ancient Astronaut theorists like to mention as a modern day comparison are the so-called Cargo Cults .

  4. 这一基本的戏剧情节影响了整个末日天启思想,从法国部落货物崇拜的基本理论到不明飞行物教派的信仰。

    This basic drama shapes all apocalyptic thought , from the tenets of tribal cargo cults to the beliefs of UFO sects .