
  • 网络To tell the truth;Words From My Heart
  1. 现在就其歌词的翻译评论一下。说句心里话,我也想家。

    Say a word in heart , I think my home too .

  2. 人生本无缘,相见易更难,说句心里话,谁不爱钱啊!

    For the life , to meet more difficult and say a word in heart , who doesn 't love money !

  3. 查尔,我知道这段日子我欠你很多钱。但是,说句心里话,给我一点时间,因为我真的现在没有。

    Charlie , I know I 've owed you the hundred bucks for a long time . But , have a heart : give me a little more time because I really don 't have it right now .

  4. 可怜的小东西,布鲁斯失声说。你也尝到了失败是什么滋味。说句心里话,我特想为自己放两天假,尝尝过周末的滋味。

    Poor thing ! cried Bruce , You , too , know what it is to fail . Tell you the truth , I really want to give myself a two days ' leave , just to see how it feels like to have a weekend .