
  • 网络ART TIME
  1. 作为艺术批评家,他在《艺术界》、《画刊》、《艺术时代》、《诗林》、《读书》等几十家刊物上发表评论及理论文章,并受邀参加各种学术论坛。

    As an art critic , he has published a great many reviews and articles on magazines and publications , such as Leap , Art Monthly , Art Time , Poetry Circle , Du Shu , etc.

  2. 20世纪70年代,西方绘画艺术在经历了风格各异的现代主义时期之后,进入了一个新的艺术时代即具有复归与反叛特征的后现代主义新绘画时期。

    In 1970 's , when painting of the western world passed through the period with different styles , it entered a new art time - new painting of postmodernism which has the character of coming back and rebellion . The new paintings started from the Germany in 1970 's.

  3. 新艺术时代:素描教学与传统架上绘画存在的价值

    On the Importance of Sketch and Traditional Board Painting Teaching in an Age of New-art

  4. 社会学的转向&公共艺术时代的艺术家

    Sociological Transition-Artist in Public Art Era

  5. 视听艺术时代,影视艺术作为相对于文学而言的新的艺术形式而倍受研究者的关注。

    Film and television as newer artistic forms compared with literature have been paid a good deal of attention by the research workers .

  6. 该文从生态环境和未来艺术时代的人居环境需要,论述了山水城市的理论概念。

    This article discusses the theoretical conception of Shan-Shui Cltyi ± from the demanding of natural enviroment and surroundings of inhabitant of age of art in the future .

  7. 从未有过一个艺术时代,象今日那样使我们目击所谓文化与真正艺术那么彼此疏远而且互相对立。

    There has never been another period in the history of art in which so-called culture and true art have been so estranged and opposed as we may observe them to be at present .

  8. 在以计算机为核心技术的数字技术-艺术时代,人声歌唱,器乐交响的传统音乐形式逐渐式微,代之而起的是人机一体化的技术-艺术创作。

    In the digital technology-art age , traditional musical form like " human voice singing and instrumental symphony " has gradually declined , and is replaced by a new form , namely , the technology-art which is the integration of human and machine .

  9. 在早已宣告的没有震撼的艺术时代里,如果邢罡的《冰山》能给我们这种警醒,就意味着艺术还有希望。

    In this art age , in which art has declared that there is no shock any more , if Xing Gang 's artwork " Iceberg " can make us pay attention to our behaviors , it shows that art is still hopeful .

  10. 开启了雕刻艺术划时代的历史意义。

    It has opened the carving art to epoch history significance .

  11. 浅谈雕塑艺术与时代的关系

    Talking about the relationship between Sculpture Art and Times

  12. 特色·艺术·时代·经济&也论大学校园环境建设的几个问题

    On Some Environmental Construction Problems in College Campus

  13. “隐形的翅膀”艺术展时代美术馆中国北京;

    " Invisible Wings " Art Exhibition , Times Art Museum , Beijing , China ;

  14. 究其根本原因是传统民间艺术的时代转型问题。

    The fundamental cause of the problem is the transformation of times on the folk arts .

  15. 论中国钢琴艺术的时代特征

    On the Piano Education of China

  16. 科学与艺术的时代

    The Times of Science and Art

  17. 乘着禅宗的双翼,中国古典美学进入了艺术心理学时代。

    Riding on Zen 's wings , the Chinese classical esthetics entered the artistic psychology age .

  18. 艺术是时代的产物,是对一个时代最直观的显现。

    Art is the product of the era , is to a time most intuitive revealed .

  19. 艺术是时代的产物,盛唐人物画呈现了当时的社会风貌,政治、经济、文化、宗教、礼制在其中均有所体现。

    Political , economic , cultural , religious , and ceremony are all embodied in the paintings .

  20. 艺术与时代的碰撞

    Collision ! Art with time

  21. 欧洲19世纪末象征主义艺术的时代背景与哲学渊源

    On Social Background and Philosophical Origin of Symbolic Art in Europe at the End of the 19th Century

  22. 在装饰艺术的时代,机柜采用圆滑线和豪华的浴室家具材料作为迷人的休息寓所。

    In the Art Deco era , cabinets featuring sleek lines and luxury materials furnished bathrooms as glamorous retreats .

  23. 在文学与时代的关系上,主张抓住艺术的时代,追求艺术的真实;

    In the relationship between the literature and the life , he advocates to hold the artistic time and pursue the art reality .

  24. 舞蹈艺术是时代文化的组成部分,对培养学生的社会认知和热爱生活,有着潜移默化的促进作用。

    The art of dance is an integral part of the contemporary culture , students of social awareness , love for life , with a subtle role .

  25. 在某种意义上,艺术是时代的折射,绘画艺术同样如此,不可能不受到当时时代背景的影响。

    In a sense , art is the reflection of the times , such as the case painting , which could not been affected by the background of that time .

  26. 本文依据出土墓葬的形制、随葬品的组合、陶院落的装饰艺术和时代特征等几个方面,对其年代进行了重新判定。

    According to the shape of the tomb , combination of burial articles , and decorative art and epochal character of the pottery , the article reconfirms the time of the pottery ware .

  27. 由此,在历史剧发展历程变与不变的关系中,本文提出界定历史剧的三个维度:历史、艺术、时代。

    Thus , in the relationship of " change " and " unchanged " of the development of historical play , this paper put forward three dimensions to define historical play , i.e. history , art and times .

  28. 目前中国当代都市题材水墨画的实践与探索还处于发展阶段,但其顺应了艺术随时代发展的要求,有着广阔的发展前景。

    Although the practice and exploration of urban theme of contemporary Chinese ink painting is still in the exploration stage of development , its response to the arts with the requirements of the times and has a broad development prospects .

  29. 中国古代军旅文学的艺术特点与时代价值

    The Artistic Characteristics and Contemporary Values of Chinese Ancient Military Literature

  30. 一切艺术都是时代与环境的产物。

    All arts are the result of times and surroundings .