- 网络Online journalists

Speaking to SciDev . Net , Nancy Terryn , of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries at Ghent University , Belgium , agreed with the report .
Net that he hopes to get more funding to extend the project , and says the World Federation of Science Journalists will support it " for the long run " .
Afterwards she spoke with CNN 's Candy Reeds .
Hernandez demonstrated some of the modern tools Web reporters could use to tell stories in a different way .
Net that he believes the outcome of his case could help to create a better working environment for China 's scientists .
" In a lot of countries that have experienced bird flu , the warning is a challenge ," a WHO spokesperson told SciDev .
Annie Correal is a reporter for " Feet in2 Worlds ," an immigration news project of the New School 's Center for New York City Affairs .
Ironically , the Internet , which empowers anyone with access to be a publisher , has nevertheless encouraged right-of-reply measures directed at bloggers and other digital journalists .
Wei was unavailable for an interview , but at a news conference in Chengdu on15 April he denied the accusation , saying it was caused by personal enmity .
When Britt wants to make an apple pie now Peter is awake enough to help in the kitchen instead of snoring on the couch , Alfonso VanMarsh , CNN .
But the group says about one hundred reporters and dissidents who use the internet remain in prison .
Internet communication and the adjustment of journalistic communication style
China Central Television : The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks .
But when the world 's biggest social network does talk to journalists , the briefings are always best when founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg goes off script .
But the journalists are a vital part of a neo-con network that formulated and sold the ideas that took the us to war in Iraq and that is now pressing for confrontation with Iran .
On Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalists ' Operations in Net Environment
The network will provide a forum for registers to exchange information and work together to establish best practice for clinical trial registration .
He also turned on Laurie Oakes , the network 's veteran political correspondent , who criticised Mr Latham 's hiring during a live-cross on Sunday .
Based on the development of " the forth media ", this paper introduces the requirements for internet journalists and discusses the differences between internet news gathering and other media 's news gathering .