
  • 网络Merit Pay;Performance-related pay;Pay for Performance;prp
  1. 美国中小学教师绩效工资改革及其对我国的启示

    Inspiration of Merit Pay Reform in American Public Schools

  2. 奖惩性与发展性教师评价在制定绩效工资方案中的应用

    The Application of Rewords and Penalties Evaluation & Developmental Evaluation Formulating Merit Pay Programs

  3. 教师们将竭力反对部长们在学校中实行绩效工资的计划。

    Teachers will fight Ministers ' plans to introduce performance-related pay in schools .

  4. 我是少数极力赞成绩效工资的人之一。

    I 'm one of the few that 's very pro performance-related pay .

  5. NS证券公司投资银行总部的绩效工资制度

    The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities

  6. 在推行绩效工资这一问题上,渣打韩国子公司的总经理RichardHill现在正与工会打得不可开交。

    The boss of Standard Chartered 's Korean subsidiary , Richard Hill , is locked in a battle with unionized workers over the introduction of performance-related pay .

  7. 同时进一步详细的制定了不同岗位的薪酬优化方案,绩效工资体系优化设计与FO烟花公司的福利优化设计。

    At the same time , further detailed should be set up , design the performance wage system optimization and FO fireworks company welfare optimum construction .

  8. 其次,利用Black-Scholes模型思想,得到能判定某一期绩效工资是否具有激励性的绩效工资激励性判定模型。

    And then , according to the Black-Scholes model , this dissertation obtains the incentive of performance pay decision model , which can judge whether a particular phase of performance pay is incentive or not .

  9. NS证券公司投资银行总部自2000年实行绩效工资制以来发生了一系列的变化。

    A series of changes have occurred in the investment banking headquarters of NS Securities Company since implementing the performance wage system in 2000 . On one hand , the company have attracted a lot of talents and activated the employee 's enthusiasm .

  10. 30年前,当我们仍在使用打字机、投资股市的家庭不足25%的时候,经济学家揣测,通过绩效工资(pay-for-performance)制度,员工将更加努力,并做出更好的决策。

    Thirty years ago , when we were still using typewriters and fewer than 25 per cent of households invested in the stock market , economists conjectured that employees would work harder and make better decisions under a pay-for-performance system .

  11. 实行义务教育阶段教师绩效工资制度。

    We implemented a performance-based pay system for compulsory education teachers .

  12. 年薪制由岗位工资和绩效工资组成,岗位工资按月发放;

    The annual payment system includes position salary and performance salary .

  13. 确定绩效工资,需要对工作表现做评估;

    Ascertaining pay related performance needs to assess job performance ;

  14. 认同经济学认为,绩效工资的做法昭示了不信任的存在。

    In identity economics , performance pay demonstrates bad faith .

  15. 实行一次结清绩效工资的薪酬制度,控制激励成本。

    Controlling incentive cost by carrying out reward system with non-installment salary .

  16. 医院临床科室绩效工资分配模式对科室绩效的影响研究

    Effect Study of Performance Salary Allocation Mode of Clinical Department in Hospital

  17. 构建激励型的高校岗位绩效工资制研究

    The Study on Construction of Incentive Position and Performance-based System

  18. 事业单位岗位绩效工资制度改革的思考

    A Consideration on Reform of Post-Performance-Wage System of Institutions

  19. 2009年1月1日起,我国义务教育学校开始实施绩效工资制度。

    China began to implement pay compulsory school system from January . 1 .

  20. 关于岗位绩效工资的探索与思考

    The Exploration and Thinking about Efficiency-related Wages of Post

  21. 不存在什么利益冲突,几乎不需要采取绩效工资制度。

    There is little conflict of interest and little need for performance pay .

  22. 浅析岗位技能工资与岗位绩效工资

    On Skill Related Pay and Performance Related Pay

  23. 调查显示,绩效工资的增长速度继续快于基本工资。

    The survey showed that performance-related pay continued to rise faster than basic salaries .

  24. 谈事业单位现行工资制度改革绩效工资;

    On the Reform of Wage System in Effect of Enterprise performance related pay ;

  25. 描述“账目公开管理”“劳动者认可”“绩效工资方案”“股票期权”。

    Describe open-book management and employee recognition , pay-for-performance , and stock option programs .

  26. 投资银行总部的绩效工资制已走到了一个十字路口。

    The performance wage system of the investment banking headquarters has come to a crossroad .

  27. 我国事业单位工资总量管理与绩效工资分配问题研究

    Study on the Issues Management of Total Wages and Performance Wages Distribution of Our Institutions

  28. 但由于各方面因素的制约,现行的岗位绩效工资制度并未真正达到这一目的。

    But the working performance wages cannot take real effect because of some restricting factors .

  29. 与高(?)绩效工资;

    And higher (?) performance related pay ;

  30. 从人力资源角度对绩效工资实施的博弈分析

    A game analysis on the management of the cost of human resources and merit pay