
  • 网络economic density
  1. 土地经济密度的区域差异特征及动态演变格局&基于长江三角洲地区的实证分析

    Regional Disparity and Dynamic Evolution of Land Economic Density & Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta Area

  2. 中国通过阻止其大城市达到香港或东京的经济密度来鼓励产业而不是服务。

    In favouring industry over services , China may have prevented its big cities achieving the economic density of a Hong Kong or Tokyo .

  3. 土地经济密度的定义及其理论依据。

    Land economic definition of the density and its theoretical basis .

  4. 就长株潭城市群整体而言,集聚效应对于土地利用效率的提高具有重要作用,城市规模和产业结构指标对土地经济密度的变动影响最大。

    The city scale and industrial structure has the greatest impact on land economic density , and cluster effect plays an important role in improving land use efficiency .

  5. 纵向岭谷区土地利用变化主要发生在海拔较低、坡度15°~25°之间、人口密度经济密度变化较大的地区。

    The land-use change in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region largely occurred in that area where lower contour , slope between 15 ~ 0 ~ 25 ~ 0 , population density and economy density obviously change .

  6. 然而,在城市经济密度高度发展、城市交通基础设施供给相对短缺的背景下,城市病现象普遍存在,诸如交通拥堵、环境污染等,城市发展受到阻滞。

    However , there is not adequate urban transport infrastructure matching high urban economic density . " Urban disease " is widespread , such as traffic congestion , environmental pollution , urban development has been blocked .

  7. 在假设暴雨重现期为50年的条件下,经济密度差异决定了水灾潜在危险区的空间格局,居民用地将成为水灾重度危险区;

    Under the condition that the heavy rain return period is 50 years , economic density differences decided the spatial pattern of potential flood risk area . Resident land will become the severe flood risk area ;

  8. 探讨了城市化率、建成区面积、城市经济密度与区域经济发展相互作用的特点与机制,在此基础上,提出了中国特大城市地域可持续发展的主要途径。

    At the same time , character and mechanism of interrelation between urbanization ration , non-agricultural population , acreage of built area and regional development is discussed . Base on above , the main way to get sustainable development of Chinese metropolitan area is given .

  9. 在经济密度较高,距京杭运河和黄河较远,距海岸线较近,年均温、河网密度和人均地区生产总值变化率较低的地方,城市扩展和耕地丧失的发生率较大。

    Urban expansion and farm loss happen more frequently where economic density is higher , distances to canal and yellow river are further , distance to coastal line is nearer , and annual average temperature , hydrological density and rate of change of Per Capita GDP are lower .

  10. 工业经济活动密度每增加1%,TFP增长率便下降0.6%,说明我国现阶段各城市因过度发展工业引起的产业结构失衡对全要素生产率带来了负面影响。

    If density of industry activity increases 1 % , TFP growth will decrease 0.6 % . This means industry of cities is unduly developed , and it begets a bad economy structure , adversely affecting productivity .

  11. 另一家研究公司——伍德麦肯兹公司(WoodMackenzie)的保罗??麦康奈尔(PaulMcConnell)已经指出,中国若想在2020年前实现其经济碳密度降低四成的承诺,该国的天然气需求量就将远远高于现有预期。

    Paul McConnell of Wood Mackenzie , another research firm , has argued that for China to meet a pledged 40 % reduction in the carbon intensity of its economy by 2020 would require a lot more gas than currently expected .

  12. 论工业企业架空导线的经济电流密度

    On economical current density for overhead line conductors in industrial enterprises

  13. 架空导线动态模式下经济电流密度取值

    Economical Current Density Study on Overhead Line Conductors under Dynamic Mode

  14. 导体的经济电流密度参数分析

    The Calculation Formula Research of Conductor ′ s Economic Current Density

  15. 基于经济电流密度和经济截面的电缆截面设计

    Choosing Cross-Section of Cable According to Economic Current Density and Economic Cross-Section

  16. 很重视对导体中的经济电流密度的评估。

    Much attention is paid on the economic current density in the conductor .

  17. 母线的经济电流密度

    On the economic current density of aluminum busbars

  18. 中低压铜芯电缆经济电流密度的更新与分析

    Update and analysis of economic current density for medium and low voltage copper cables

  19. 而经济活动密度主要通过影响前沿技术进步从而对全要素生产率增长产生影响。

    The density of economic activity affects TFP growth mainly through frontier technical change .

  20. 导线经济电流密度探讨

    An Investigation of Wire 's Economy Density

  21. 确定铝母线经济电流密度的原则及方法

    Principles and Methods for Calculation of Economic Current Density in Favor of Aluminum Bar Design

  22. 对经济电流密度的探讨

    The Inquiry into Economical Current Density

  23. 此外,还建议国家有关部门定期或不定期分类推荐电缆经济电流密度值。

    It is also suggested that the departments concerned in China recommend classified economic current density values of cables periodically or aperiodically .

  24. 航空公司联盟通过利用规模经济、密度经济和范围经济使伙伴航空公司单位运输成本得以降低。

    Airline alliance can lower the unit transportation cost of its affiliated companies through scale economy , scope economy and density economy .

  25. 在直流输电线路工程设计中,如果按我国现行标准规定的经济电流密度选择导线截面,将导致截面偏小,损耗增大。

    In DC transmission line construction design , current national standard of economical current density will under predictcd conductor section , resulting in large loss .

  26. 本章使用中国地级区域的面板数据对经济活动密度、市场潜能与非农劳动生产率之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    In this chapter , basing on a prefecture panel data , we explore the nexus among the economic geography factors ( such as market potential , people density , etc ) and the non-farm labor productivity through a dynamic panel data approach .

  27. 导体的经济电流密度是选择导体的条件之一,比较发热、电压降等选择条件更注重于经济性,由于它是经济技术的接合部,所以涉及到的参数和计算较为复杂。

    Conductor ′ s economic current density is one way to choice conductor ′ s section , who focus on economical , it is very complex to calculate and confirm the parameters because the economic current density is the copulate of technology and economy .

  28. 本文把铝母线经济电流密度的各种计算方法按其计算原则归纳为三大类,即成本最低法、投资回收期最短法和计算费用最低法。

    In this article , the methods to be used for calculation of economic current density in favor of aluminum bar design are classified into three categories , namely , the minimum cost method , the minimum capital recovery time method , and the minimum expense method .

  29. 经济系数&密度方程呈指数下降型。

    Economic coefficient & density , exponential decay curve .

  30. 主要研究结果如下:(1)英国红芸豆的经济产量-密度方程呈抛物线型;

    Major findings are as follows : ( 1 ) . Economic yield-density relation presented parabola equation ;