
  • 网络Current account
  1. 1985年日本成为世界第一贸易和经常收支黑字大国以及最大的债权国,而美国成为世界最大的债务国。

    Japan became the biggest creditor both in trade and current account in the world in 1985 , while the USA was the largest debtor .

  2. 二战后,日本经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,以巨额的贸易收支、经常收支黑字为后盾,日本先后成为世界上最大的资本输出国和海外债权大国,并成为仅次于美国的第二经济大国。

    After the Second World War , Japanese economy made great development . On the basis of the surplus in trade account and current account , Japan became the biggest Capital outflow country and abroad mortgage country , also the second economic country lagging behind America .

  3. 家庭和非营利机构经常收支

    Current income and outlay of households and nonprofit institutions

  4. 国际环境方面,我国与美国贸易摩擦日益抬头,当前世界经济面临经常收支失衡状况,要求中国在世界经济中承担更多义务的国际压力不断增强。

    International environment , China and America trade friction is rising , the current world economy faces often payment imbalances , requirements of China in the world economy to assume more obligations and international pressure increasing .

  5. FDI对我国经常项目收支影响基于19822006年数据的实证研究

    The Impact of FDI on China 's Current Account in the Balance of Payments : An Empirical Analysis from 1982 to 2006

  6. 这就会造成一个虚假的经常账户收支平衡。

    This may create a deceptive checking account balance .

  7. 汇率的确重要,即便它们不会改变整体的经常账户收支情况。

    Exchange rates do matter even though they do not alter overall current account balances .

  8. 我国经常项目收支的演变趋势、结构分解及其原因与对策分析

    Analysis on The Evolution Trend and Structure Decomposition of China ′ s Current Balance and Its Cause and Countermeasures

  9. 近些年来,经常账户收支的不平衡已经成为世界经济运行中较为突出的问题。

    In the last few years , the global current account unbalance has become the prominent problems in the world economic .

  10. 其它国家则将经常项目收支顺差和私人资本流入转换成官方资本外流,从而将汇率保持在低位,从而提高竞争力。

    Others were recycling current account surpluses and private capital inflows into official capital outflows , keeping exchange rates down and competitiveness up .

  11. 一个操纵实际汇率的国家影响的是其进出口的国际构成情况、而非总体经常账户收支情况。

    A country that manipulates its real exchange rate influences the international composition of its imports and exports but not its total current account balance .

  12. 该模式因最近油价的变动,以及随后石油输出国经常项目收支顺差激增,而得到进一步巩固。

    It was further entrenched by the recent jumps in the oil price and the consequent explosion in the current account surpluses of oil exporting countries .

  13. 文章还对文的结论进行分析,得出在不同初始条件下,实现经常项目收支逆转或国外净资产逆转的政策选择。

    Through analyzing the conclusions of the article '11 , the article derives policy selections to realize the reversal of the two accounts under different preliminary conditions .

  14. 美国、英国、西班牙和澳大利亚四个国家的房地产市场都存在泡沫吸收了世界经常项目收支顺差的63%。

    The US , UK , Spain and Australia – four countries with housing bubbles – absorbed 63 per cent of the world 's current account surpluses .

  15. 拉加德敦促道,面临上述双重威胁,新兴市场政府应实施经济改革以提振增长,改善经常账户收支状况,并逐步放开金融市场。

    Facing these twin threats , Ms Lagarde urged emerging market governments to enact economic reforms to raise growth , improve their current account positions and gradually liberalise financial ­ markets .

  16. 得出了保持经常项目收支平衡和国外净资产平衡的临界条件,以及实现经常项目收支逆转和国外净资产逆转(顺差逆差,或逆差顺差)的经济稳定增长条件。

    The article concludes the critical conditions to keep the balance of the Current Account and the Capital Account as well as the steady growth conditions to realize the reversal of the two Accounts .

  17. 这仅仅是指经常项目的收支盈余和赤字。

    This simply refers to current balance of payments surpluses and deficits .

  18. 国际评级机构在评估此因素时,主要眼于财政收支,特别是经常帐目的收支前景。

    In making their assessments , international rating agencies mainly focus on the outlook for revenue and expenditure , especially in the recurrent account .

  19. 经常查阅银行收支清单。如果您使用信用卡付款,一旦您发现欺诈性的行为,大多数的银行会提供额外的保险。

    Always check your bank statements and if you do find any fraudulent activity , most banks do provide extra protection if you 've paid by credit card .

  20. 其中,内部均衡的目标是高经济增长和低失业率,外部均衡的目标是国际收支总体平衡,尤其是经常项目的收支平衡。

    The target of inner equilibrium can be measured by high economic growth rate and low rate of unemployment . The target of outer equilibrium is the balance of international payment , especially the current account balance .

  21. 经济学的经常帐户是国际收支的两大组成部分之一,另外一个是资本帐户。

    In economics , the current account is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments , the other being the capital account .