
jìng dù
  • Racing;boat race;swimming race
竞渡 [jìng dù]
  • (1) [boat race]∶竞相渡过,指划船比赛

  • 百舸竞渡

  • (2) [swimming race]∶渡过江湖等水面的游泳比赛

  • 游泳健儿竞渡长江

竞渡[jìng dù]
  1. 龙舟竞渡是中华民族传统体育项目之一。

    Dragon boat race is one of the traditional Chinese sports .

  2. 龙舟竞渡的发展及特点探析

    A Trial Analysis of the Development and Characteristics of Dragon Boat Race

  3. 苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析

    Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality

  4. 其实,“龙舟竞渡”早在战国时代就有了。

    Actually ," Dragon Boat Festival " early in the warring states period .

  5. 千帆竞渡下的我国工程机械租赁市场

    Fierce Competition in Chinese Rental Market of Construction Machinery

  6. 体育人类学田野工作运用实践&苗族独木龙舟竞渡调查方法例证

    Practical Research of Sports Anthropology Fieldwork & For Example of Miao Minority Canoe Dragon Race

  7. 比较我国汉、苗、傣族龙舟竞渡文化之异同

    Comparison of Dragon-boat Race Culture among Nationalities of Han , Miao and Dai in China

  8. 湖南龙舟竞渡

    Dragon - boat race in Hunan Province

  9. 龙舟竞渡,历来是深受各地民众喜爱的节日活动。

    The Dragon-boat race is always a popular festival event in all parts of China .

  10. 竞渡比赛优化模型

    Optimal model of the swimming race

  11. 洞庭湖是著名的中华文化作为原产地的龙舟竞渡。

    Dongting Lake is famous in Chinese culture as the place of origin of Dragon boat racing .

  12. 河面上群龙竞渡,水花四起,炮仗烟雾迷漫,十分壮观。

    Many dragon boat in river boat races , water everywhere , firecracker smoke hazy , very spectacular .

  13. 沅陵龙舟竞渡是为了祭祀苗族先祖盘瓠,它远远早于祭祀屈原的龙舟竞渡。

    The Yuanling dragon boat race was for sacrificial purpose to Pan Hu-the ancestor of Miao minority group .

  14. 我国园林苗圃及苗木种类网上调查初报苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析

    Web Investigation of Nursery Stock Production in China ; Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality

  15. 因此,将中国传统龙舟竞渡的故乡定于沅陵是可信的。

    Therefore , it is reasonable to regard Yuanling as the hometown of the traditional Chinese dragon boat race .

  16. 在竞渡前,举行了既保存传统仪式又注入新的现代因素的“龙头祭”。

    In JingDu before , held both save traditional ritual and inject new modern factors " leading offering " .

  17. 在长达一周的节日期间,人们郊游踏青、竞渡、荡秋千、赐新火,充分享受节日的娱乐。

    People went out for spring hiking , boat race , swing and having new fire to enjoy all kinds festival revels .

  18. 吴越龙舟竞渡文化的一个视角&温州龙舟文化的历史演进

    Perspective of Dragon Boat Race Culture in the Area of WU-YUE : A Study on the History of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture

  19. 龙舟竞渡是一项集健身、娱乐、竞技于一体的,具有浓郁民族特色的群众性体育活动。

    Dragon boat racing is a collection of items fitness , entertainment , athletic body , a rich country features many sports .

  20. 在民俗文化领域,我国民众把端午节的龙舟竞渡和吃粽子都与屈原联系起来。

    At the field of folk culture , our people put the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings with Quyuan link .

  21. 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿扬夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞渡得天独厚。

    Famous for its " tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation , " Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for its Dragon-Boat Festival .

  22. 灰木相思离体培养及苗期抗寒性评价苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析

    Studies on the Culture in Vitro and Sterile Seedling Estimating Cold-resistance of Acacia Implex ; Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality

  23. 在这个节日中国人吃粽子,而兴奋的是有龙舟竞渡,因此此节日有英文名称。

    On this festival Chinese people prepare and eat zongzi , and the excitement is provided by dragon boat racing - hence the English name for the holiday .

  24. 竞渡中的巫风与其他习俗源于夏、周时代,屈原为代表的楚辞作家,正是继承与发扬了夏、周文化。

    The article also investigates the witchcraft originating Xia dynasty in the dragon boat contests and the writers studying Quyuan , which inherits and develops the culture of Xia Dynasty .

  25. 而龙舟竞渡从审美价值类型上来说对应的则是壮美。最后一部分主要是介绍端午节审美文化的传播。

    And Dragon Boat Festival from aesthetic value types is " the sublime pose " . The last part is to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival aesthetic and cultural transmission .

  26. 龙舟,全称龙舟竞渡,俗称赛龙船、划龙船,是我国民族传统体育活动中一项既能娱乐强身,又能弘扬爱国主义和团队精神的水上体育项目。

    Dragon boat , popular saying dragon boat race , is one of traditional sports , which not only is recreation , but also can foster patriotism spirit and team spirit .

  27. 它是一种轻竞渡、重表演,同时汇聚器乐、声乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈、杂技等众多的民间表演艺术。

    It is a light boat races , re-perform , while pool instrumental music , vocal music , drama , opera , dance , acrobatics and many other folk performing arts .

  28. 因为网络还处于发展的最初阶段,对网站的开发设计是没有很多限制的,作为一个自由发挥的空间,千帆竞渡,百戈争流。

    At the early stage of the growth of the net , without any restrictions to this development and design , net station can compete with each other as a free space .

  29. 现代社会的龙舟竞渡,在保留了其原始的娱乐性和民俗信仰的同时,增加了竞技成分,由民间习俗变成了一种竞技体育运动。

    Dragon boat racing in modern society , while retaining its original entertainment and faith when folks used to increase the competitive element , turning a competitive sports from the folk culture .

  30. 数十名船员握桨坐在两侧,鼓手在船头,竞渡时,船手随鼓声的节奏齐力划桨。

    When the bow , rowing , and drum rhythms mixed with the force of the oars , the crew , dozens of crew on both sides , paddle master drummer to sit .