
kē wēi tè
  • Kuwait
科威特[kē wēi tè]
  1. 这场大火使科威特的石油产业陷入悲惨的境地。

    The fire left Kuwait 's oil industry in a sorry state

  2. 战争以对巴格达和科威特的夜间空袭开始。

    The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait .

  3. 爱国歌曲长期以来一直是科威特生活的一个特色。

    Patriotic songs have long been a feature of Kuwaiti life

  4. 科威特有很多宽阔的高速公路是阿特金斯集团设计建造的。

    Many of Kuwait 's spacious freeways were engineered by W S Atkins .

  5. 只有其在科威特的家族史可以追溯到1920年以前的人才能获国籍。

    Only people who can trace their family history in Kuwait back before 1920 are entitled to citizenship .

  6. 但在那之前,当局并没有特别注意,因为高层官员们都一门心思扑在科威特上。

    But by then the administration wasn 't paying attention , for top officials were fixated on Kuwait .

  7. 重建科威特的合同利润丰厚,对于他们有望分得的那一杯羹,美国各公司都垂涎欲滴。

    American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way .

  8. 科威特蕴藏着丰富的石油资源。

    Kuwait is rich in oil resources .

  9. 她走向一名科威特妇女,希望得到解释。

    She approached one of the Kuwaiti women for an explanation .

  10. 那名科威特妇女回答道:“是地雷。”

    The Kuwaiti woman replied , " Land mines " .

  11. 最近芭芭拉又来到科威特,她发现,现在男人都走在妻子后面几码远的地方。

    Recently , Barbara returned to Kuwait and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives .

  12. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在内的几家个人投资者已向这家保险公司发起诉讼,他们可能会选择继续自行诉讼。

    A handful of individual investors , including the Kuwait Investment Authority , have sued the insurer and may choose to pursue their separate litigation .

  13. 阿斯顿马丁近期被福特汽车(fordmotor)出售给了一间由科威特领导的私人财团,它通过网上商店销售一系列贴牌服装和其它配件。

    Aston Martin recently sold by Ford Motor to a kuwaiti-led private consortium sells a range of branded clothing and other accessories through its online store .

  14. 不过,GE去年在科威特、安哥拉、阿尔及利亚和尼日利亚创下了逾1亿美元的营收。

    Nonetheless , last year GE did business in excess of $ 100m in revenues in Kuwait , Angola , Algeria and Nigeria .

  15. 人均GDP最高的国家依次是卢森堡、卡塔尔、挪威、文莱和科威特,而这些国家都是些小国。

    The nations with the highest GDP per capita are Luxembourg , Qatar , Norway , Burnei Darussalam and Kuwait , all of which are tiny economies .

  16. 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。

    The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .

  17. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  18. 这些知情人士表示,如果美林决定推进那宗交易,其所持贝莱德股权的一部分可能会被科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)收购。

    If Merrill Lynch had gone through with the deal , some of its BlackRock shares were likely to have been purchased by Kuwait Investment Authority , these people said .

  19. 据国际肥胖研究学会(InternationalAssociationoftheStudyofObesity)统计,在科威特,近一半成年女性属于肥胖,沙特和卡塔尔肥胖女性比例分别为44%和45%。

    In Kuwait , almost half of adult women are considered obese , while 44 % of Saudi women and 45 % of Qatari women meet the criteria , according to the International Association of the Study of Obesity .

  20. 据估计,科威特主权基金的规模为2000亿美元,卡塔尔为600亿美元,而阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)则在5000亿美元至8500亿美元之间。

    Kuwait 's sovereign fund is estimated at $ 200bn , Qatar 's $ 60bn , and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $ 500bn to $ 850bn .

  21. 阿拉伯世界的资金进军中国首次公开发行(IPO)&科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)去年购买了中国工商银行(ICBC)7.2亿美元的股份。

    Arab money has gone into Chinese initial public offerings – the Kuwait Investment Authority bought $ 720m of shares in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China last year .

  22. 以科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)为例,虽然该机构寻求每10年能让资金翻一番,但私人股本公司会将此视为一个相对谨慎的目标。

    Whereas the Kuwait Investment Authority ( KIA ) , for example , seeks to double its money every 10 years , private equity firms would regard that as a relatively modest target .

  23. 在中国和美国,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)负责人巴达尔•阿尔•萨阿德(Baderal-Sa'ad)已与中投公司高层官员频繁会晤。

    Bader Al-Sa'ad , head of the Kuwait Investment Authority , has met frequently with senior officials at CIC , both in China and in the US .

  24. PY型花园住宅,科威特

    Housing Type PY , Kuweit

  25. 中国工商银行(ICBC)2006年上市时,科威特投资局就持有该银行的股份。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority took a stake in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China when the Chinese bank went public in 2006 .

  26. 据悉,HP沙司在伊拉克不能直接进口,但在其他中东国家,如科威特、阿曼、阿联酋等地都能买到。

    Although HP sauce is not exported to Iraq directly , it can be found in a number of Middle Eastern countries , including Kuwait , Oman , and the United Arab Emirates .

  27. 科威特代表AhmedKhaledal-Kulaib在利比亚代表发言时保持沉默。

    Kuwaiti representative Ahmed Khaled al-Kulaib sat through the Libyan speech in silence .

  28. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)和卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)在内的主权财富基金可能将提供总计30亿美元的资金,但任何一家基金的持股比例都不超过4.9%。

    Sovereign wealth funds , including the Kuwait Investment Authority and the Qatar Investment Authority , would likely contribute close to $ 3bn in aggregate , with no one fund taking a stake larger than 4.9 per cent .

  29. 在主权财富基金数量相对较少时,如新加坡的淡马锡控股(TemasekHoldings)和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)等,它们给全球金融体系和市场化跨境投资带来的挑战相对较小。

    When relatively few SWFs existed , such as Singapore 's Temasek Holdings or the Kuwait Investment Authority , the challenge they posed to the global financial system and to market-based cross-border investment was small .

  30. 美国宣布将释放战略石油储备(StrategicPetroleumReserve),进行1990年伊拉克入侵科威特以来首次石油试销,此举突显美国有能力应对乌克兰危机引发的任何能源市场动荡。

    The US has announced the first test sale of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 , in a move that underlines its ability to respond to any energy market turmoil as a result of the Ukrainian crisis .