
Reuters reported that Cheung Kong is also in talks to buy aircraft being sold by private equity firms including Terra Firma-owned lessor AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd , in an even bigger deal worth about $ 5 billion .
How this holiday season turns out will certainly move the market-as well as determining whether shareholders approve the $ 3 billion sale announced on November 23rd of J. crew , a clothing chain , to a group of private-equity firms .
Private-equity firms have become keen on retailers with strong brands because the recession has forced weaker ones out of business , leaving more space for the survivors .
The review showed that big banks had the highest proportion of women in leading positions , while hedge funds and private equity funds trailed at the bottom .
Sihuan , whose founders are former military doctors , is part-owned by Morgan Stanley private equity funds .
Private equity fund IDG owns 10.39 per cent of the company ;
A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .