
  • 网络crown jewel
  1. 没有关于皇冠宝石的指数,但是,实际金价(以英镑计)已经增长超过一倍。

    There is no index of crown jewels , but the sterling gold price has more than doubled in real terms .

  2. 长久以来,这里一直是捷克历代国王、神圣罗马帝国皇帝、捷克斯洛伐克以及捷克共和国总统们的办公所在地,捷克皇冠宝石也被收藏于此。

    The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here , and it was the place where the Czech kings , Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices .

  3. 就在湖的左边我看到了昆士城,这座城市是瓦卡蒂普湖上的皇冠宝石,也是我们公路游的起点。

    Off to the right I can see Queenstown , the crown jewel of Lake Wakatipu and the beginning of our road trip .

  4. 直到在去年卖给杰夫o贝佐斯之前,《华盛顿邮报》(WashingtonPost)一直是格雷厄姆控股公司皇冠上的宝石。

    Until its sale to Jeff Bezos last year , the Washington Post was Graham Holdings ' crown jewel .

  5. AIA是这家保险集团皇冠上的宝石,通过发行有望筹资50亿至100亿美元,确切数字将取决于发行的股份。

    AIA is one of the insurer 's crown jewels and is expected to raise between $ 5bn - $ 10bn depending on the precise stake sold .

  6. 他们称之为勿需营销:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it denial marketing : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  7. 他们称之为“勿需营销”:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it " denial marketing " : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  8. 他回答:“女王陛下,它们肯定还在,管理员取走皇冠上的宝石,把它们包裹起来,放在BathOliver盒子中,然后藏起来。非常的机智。”

    He replied : ' They were definitely , Ma'am . The librarian gouged the stones out of the crown jewels and wrapped them and put them into a jar and put them into a Bath Oliver tin and hid them . Brilliant . '

  9. 虽然真正的“皇冠上的宝石”是那枚光之山钻石(Koh-I-Noor),但是女王的投资组合中最耀眼的宝贝是皇家收藏的艺术品。

    The real jewel in the crown may be the Koh-i-Noor , but the shining light of the Queen 's portfolio is the royal art collection .

  10. 然而在投票时,它们支持了古德温对荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)的灾难性收购,即使信贷危机已经在冲击金融体系,而且荷兰银行已卖掉其在北美的皇冠上的宝石。

    Yet when it came to a vote , they backed him on the catastrophic bid for ABN Amro , even though the credit crunch was already crippling the financial system and ABN Amro had sold its North American crown jewels .

  11. 当时,潘科夫斯基是军情6局皇冠上的宝石。

    Penkovsky was , at the time , the jewel in mi6 's crown .

  12. 这些人造景观是埃及华贵的观光皇冠上的宝石。一个人造的安装在坏掉的或龋齿上的牙冠。

    The man made marvels are the jewel in Egypt 's rich sightseeing crown .

  13. 英格兰森林皇冠上的宝石

    Native ancient woodlands the forest crown jewels

  14. 拜仁一系列一流的球员,但皇冠上的宝石,仍然是法国人里贝里。

    Bayern have a whole array of class players but the jewel in the crown remains Frenchman Franck Ribery .

  15. 让这家公司实现增长就像是为日本工作,他表示,资生堂是日本的象征,是日本皇冠上的宝石。

    Get-ting growth into this company is like working for Japan , he says . Shiseido is a symbol of Japan , a crown jewel .

  16. 有旅游皇冠上的宝石美誉的会展旅游是国际上新兴的一种专项旅游形式。

    MICE Tourism is a new kind of traveling form which has good report of the gem in the tourism imperial crown in the international area .

  17. 会展旅游与普通的观光旅游相比,具有客人停留时间长、消费档次高、利润丰厚等特点,因此被称为旅游皇冠上的宝石。

    MICE tourism in comparison with the ordinary tourism has the characteristics of guests staying a longer time , higher consumption , and higher profit to the destination .

  18. 会展旅游是当前一种热门的旅游形式,因其巨大的经济效益和社会效益而被称为旅游皇冠上的宝石,具有良好的发展前景。

    MICE tourism , one of the hot tourism models , having great economic and social potentials and favorite development prospects , is called " gem on the imperial crown " .

  19. 然后乘上高铁,我们就到了这里—北京在中国的艺术中心“皇冠上的宝石”—国家大剧院进行了两场演奏会。

    Jumped on the high speed train and here we are in Beijing Two concerts in the ' crown jewel ' of arts centres in China - the NCPA ( Which is National Centre for the Performing Arts ) Track Two

  20. 《皇冠上的宝石》和《故园风雨后》的时代,完美、忠诚、投巨资的文学改编体现着电视台的严谨,格拉纳达电视台打造的夏洛克·福尔摩斯也是这样。

    This is the era of " Jewel in the Crown " and " Brideshead Revisited " and those immaculate , faithful , expensive literary adaptations that prove the seriousness of television , and this is what you get with the Granada Adventures of Sherlock Holmes .