
  • 网络Deductive database;DDB
  1. 基于PROLOG和INGRES的演绎数据库系统的研制

    Investigation of a Deductive Database System Based on the PROLOG and INGRES

  2. 从证明论(ProofTheory)的观点看,演绎数据库构成了一种特殊的一阶理论,并被分为确定(Definite)和不确定(Indefinite)两种形式。

    From a proof-theoretic viewpoint , a deductive database forms a special first-order theory . There are two different types of deductive databases , namely definite and indefinite [ 1 ] .

  3. 不确定演绎数据库向PROLOG数据库的映射:问题和方法

    Mapping an indefinite deductive database into a prolog database : problems and methods

  4. 一个基于FOXBASE的演绎数据库系统

    A FoxBASE Based Deductive Data Base System

  5. 非Horn子句(non-HornClauses)的存在使不确定演绎数据库向PROLOG数据库的映射复杂化。

    However , the addition of non-Horn clauses makes it difficult to map an indefinite deductive database into a PROLOG database .

  6. 在分析演绎数据库实现技术的基础上,重点介绍设计并实现的基于Foxbase的演绎数据库系统的系统结构及实现机制。

    In this paper , design and implemention of FoxBASE based deductive database introduced mainly in base of analysis deductive database implemention technique .

  7. 二级演绎数据库系统是一种结合一般数据库系统与PROLOG系统特点的演绎数据库系统,它分为数据库级和推理级两个不同的层次。

    Two-level deductive database system is the amalgamation of conventional database and PROLOG system , which is divided into two levels : database level and inference level .

  8. 在演绎数据库系统中,一般将完整性约束条件和IDB规则分别表示和存储。

    In previous deductive database systems , generally , integrity constraints and IDB rules are denoted and memo-rized respectively .

  9. 文中还叙述了演绎数据库系统在DUAL-68000微型机上的实现过程。

    The deductive database system has been basically implemented on DUAL-68000 microcomputers .

  10. DRDB演绎数据库系统的实现

    Implementation of a Deductive Database System DRDB

  11. 演绎数据库(DDB)和面向对象数据库(OODB)自80年代以来,它们分别沿着不同的道路独立地发展,在各自领域的理论、技术及系统等方面都取得了许多成果。

    Deductive Database ( DDB ) and Object_Oriented Database ( OODB ), since 80 's , develop along the different road independently , and they obtained many results in realm of the theories , technique and system etc.

  12. 演绎数据库中完整性约束视图表示和生成算法

    View Denotation and Generative Algorithm of Integrity Constraints in Deductive Databases

  13. 演绎数据库系统G-DDBS/VMS的研制

    Research and development of the g-ddbs / vms deductive database system

  14. 确定型演绎数据库的查询求值6、定型;

    Query evaluation for definite deductive databases 6 , set .

  15. 另外文章还就演绎数据库对网管应用的适应性进行了分析。

    The essay also analyses the adaptivity of deductive database to NMS .

  16. 演绎数据库中语义查询的动态优化算法

    A Dynamic Optimization Algorithm of Semantic Query in Deductive Database

  17. 演绎数据库中处理递归查询的一种改进算法

    An Optimization Algorithm of Magic Set Dealing with Recursive Query in Deductive Database

  18. 根据本文提出的思想和方法,我们已经在386上实现了这样一个演绎数据库系统。

    It has been implemented on a 386 microcomputer .

  19. 时态演绎数据库&模型与查询语言

    Temporal Deductive Databese : The Model and Query Language

  20. 基于扩充关系模型的演绎数据库系统

    A deductive database system on relation - extended model

  21. 是该演绎数据库推理机制查询算法的一种实现。

    It is a implemention of deductive query algorithms .

  22. 进一步探寻演绎数据库和面向对象数据库的结合途径。

    Exploit further approach for the combination of deductive database and object-oriented database .

  23. 二级演绎数据库的关系元组搜索方法

    Searching Approach of Relational Tuples on Two-level Deductive Databases

  24. 演绎数据库线性递归查询的快速算法

    A quick algorithm for deductive database linear recursive query

  25. 演绎数据库中的语义查询优化方法

    Approach to semantic query optimization in deductive database

  26. 扩展演绎数据库技术

    The technique for extending deductive data base

  27. 完整性维护是演绎数据库管理中的重要组成部分。

    The rule integrity constraint is an importance constitute part of management in deductive database .

  28. 一个演绎数据库原型系统的底层实现

    Implementation of Deductive Database Prototype

  29. 本文将结合我们的研究成果,讨论知识表示、演绎数据库系统、专家系统的方法。

    This paper investigates the approaches of the knowledge presentation , deductive database system and expert system .

  30. 支持多种查询语言的演绎数据库系统

    Deductive database system with multi-query-language