
yóu yǒnɡ bǐ sài
  • swimming contest
  1. 海伦在游泳比赛中仍然获胜。

    As usual Helen won first prize in the swimming contest .

  2. 他们邀请我们参加游泳比赛。

    They challenge us to a swimming contest .

  3. 重感冒迫使她退出了游泳比赛。

    A bad cold forced him to withdraw from the swimming competition .

  4. 游泳比赛已经开始了。

    The swimming competition has started .

  5. 奥运会游泳比赛是如何分配泳道的?

    How are lanes assigned in Olympic swimming ?

  6. B你的意思是说你喜欢看游泳比赛?

    You mean , you like the races ?

  7. 自由泳(freestyle)比赛转身对成绩的影响,随距离的加长而增大,尤其是短池游泳比赛。

    The influence of turning in freestyle competitions on results is directly proportional to distance , especially in short pool competitions .

  8. 不那么主流运动的爱好者可以通过Oxygen频道收看花样游泳比赛,或从MSNBC频道常见的口舌之争转到其它形式的摔跤比赛。

    Fans of less mainstream sports could find synchronised swimming on Oxygen , or segue from the usual verbal tussles on MSNBC to other forms of wrestling .

  9. 我不想设定一个具体的数字。但是,那个小伙子是有史以来最伟大的运动员,即使他以后不参加游泳比赛,或赛跑,或者其他任何比赛,他都会和我们在一起。他现在拥有TigerWoodses一样的地位。

    I 'm not gonna put a number on that , but the guy will be with us as one of those historic all time great athletes regardless of the event he swam , or even ran , or anything , he is up there with the Tiger Woodses at this point right now .

  10. 我国少儿年龄组游泳比赛制安排的研究

    Research for the Group Age Swimming Competition System Arrangments of China

  11. 大伙儿在游泳比赛前欣赏了跳水表演。

    The crowd enjoyed a diving display before the swimming races .

  12. 你有游泳比赛的票吗?

    Have you got the ticket for the swimming events ?

  13. 游泳比赛现场技术监测与反馈方法初探

    A Feedback Technique of Examining the Race Components During the Swimming Competition

  14. 他以前曾代表学校参加拳击、跑步和游泳比赛。

    He used to box , run and swim for his school .

  15. 喂,那也有游泳比赛呀。

    Hey , manabu * There 's a swimming tournament , too .

  16. 在上届奥运会上,我们在游泳比赛中表现得很好。

    In the last Olympics , we did very well in swimming .

  17. 我和她是游泳比赛奖的竞争对手。

    She and I are rivals for the swimming prize .

  18. 自由泳竞赛者可以选择任何泳姿的游泳比赛。

    A swimming event in which the contestants may choose any stroke .

  19. 奥运场馆被建造起来用作进行游泳比赛和体操比赛。

    Olympic arenas have been built for swimming and gymnastics .

  20. 看,这是埃文游泳比赛时候的照片。

    Well , this is Evan at a swim meet .

  21. 你有没有看到200米蛙式游泳比赛?

    Did you see the 200 meters breaststroke swimming competition ?

  22. 如果裁判这次游泳比赛你将需要一块秒表。

    You 'll need a stopwatch if you judge this swim meet .

  23. 他年轻时常常代表他的祖国参加游泳比赛。

    He used to swim for his country when he was younger .

  24. 我最喜欢的游泳比赛开始了。

    Ladies and gentlemen , my favorite sport-swimming has begun .

  25. 所以你才没能去看达雷尔的游泳比赛。

    That 's why you had to miss Darrell 's swim meet .

  26. 你愿赞助珍妮参加下星期为癌症研究筹款举行的游泳比赛吗?

    Would you sponsor Jane in her swim for cancer research next week ?

  27. 我姐姐在今年的各项游泳比赛中均大获全胜。

    My sister swept the board this year in all the swimming competitions .

  28. 英国在游泳比赛中获得了银牌。

    Britain won a silver in the swimming competition .

  29. 有六个人参加游泳比赛。

    There were six contestants in the swimming race .

  30. 游泳比赛中游程分析研究现状

    Present Research Condition About Process Analysis of Swimming Game