- civil jural relations concerning foreign interests;civil legal relationship concerning foreign interests

The Principle of Autonomy of Will and The Principle of The Mast Significant Relationship are two of the mostly used principles in international conflict laws .
Legislation of our country should also stipulate the system of renvoi to resolve international and interregional conflicts of laws favorably , and to protect legal rights of parties of foreign related civil relationship .
The international tourism activity directly produce a kind of foreign connected civil legal relationship of the right and liability of the equal subjects-tourists , travel service suppliers , travel organizers from the different states and different legislative territories .
There are two methods to regulate foreign civil law relationship , one is the indirect approach of applying conflict norms as the applicable law , and the other is the direct way to adopt positive norms to establish the rights and obligations of the parties concerned .
Modification of the Traditional Theory on Foreign-related Civil , Economic Legal Relationship
Foreign-related marriage occupies a pivotal position in the foreign-related civil legal relations , the foreign divorce is a legal act of foreign-related marriage parties dissolution of marriage in accordance with the law .