
zhù cè zài xiān
  • priority of registration
  1. 域名注册与在先商标的争议,司法实践先于法律,司法判例尽管并不一致,但均对驰名商标以特别保护,其保护均体现出商标法上保护的痕迹。

    In settlement of the disputes between domain name registrations and prior trademarks , judicial practice prevails over statutes .

  2. 它们分别依法享有优先注册权,在先使用权及专有使用权。

    They enjoy by law the priority of registration , the prior right of use and exclusive right of use respectively .

  3. 论与注册商标有关的在先权利

    On Prior Rights Related to Registered Trademarks

  4. 这是商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外条款,其目的是对有一定影响的未注册商标进行保护。

    As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application , this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential .

  5. 由于1946年《兰哈姆法》规定的实际使用注册程序过于单一且在申请注册上要求商标在先实际使用,从而其在商标注册实践中导致了投资风险、内外有别以及制度冲突等一系列问题。

    Since the " practical use " of registration procedure is singleness and requires prior usage before applying for registration , Lanham Act results in investment risk , differential treatment , institutional conflict and so on in practice .

  6. 同时,在商标注册申请人、注册商标的范畴、注册商标的原则和注册商标的在先权利、注册商标的审查与核准程序、注册商标专用权的保护等方面,又存在着许多差异。

    In spite of the similarities , there are lots of differences in such aspects as the applicants and the category of trademarks , the principle and priority of trademark legislation , its examination and approving process as well as the protection of the exclusive right to use trademarks .