
fǎ yī xué
  • forensic medicine;legal medicine;medical jurisprudence
法医学[fǎ yī xué]
  1. PCR技术原理及在法医学中的应用

    Principle of PCR Technology and its Applications in Medical Jurisprudence

  2. 结论:3个STR基因座在本地有较高的遗传多态性,在法医学及人类遗传学方面有较好的应用价值。

    It is valuable in the application of medical jurisprudence and human genetics .

  3. 除罪案调查技巧外,学生们还要学习法医学、哲学和逻辑学。

    Apart from criminal investigation techniques , students learn forensic medicine , philosophy and logic .

  4. 在法医学领域,质量的最后仲裁者是法庭。

    In the forensicfield , the final arbiters of quality are the courts .

  5. 线粒体DNA测序分析及其法医学应用

    Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis and Its Application in Forensic Science

  6. 口腔粘膜脱落细胞DNA多态性分型检测在法医学应用的初步研究

    Primary study on forensic application of oral mucosa exfoliative cells DNA polymorphism

  7. CT检测35例小量脑出血的法医学鉴定分析

    Medical Jurisprudence Identification of CT Examining Tiny Bleeding of Brain

  8. D3S1358等7个DNA位点的荧光法在法医学中的应用

    Multiplex PCR fluorescent detection of DNA Loci and its application in forensic science

  9. DNA甲基化在法医学中的应用前景及其检测方法新进展

    Perspective of DNA Methylation in Forensic Genetics and New Progress of Its Detection Methods

  10. 河北汉族人群线粒体DNA遗传多态性研究及其法医学应用

    Studies of Genetic Polymorphism of mtDNA and Their Forensic Application in HeBei Han Population

  11. 目的了解微量DNA分型的法医学应用的可行性。

    Objective To understand the forensic practice of DNA profiling from minimal amount of DNA .

  12. 激光与PCR技术结合在法医学上的应用

    Combination of Laser and PCR and Its Application in Forensic Medicine

  13. 因此NF-κB表达水平的测定可能是一种法医学推断损伤时间有意义的方法。

    Thus NF - κ B expression of the determination may be a forensic inference injury time meaningful way .

  14. 多层螺旋CT诊断颅底骨折及其法医学应用价值

    Application of multi-planar spiral CT to the practice of appraising fractures of skull base in forensic medical examinations

  15. 正常人不同刺激野ERP及其法医学价值研究

    Study on different stimulative fields ERP in normal-vision subjects and its forensic value

  16. 多范式ERP智商推断方法及法医学应用

    Evaluation of Intelligence Quotient Using Multi-Paradigm ERP and Its Application in Forensic Identification

  17. 眼内窥镜检查视网膜在法医学中的应用价值医用内窥镜图像校正的BP神经网络方法

    Retinal Examination with Ophthalmic Endoscopy in Forensic Autopsy ; Distortion Correction of Medical Endoscopic Images Using BP Neural Network

  18. HLA及其在法医学上的应用

    The HLA antigens and its application in forensic medicine

  19. 线粒体DNA的PCR-RFLP分型法医学应用研究

    A study on genetic polymorphism of mtDNA by PCR-RFLP and applications in forensic practice

  20. 目的建立用非同位素标记探针杂交测定端粒DNA长度的方法,并探讨其法医学的应用价值。

    Objective To measure telomere length by hybridization with non - radio - isotopic - labeled probes and study its application in forensic medicine .

  21. HLA-A位点DNA分型及其法医学应用

    DNA typing of HLA-A locus and forensic application

  22. 视觉诱发电位(VisualEvokedPotential简称VEP)是一种客观评定视功能的方法,在法医学上应用VEP评定视功能具有特殊意义。

    Visual evoked potential . ( VEP ) is an objective method to determine visual function .

  23. 结论提示线粒体DNA控制区DNA序列多态性在法医学领域中具有较高的应用价值。

    Conclusion These results suggest that sequence polymorphism of mtDNA control region would be very useful in forensic practice as a marker for individual identification .

  24. 目的探讨在法医学鉴定中普通X线片难以确定的肋骨骨折,以CT技术加以显示的方法,并阐明肋骨骨折的力学原理。

    Objective To explore an approach of CT rendering and mechanical analysis for rib fracture that was inextricable on X-ray film in legal medical practice .

  25. 过敏性休克死亡豚鼠器官中IgE的表达及其法医学意义

    The Expression and Significance of IgE in Anaphylactic Shock Guinea-pigs

  26. 目的:以遗传群体为对象,观察线粒体DNA的群体遗传特点,为研究西北少数民族的起源提供科学依据,并为法医学鉴定提供线粒体DNA序列多态性的基础数据。

    AIM : To investigate the mitochondrial DNA sequence polymorphism in Chinese BAOAN ethnic group and to provide basic data for ethnic origin investigation and forensic purpose .

  27. DNA结构被阐明后,诞生一系列的DNA检验的技术并迅速在许多研究和应用领域发挥重要的作用,尤其在法医学领域具有重要意义。

    Along with the structure of DNA was elucidated , many DNA analysis technologies have exerted vital function in investigation and application realm , especially in legal medicine .

  28. 同步分型16个STR位点及法医学应用研究

    Simultaneous typing of 16 STR loci and its forensic applications

  29. 结论mtDNA(CA)n重复子多态性在河南汉族人群具有一定的法医学应用价值,尤其对于腐败肌肉及角化组织。

    Conclusion : The polymorphism of mtDNA CA dinucleotide repeats is useful in forensic genetics , especially for decomposed and keratinized samples .

  30. 人类HLA抗原分型在人类学、法医学、疾病易感性及器官组织移植等研究中有重要的意义。

    HLA typing is significant in the study of anthropology , forensic medicine , disease susceptibility and organ transplantation .