
  1. 铬污染土壤修复过程中土壤细菌群落多样性的RFLP分析

    RFLP analysis bacterial communities of remedied chromium-contaminated soil by different methods

  2. 在铬渣解毒及铬污染土壤修复过程中,降低Cr(Ⅵ)含量或将Cr(Ⅵ)固定是关键。

    It is critical to reduce the content of Cr ( VI ) or to fix Cr ( VI ) in the process of COPR detoxification and chromium-contaminated soil remediation .

  3. AB-DTPA提取法在重金属污染土壤修复模拟试验中的应用是可行的。

    AB-DTPA extraction method can be applied to the remediation simulation experiments of heavy metal contaminated soil .

  4. 该法不仅可通过评估土壤PAHs的人体生物有效性,为制定更为全面地保障人体健康的土壤质量标准或清洁标准提供科学依据,而且可以用来快速评价污染土壤修复措施的效果。

    In vitro test could be used not only to estimate the bioavailability of PAHs in soil in order to provide information for establishment of soil quality or clean criteria with regard to human health , but also to evaluate the effectiveness of soil remediation technologies .

  5. 植物与微生物对石油污染土壤修复的影响

    Effect of Plants and Microorganisms on Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

  6. 石油污染土壤修复植物的根-土界面微生物特征

    Microbiological characteristics of phytoremediation plant root-soil interface for petroleum contaminated soil

  7. 重金属与土壤微生物的相互作用及污染土壤修复

    Interaction between heavy metals and soil microorganisms and remediation of contaminated soils

  8. 污染土壤修复效果评定方法的研究

    Research on evaluation methods for effectiveness of contaminated soil remediation

  9. 菌根真菌对石油污染土壤修复作用的研究进展

    Mycorrhizal fungi in bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil : A review

  10. 丛枝菌根真菌-植物对石油污染土壤修复实验研究

    Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant

  11. 放射性核素污染土壤修复标准的若干问题

    Some Issues Related to Cleanup Standards for Remediation of Radionuclide Contaminated Soils

  12. 紫花苜蓿对铅污染土壤修复能力及其机理的研究

    Phytoremediation of Pb - contaminated soil with alfalfa : capacity and mechanisms

  13. 污染土壤修复中应关注的几个问题

    Issues in Need of Consideration for Remediation of Contaminated Soils

  14. 生态修复理论将在指导污染土壤修复的实践方面发挥重要作用。

    Ecological remediation theory shall play an important role in contaminated soil remediation .

  15. 表面活性剂清洗法在污染土壤修复中的应用

    Application of Surfactant Elution Method in Remediation of Contaminated Soil with Aromatic Compounds

  16. 污染土壤修复、诊断与标准体系建立的探讨

    Issues Concerned with Remediation Technology , Diagnosis Methods and Standards for Contaminated Soils

  17. 石油降解菌剂的研制及其在石油污染土壤修复中的应用

    Application of bacterial agent capable of degrading petroleum for remediation of oil-contaminated soil

  18. 重金属污染土壤修复清洗剂的研究进展

    Research Progress of Washing Agents Used for Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil

  19. 石油污染土壤修复过程中肥料的应用

    Application of Fertilizers in Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

  20. 螯合剂在重金属污染土壤修复中应用研究进展

    Application of chelants in remediation of heavy metals-contaminated soil

  21. 植物根际促生菌在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用

    Application of Plant Growth Rhizobacteria in the Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils

  22. 近年来,污染土壤修复技术发展很快,而污染土壤修复标准的建立则相对迟缓。

    Remediation technology for contaminated soils is being developed rapidly in recent years .

  23. 化学萃取技术在重金属污染土壤修复中应用的研究

    Research on chemical extracting technique for remedy of soil contaminated by heavy metals

  24. 污染土壤修复标准建立的方法体系研究

    Methodology of enacting standards for remediation of contaminated soils

  25. 改良剂对镉锌复合污染土壤修复作用及机理研究

    Effects and Mechanism of Remediation of Amendments in Cd - Zn Contaminated Soils

  26. 应用灰色关联度法评价砷污染土壤修复效果

    Application of Grey Relevant Analysis in Remediation Effect Evaluation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils

  27. 含磷和硫化钠污染土壤修复及无害化处理可行性探讨

    Feasibility Investigation of Remediation and Harmless Treatment of Phosphorus and Sodium Sulfide Contaminated Soil

  28. 泥炭保护紫花苜蓿根系对柴油污染土壤修复的研究

    The protection of peat on alfalfa roots for phytoremediation of diesel fuel contaminated soil

  29. 矿山及周边地区多金属污染土壤修复研究进展

    Advances in Research on Remediation of Multi-metal Contaminated Soil in Mine and Surrounding Area

  30. 污染土壤修复的技术再造与展望

    Technological reforger and prospect of contaminated soil remediation