
  • 网络construction reinforcement;constructional reinforcement
  1. 钢筋混凝土受扭构件的构造配筋,是配置相当于受扭最小配筋率的钢筋用量并需符合构造要求的最低配筋设计方法。

    The constructional reinforcement for RC members under torsion is the minimum ratio and needs to satisfy with the construction demand .

  2. 经常出现的情况是:框架柱的断面由轴压比限值确定,而框架柱的配筋由构造配筋率决定,这其中存在着不合理的地方。

    Problems are often occurred : cross-section of frame columns depends upon the limit of axial compressive ratio , the constructional reinforcement ratio becomes the ratio of longitudinal reinforcing steel bar of frame columns , such problems are not reasonable .

  3. 欧拉公式在结构构造配筋设计中的应用

    Application of Euler formula in design of reinforcement in structure constitution

  4. 钢筋混凝土结构构造配筋模块化集成设计

    Design of integrated modular for detailing reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure

  5. 钢纤维混凝土替代构造配筋混凝土梁受弯性能试验研究

    An experimental study on the flexural performances of SFRC beams replacing composition RC beams

  6. 剪力墙连梁纵向钢筋构造配筋率探讨

    Study on Minimal Ratio of Longitudinal Tensile Reinforcement of Coupling Beam in Shearwall Structure

  7. 对于普通剪力墙结构,即使是25层左右的高层住宅,其剪力墙的配筋仍为构造配筋。

    At present , general shear walls ' reinforcement ratios even used for 25 stories is structural ratio .

  8. 当达到设计值时,支撑和底层柱所需要的配筋仅为构造配筋,而梁最大弯矩截面的配筋率仅需0.25%,即新型复合结构满足住宅结构在竖向荷载组合下可靠性要求。

    The steel ratios of the column and brace are requested to satisfy detail reinforcements and the 0.25 % steel ratios of beams are requested to satisfy when the structure is under design loads .

  9. 结果表明,仅考虑重力荷载设计的构造配筋的钢筋混凝土框架柱的抗震能力明显较差,不能满足六度三级抗震设防的要求,主要表现在变形能力与耗能能力的不足。

    The resulting difference show that earthquake-resistant capacity of the framed columns designed with gravity loads is terribly weak , both deformation and energy dissipation capacity are far behind the requirements of the seismic design code .

  10. 框架矩形柱长边中间纵筋荷载-应变曲线形成了蝴蝶状滞回环,这表明该位置纵筋不仅要起到构造配筋作用,而且还要起到承担抵抗扭矩作用。

    Rectangular frame columns long load-strain curves of longitudinal reinforcement in the Middle forms a butterfly-shaped loop , indicating that the longitudinal steel should not only be to structure reinforcement effect , but also in the principal resistance to torsion .

  11. 抗滑桩的总配筋量与构造配筋率近似成正比,构造配筋率取0.2%(预制桩为0.8%)时配筋最为经济。

    And that the general reinforcement for the pile is approximately proportional to the structurally required reinforcement and the most cost effective reinforcement for the pile is to take the structural reinforcement rate as 0.2 % ( 0.8 % for precast pile ) .

  12. 根据文献[1]中的公式给出了构造配筋及计算配筋基桩水平承载力选用表及常见土质情况下灌注桩钢筋笼长度选用表。

    According to formulas in reference [ 1 ] , this paper gives selected lists of horizontal bearing capacity on pouring pile with the lowest reinforce and counting reinforce , and gives selected list of reinforcing cage length on pouring pile under common soils .

  13. 试验中,重点考察了水平钢筋的工作机理和强度发挥率,研究了构造柱配筋的受力状态及对砌体的约束作用。

    In testing , it is emphasized to test the working principle and strength action rate of horizontal ribs , and studies forced state of structure column and ribs and binding action for bonded structure .

  14. 通过十七片配筋墙体的伪静力试验,研究了配筋多孔砖、构造柱配筋墙及冷轧带肋钢筋墙片的破坏特征、抗震承载力和变形能力。

    Based on pseudo-static test of seventeen reinforced masonry walls , the failure characteristics , the aseismic bearing capacity and deformation capacity of reinforced porous brick wall , reinforced masonry wall with constructional column and with cold rolling reinforcement as rib are discussed .

  15. 介绍了框架扁梁的节点构造要求和配筋详图;在工程应用中的优缺点以及应注意的一些问题。

    The paper introduces the constructing requirement of frame flat-beam junction , retailed drawing of reinforcing bars , advantages and disadvantages in engineering application and other issues concerned .

  16. 带构造柱的水平配筋双排孔封底砌块墙片抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on Aseismic Performance of Bearing Two-row-hole Concrete Block Wall with Constructional Column and Horizontal Steel Bar

  17. 简化边缘构造的单排配筋中高剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

    Study on seismic performance of mid-rise RC shear wall with single row of steel bars and simplified boundary elements

  18. 带构造柱圈梁水平配筋砖墙的抗震性能研究木柱梁&土坯组合墙体数值模拟及抗震性能分析

    Earthquake-Resistance Performance Researching of Brick Wall with Structure Column , Ring Girder and Horizontal Ribs ; Numerical Simulation of Composite Abode Wall with Timber Frame and Analysis of Seismic Resistance Behavior

  19. 本文在S-Clip加强钢筋构造方法的研究基础上,对S-Clip构造配筋进行了理论分分析。

    Based on the study of S-Clip reinforcing steel construction method , theoretical analysis on S-Clip reinforcement is presented in this paper .