
  • 网络The Dresser;costumer;Costume Designer
  1. 里克曼曾是奈杰尔·霍索恩的服装师。

    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne

  2. “特雷莎,告诉他们我所有的电话都别挂。”她吩咐她的服装师。

    ' Tell them to hold all my calls , Theresa , ' she instructed her dresser .

  3. 今天我们就邀请来《绯闻女孩》的总服装师EricDamon以及为婚典中女孩们所有的礼服设计的VeraWang。让他们带领我们一同来仔细研究研究Blair的两件婚纱!

    We chatted exclusively with Gossip Girl wardrobe designer Eric Damon and the designer of all the girls ' gowns , Vera Wang , for all the scoop , along with a detailed look at Blair 's two wedding dresses !

  4. 英国剧院空无一人,居家隔离使引座员、舞台管理员、服装师,以及后台工作人员生活艰难,该行业的慈善机构TheTheatricalGuild说其中有些人甚至企图自杀。

    Ushers , stage hands , dressers and those who work on the stage door of the nation 's empty theatres are struggling to survive during lockdown , with some even contemplating suicide according to the industry charity , The Theatrical Guild .

  5. 他给唐纳德沃尔菲特当服装师几乎有5年了。

    For nearly five years he was dresser to Donald wolfit .

  6. 即使在名人的婚礼上我也觉得自己像个服装师。

    Even in celebrity weddings I feel like I 'm a costumer .

  7. 她是戏院的服装师。

    She 's the wardrobe mistress at the theatre .

  8. 这位公主的衣裳是由著名的服装师缝制的。

    The princess is dressed by a famous dressmaker .

  9. 礼服是由米高梅影业提供、一位荣获奥斯卡奖的服装师设计的。

    It was provided by MGM Studios , and created by an Oscar-winning costumer .

  10. 服装师就根据孙中山的建议,设计了一种四个口袋的翻领上装。

    At the suggestion of Sun Zhongshan , the dressmaker designed a four-pocket lapel coat .

  11. 剧作家,布景设计者,服装师,大家都应得到荣誉。

    The playwright , the set designer , the wardrobe lady , all get credit .

  12. 他是最好的服装师。

    He is the best dresser .

  13. 不过,到2008年这件长袍显然变得比较易碎,于是女王的高级服装师安吉拉·凯莉手工制作了一件复制品以保存原版洗礼长袍。

    But by 2008 it was clear the gown was becoming delicate and the Queen 's senior dresser Angela Kelly ran up a hand-made replica in order to preserve the original .

  14. 其中有一项颇具创意的附加物:“服装师在成品中加入了空调,通过一台小型冷却装置让他保持清凉。”怀特说。

    There was one particularly novel addition : " The tailor who made the finished item revealed that they put air-conditioning inside of it , a little refrigeration unit to keep him cool , " said Wright .

  15. 切割者切割的人,尤指服装裁剪师。

    One that cuts , especially in tailoring .

  16. 摄影师按日收取摄影费以及其它一些开支所需花费,这些开支用于在必要时雇用独立助手,服装设计师和化妆师。

    Photographers charge a daily rate for taking photographs plus expenses including the cost of hiring freelance assistant , stylists and makeup artists when necessary .