首页 / 词典 / good


yǒu yì
  • useful;beneficial;profitable;avail
有益 [yǒu yì]
  • [profitable;beneficial;useful] 有好处;有帮助

  • 有益的东西

有益[yǒu yì]
  1. 该模型为经验知识的总结归纳提供了有益手段。

    Especially , it provides a profitable tool for extracting rules from experience knowledge .

  2. 本文把BCK-代数与模糊理论相结合,引入几类Fuzzy理想,包括Fuzzy正关联理想、Fuzzy关联理想;并得到了一些相应的有益结果。

    BCK-algebra integrate the fuzzy theory into the article and bring in several types fuzzy ideals , including fuzzy positive implicative ideals , fuzzy implicative ideals , then acquire some profitable outcome .

  3. 作为点心,水果比巧克力更有益于健康。

    It 's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate .

  4. 这是对一门极为复杂的学科的有益入门教程。

    It 's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject .

  5. 这份文件引发出许多有益的讨论。

    The document provided a springboard for a lot of useful discussion .

  6. 他很可能会拒绝,不过问一下有益无损。

    He 'll probably say no , though it 's worth asking .

  7. 这是一次带来极其有益的成果的合作。

    It was a collaboration that produced extremely useful results .

  8. 发简讯是沟通师生的有益渠道。

    The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students .

  9. 结识来自这个国家不同地区的人是有益的。

    It 's good to meet people from different parts of the country .

  10. 她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。

    She made helpful comments on my work .

  11. 良好的饮食有益于健康。

    A good diet is beneficial to health .

  12. 有充分的证据证明锻炼有益于心脏健康。

    There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart .

  13. 这忠告证明是有益的。

    This advice was to prove valuable .

  14. 他提出了一些有益的建议。

    He offered some useful advice .

  15. 这是健康有益的玩乐。

    It was clean wholesome fun .

  16. 正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。

    Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy ─ witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy .

  17. 一杯红酒有益健康。

    A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink .

  18. 锻炼、新鲜空气和好的坐立姿势都很有益。

    Exercise , fresh air , and good posture are all helpful

  19. 使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。

    Using computers has a beneficial effect on children 's learning .

  20. 吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

    Going veggie can be tasty , easy and healthy too .

  21. 猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。

    Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack

  22. 从这次惨痛的经历中他得到了一些有益的教训。

    From this chastening experience he learnt some useful lessons .

  23. 它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实。

    Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods

  24. 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。

    Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University

  25. 中餐不仅热量低,而且对健康有益。

    Chinese cooking is both low in calories and healthful .

  26. 我坚信这种治疗形式非常有益。

    I 'm a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy

  27. 与别人谈谈自己的想法是有益的。

    It was good to bounce ideas off another mind

  28. 青菜对人体有益的说法是一派胡言。

    The idea that greens are good for you is a load of cobblers

  29. 大学餐厅供应的膳食是否有益健康呢?

    Does the college cafeteria provide a healthful diet ?

  30. 生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。

    Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful .