
yóu lǐ shù
  • rational number
有理数 [yǒu lǐ shù]
  • [rational number] 整数和分数(如2/3)的统称

  1. 评价结果是个未确知有理数,能比较大小。

    The result is a comparative unascertained rational number .

  2. 非线性强迫振动系统可能产生复杂的动力学行为,尤其是在激励力频率和原系统线性化频率之比为有理数的时候,其行为就更为复杂。

    Nonlinear forced vibration systems could produce complicated dynamic behaviors , whose behaviors will become more complicated when the ratio between the outside exciting frequency and the inherent frequency is rational number .

  3. a,b,i均为有理数。

    A , b , I are rational numbers .

  4. 有理数域Q的有限次扩域K叫作代数数域,数域K的所有代数整数构成一个环,称为K的代数整数环,记作ZK。

    The finite extension K of Q is called algebraic number field .

  5. 在Rational类中,为有理数定义了4种操作。

    In the Rational class , then , four operations have been defined for rational numbers .

  6. 有理数域Q上的矩阵为周期矩阵的一种简易判别法

    A simple discriminance on the matrix of rational number field Q to cycle matrix

  7. LD调制有理数谐波锁模光纤激光器

    Rational harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser using a LD modulator

  8. 确定有理数域Q上多项式f(x)的Galois群的阶是一件非常有意义的事情。

    It is a very sense thing to determine the order of Galois ' group of polynomial .

  9. 关于有理数域Q上多项式f(x)与f(x~m)的Galois群的阶

    On order of galois ' group of polynomials f ( x ) and f ( x ~ m ) in the rational field

  10. 运用抽象代数的知识对整系数多项式进行摸p约化处理,得到了整系数多项式在有理数域Q上不可约的4个新判别法。

    In this paper , We apply the knowledge of abstract algebra to study integral polynomials that are simplified by module p and obtain four new irreducibility tests for integral polynomials .

  11. 采用自再现理论,对工作在有理数谐波锁模时的半导体光放大器(SOA)光纤环形激光器进行了研究。

    Based on the self-reproduction theory , a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA ) fiber ring laser in a Rational Harmonic Mode Locking ( RHML ) was studied .

  12. 基于未确知有理数的VRS综合误差粗差探测与修复

    Gross Error Detection and Reparation for VRS Synthetical Error Based on Unascertained Rational

  13. ComputationsinCommutativeAlgebra(CoCoA)是另一个免费计算机代数系统,用于处理超大型整数、有理数和多项式。

    Computations in Commutative Algebra ( CoCoA ) is another free computer algebra system for working with very large integers , rational numbers , and polynomials .

  14. 图G的圆团数,记作Wc(G),是最大的有理数k/d满足存在一个从K(k/d)到G的同态。

    The circular clique number of a graph G , denoted by ω( G ), is the maximum rational number k / d such that K_ ( k / d ) admits a homomorphism to G.

  15. 图G的圆色数,记作Xc(G),是最小的有理数k/d使得图G存在一个k/d圆着色。

    The circular chromatic number of G , denoted by X_c ( G ), is the least rational number k / d such that there is a k / d-circular coloring of G.

  16. 利用遍历理论,我们可以得到该基本tile的勒贝格测度是一个有理数,该有理数的分母等于定义tile所用到的对称群的阶。

    Using ergodic theory , we show that the Lebesgue measure of the tile is a rational number where the denominator equals to the order of the associate symmetry group .

  17. 基于有理数域上的插值公式,给出了一个需要庄家的门限RSA签名方案。

    In this paper , based on the interpolating formula in the rational field , a threshold RSA signature scheme , under the help of a dealer , is presented .

  18. 左闭拓扑空间E的基为{Br(z,d)r>0为有理数,z∈R},满足第二可数公理。

    For { B_r ( z , d ) | r > 0 , r ∈ Q , z ∈ R } is a basis to the left shut topological space , it satisfies the second countable axiom .

  19. 本文主要考虑的这个K是有理数域Q,并且其扩张是在Q上添加一个n次根,并且根据n的不同得到相应结论。

    This paper mainly consider the case that K is the national number field , and its extension is a rational number field by adding a n-th root of rational integer u , and gets some results according to different number n.

  20. 最后,通过案例验证了EPC模式下基于灰熵和未确知有理数的关键链进度管理模型,与传统带有安全时间的进度计划相比节省工期,具有可行性。

    Finally , the critical chain schedule management model based on gray entropy algorithm and unascertained rational number contrasted by the traditional schedule plan with safety time is feasible through the case analysis .

  21. 为了获得振幅均衡的有理数谐波锁模脉冲,必须在原有的实验装置中添加一个掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)以提高注入调制光信号功率。

    For obtaining a pulse series with a small amplitude ripple , an Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier ( EDFA ) must be added into the primary experiment setup to enhance injection-modulation signal power .

  22. cos20°值的有理数的有限次平方根表达式

    Limited Dimension Square Root Expression of cos20 °

  23. BT7/5小波的系数为有理数,与无理系数的CDF9/7小波滤波器相比,具有计算复杂度低和便于VLSI硬件实现等优点。

    The coefficients of BT 7 / 5 filters are rational numbers , compared to CDF 9 / 7 filters with irrational coefficients , and they not only have advantage of easy computation but also are very suitable for implementation of VLSI hardware .

  24. 与Realms不同,双网格使用了有限精度的有理数坐标系统,能够准确表示线段的交点,从而避免了复杂的空间调整,使空间管理子系统易于实现。

    Different from Realms , dual grid adopts finite precision rational coordinate system , which can express intersection points exactly . Therefore , the complexity of spatial redrawing can be avoided , and spatial management subsystem can be implemented easily .

  25. 对Eisenstein判别法作了进一步推广,给出了判定整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的又一定理及其5个重要推论。

    In this paper , we generalize Eisenstein 's Discriminatory Method and give another theorem and its five important inferences for discriminating the irreducibility of intergral polynomial over the rational number field .

  26. 并给出自相似测度奇异的一个充分条件和几乎处处型的结果,利用这一结果我们验证了对Sierpinski地毯上的自相似测度,投影到有理数斜率直线上是奇异的结论。

    And a sufficient condition for certain self-similar measures being singular is obtained , using this criterion we also prove the projection of the self-similar measure with respect to the Sierpinski carpet onto a line with rational slope is singular .

  27. 利用有理数谐波锁模技术,在调制频率为10GHz下,得到了重复频率为30GHz的皮秒级光脉冲序列输出,其峰值功率约0.5mW。

    Taking advantage of rational harmonic mode locking technology , an optical pulse train with a repetition frequency of 30 GHz was obtained using a modulation frequency of 10 GHz , and the peak power was about 0.5 mW .

  28. 对有理数域或特征为正的素域上的多项式升列,给出了把它的零点集分解为不可约分支的算法.该算法可以在计算机上用王定康的软件包wsolve实现。

    In this paper we give an algorithm to decompose the zeros of a polynomial ascending set over retional field or prime fields of positive characteristics into irreducible components , which can be realized on computer by the software package ″ wsolve ″ of D. K.

  29. 脉幅稳定的有理数谐波锁模光纤激光器

    Generation of Amplitude-equalized Pulses from Rational Harmonic Mode-locked Fiber Ring Laser

  30. 有理数乘群的两类子群及其相互关系

    HOMOMORPH-GROUP Two Classes Subgroups of ( Q ,·) and Their Relations