
wén máng
  • illiteracy;an illiterate person;an alphabet
文盲 [wén máng]
  • [analphabet;illiterate person] 已成年的不认识字的人

文盲[wén máng]
  1. (文盲在文件上当作签名的)十字画押

    Cross made on a document instead of a signature by an illiterate person

  2. 政府已宣布要扫除文盲。

    The government has declared war on illiteracy .

  3. 数量不多但仍有相当一部分11岁孩子是文盲。

    A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate .

  4. 贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。

    Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates .

  5. 文盲人口占有相当高的比例。

    A large percentage of the population is illiterate .

  6. 这将有助于消除文盲和疾病,但也会扰乱传统的生活方式。

    It would help to end illiteracy and disease , but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life

  7. 文盲的存在影响着英国的产业效益。但是,除此以外,更重要的是那些不具备读写能力的人也不太可能找到工作。

    Illiteracy threatens Britain 's industrial performance . But , quite apart from that , the individual who can 't read or write is unlikely to get a job

  8. 那一地区的成年人中约有86%是文盲。

    About 86 % of the adult population in that area is illiterate .

  9. 人口中少数是文盲。

    A low percentage of the population was illiterate .

  10. 我这个旧社会的文盲,今天也认字了。

    I was an illiterate in the old society , but now I can read .

  11. 她关心文盲问题。

    She concerned herself with the problem of illiteracy .

  12. 在我国还有许多文盲。

    There are still many illiterate people in our country .

  13. 在不说英语的那些国家,我基本就算个文盲。

    I am technically in every country that doesn 't speak English .

  14. 该项研究指出,越过2300万的美国成年人是半文盲。

    The study pointed out that over 23 million adult Americans are semiliterate .

  15. 我们必须扫除文盲。

    We must do away with illiteracy .

  16. 过去,华西大多数人是文盲、半文盲。

    In the past , West China most people were the illiterate person , the semiliterate .

  17. 年,全国又减少了400万青壮年文盲。

    In 1996 , an additional four million young and adult illiterates learned to read and write . 1996

  18. 第二十三条各级人民政府、基层群众性自治组织和企业事业组织应当采取各种措施,开展扫除文盲的教育工作。

    Article 23 People 's governments at various levels , grass-roots autonomous organizations of a mass character and enterprises and institutions shall take all kinds of measures to carry out literacy education program .

  19. 结论:文盲是AD的危险因素之一,吸烟是AD的一个影响因素。

    Conclusion The study demonstrated that illiteracy is a risk factor for AD , Smoking is a related risk factor for AD.

  20. 2.illiteracyn.文盲,无知,缺乏教育我们村已经消灭了文盲。

    Illiteracy has been wiped out in our village .

  21. 为了克服文盲障碍,Lewis决定用画面图标(而不是文字)来表示行动按钮,以便卑格米人能按下GPS按钮并确定重要的位置。

    To overcome illiteracy barriers , Lewis decided to create pictorial icons for the action buttons rather than words so that the Pygmies could click and identify important sites on the GPS sets .

  22. 名字Glaucus是涉及视力或文盲,身体或其它方面的?

    Is the name Glaucus a reference to sight , or blindness , physical or otherwise ?

  23. 按照文化程度确定MMSE的阳性标准:文盲≤19分,小学≤22分,初中或以上≤26分;

    The MMSE positive standard was set according to intellectual levels : illiteracy ≤ 19 points , primary school ≤ 22 points , junior school or above ≤ 26 points .

  24. 根据已刊出的报道,他出生在几乎算是文盲的哥萨克家庭。他们家在偏远的阿尔泰(Altai)地区务农。

    He was the child of near-illiterate Cossacks , born in the remote region of Altai , where the family farmed , according to published reports .

  25. 作为民选村长,30岁的钱德拉卡拉(chandrakala)虽然是个文盲,但她仍会定期拜访几公里之外的合作银行。

    As an elected village leader , 30-year-old Chandra Kala makes regular visits to the bank a few kilometres away although she is illiterate .

  26. 为了促进3G手机的普及,运营商还必须为低收入人群(其中相许多是文盲)提供在商业上更有用的应用程序,例如让农民可以在网上进行转账,或者进行农作物定价和交易。

    To aid the spread of 3G , operators will also have to come up with more commercially useful applications for lower-income people , many of whom are illiterate . Examples include enabling online money transfers or crop pricing and trading for farmers .

  27. 她例举了一个麻省理工大学做过的项目,在项目中,实验者将iPad送给埃塞俄比亚的文盲儿童,他们就可以在没有老师或课程的指导下,自学如何使用iPad,给它编程序,阅读它的英文版。

    She gives the example of an MIT program that gave iPads to illiterate kids in Ethiopia who then were able to teach themselves how to use it , program it and read it in English without a teacher or curriculum .

  28. 萨格尔生病和Sindoora告诉维迪亚得到萨加尔药,因为维迪亚是文盲,这意味着她不能读或写,误抓毒她。

    Sagar gets sick and Sindoora tells Vidya to get Sagar medicine and because Vidya is an illiterate , meaning she cannot read or write , she by mistake grabs poison .

  29. 6例为文盲,占感染者的25%。

    Bud 6 case are illiteracy the rate is 25 % .

  30. 我们或许是文盲但是眼睛并没瞎。

    Llliterate they may be , but they 're not blind .