
  • 网络Secondary;Secondary education;secondary school;Schools;middle school education
  1. 我们能不能回过头来谈谈你的小学和中学教育?

    Can we just backtrack a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education ?

  2. 为了让学生在英国普通中学教育文凭考试(GCSE)中取得好成绩,一所中学想出了让学生在按摩中放松心情的减压妙招。

    A school has brought in a masseuse to calm stressed pupils preparing for GCSEs ( General Certificate of Secondary Education ) and boost their performance in the exams .

  3. CapeVerdeans的一项研究显示,年轻人移民的可能性每上升十个百分点,他们完成中学教育的可能性就上升了约八个百分点。

    A study of Cape Verdeans finds that an increase of ten percentage points in young people 's perceived probability of emigrating raises the probability of their completing secondary school by around eight points .

  4. 素质教育呼唤职业中学教育改革的深化

    Quality Education Calls For the Intensification of Secondary Vocational Educational Reform

  5. 中德中学教育体制比较

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and German Middle School Educational System

  6. 专业决定在小学和中学教育是相对较晚。

    Specialisation decisions in primary and secondary education are made relatively late .

  7. 中学教育中师爱的缺失

    Eclipse of the Love of Teachers in Middle School Education

  8. 近代福建基督教中学教育模式研究

    On the Educational Model of Fujian Christianity Middle School in Modern History

  9. 建立适合中学教育特征的网络教学环境与网络教学模式;

    Build an E-teaching-and-leaming environment and model suited to the secondary education ;

  10. 68个国家接受中学教育的女孩要多于男孩。

    In 68 countries , more girls than boys are enrolled in secondary education .

  11. 问题25什么促进了中学教育的发展?

    Question 25 . What led to the quick progress of secondary education later ?

  12. 我国中学教育科研管理中存在的问题研究

    High School Educational Scientific Research Problem of China

  13. 全面实施素质教育,是当代中学教育的基本要求。

    Putting quality-oriented education into practice is the basic aim for modern middle school education .

  14. 新桂系时期中学教育投资研究

    A Research on the High School Educational Investment in the Period of New Guangxi Department

  15. 中学教育与网络资源

    Middle Schol Education and Network Resources

  16. 民国时期成都私立中学教育发展述论

    Study on the Development of Chengdu 's Private Middle Schools Education during the Republic of China

  17. 目前,我国的中学教育仍以应试教育为主。

    At present , the secondary school education of our country still takes exam-oriented education as the core .

  18. 师专体育面向农村中学教育的实验研究

    An experimental study on how the teachers college P.E. can be open to the rural middle school education

  19. 立体几何是中学教育中教与学的重点和难点科目。

    LEARNING CHINESE The teaching and studying of solid geometry are the emphases and difficulty of high school education .

  20. 从德育的概念出发,阐明了德育在中学教育中的地位和作用。

    From the concept of moral education , the author expounded its position and roles in middle school education .

  21. 多元化的评价方式,使很多同学得到了意想不到的进步,在中学教育、教学中的作用不可低估。

    The multiple-facet evaluation enabled the learners to progress unexpectedly and played an important role in high school education .

  22. 新桂系中学教育投资筹措与分配结构分析;

    An analysis of the raising and distribution structure of high school educational investment in the period of New Guangxi Department ;

  23. 1927&1937年,中学教育的发展要求政府扮演主导角色。

    During the period of 1927-1937 , the development of middle school education demanded that the government play the leading part .

  24. 综合社会课作为综合课程的一种形式,与历史课在中学教育中有着相同的地位。

    Social studies is one form of the integrated curriculum which has the same value as the history course in the school .

  25. 随着我国中学教育改革的不断深入,培养能力、发展智力成为教学领域探讨的一个重要课题。

    With the deepgoing educational reform in middle school , ability training and intelligence development have been a major task being studied in teaching .

  26. 以此为划分,着重考察了各个时段中学教育立法的主体及其权限。

    Based on this division , the author explores the legislative body of middle school educational legislation in different periods and its legislative powers .

  27. 随着中学教育改革的不断深入,口语交际作为中学语文的一个教学内容,也越来越受重视。

    With the deepening of secondary education reform , and oral communication as a teaching language in secondary schools , more and more attention .

  28. 用大量的事例和方法介绍了赏识教育在中学教育教学中的做法和成功经验。

    With lots of examples and methods , he introduced the use of the appreciative education in the middle school teaching and some successful experience .

  29. 在澳大利亚,各州和各地区都必须有自己的小学和中学教育制度。然而各地的教育标准是高的,而且相当一致。

    In australia , each state and territory ahs its own primary and secondary education system . standards , however , are high and reasonably uniform .

  30. 从长远来说,通过高中阶段的乐学历史更好地发挥历史学科在中学教育阶段的学科作用,实现历史学科的学科价值,培养现代公民。

    In the long term , learning history happily plays and important part in senior school , achieving the values of academic disciplines and cultivate modern citizens .