
  • 网络secondary specialized education
  1. 在这个过程中,我国的中等专业教育体制也受到社会人才需求的高层次和实用性两种趋向的严峻挑战,面临着生存危机。

    During this time , the system of secondary specialized education challenged is with trends social need : the need for high quality personnel and for practical personnel .

  2. 中等专业教育的困境及其出路浅谈中专物理素质教育

    Physics teaching in secondary specialized school and education

  3. 中等专业教育由专业学校或技术学校,学术中心或学院以及职业学校提供。

    Secondary professional education is offered in special professional or technical schools , lyceums or colleges and vocational schools .

  4. 当前,我国中等专业教育中的数学教育遇到了前所未有的困难和挑战。

    At present , the mathematics education of the secondary professional schools in our country is meeting the unprecedented difficulties and challenges .

  5. 而在以就业为导向的中等专业学校教育教学发展过程中,外语教学时间上的压缩,生源质量的下降,学生外语学习的兴趣冷淡,都造成了中职外语教学的困境。

    But in the development of education and teaching in job-oriented middle vocational school , the foreign language teaching time compression , quality of students in the fall , students interested in foreign language learning in the cold bring about the plight of foreign language teaching in vocational school .

  6. 经过调查发现,中等专业学样的环境教育水平还很低。

    By investigation we knew that level of environmental education is very low in the special secondary school .

  7. 通过对中等专业学校与高等教育院校计算机教学方向的比较,提出了中等专业学校计算机教学应以适用性为导向,调整教学方向;以实用性为基础,优化教学环节。

    Through comparing computer teaching direction in secondary specialized school and higher education institution , puts forward computer teaching should be guided by adaptability to adjust teaching direction , be based by practicability to optimize teaching link .

  8. 当前,我国中等职业学校毕业生的就业形势比较严峻,这已经成为我国各个实施中等专业教育学校一段时期以来普遍存在的一个问题。

    At present , in China , the employment situation is fairly grim for the secondary vocational school graduates , it has become a common problem in a long time .

  9. 作为中等职业学校思想政治课组成部分的法律基础知识课程,与普通高校和中等职业学校法学专业教育有着很大的不同。

    The curriculum of law in secondary vocational schools , as the course of the thinking and politics , is quite different from the curriculum of legal major in colleges or secondary vocational schools .