
jiào mén
  • Islam;religious sect;the door to Buddhism
教门 [jiào mén]
  • (1) [Islam] [口]∶指伊斯兰教

  • (2) [Buddha dharma]∶佛教指佛的教法,因为佛的教法为入道的门户

  • (3) [church;denomination]∶教派

  1. 他们又发起了把他赶出教门的运动。

    They launched a fresh anathema against him .

  2. 民间秘密结社包括秘密会党和秘密教门。

    The Folk Secret Organizations contain the Secret Societies and the Folk Sects .

  3. 晚清秘密教门与近代社会变迁

    The Secret Religion in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Changes of Modern Society

  4. 我家最近请了一个先生来教门馆。

    My family recently engaged a family tutor .

  5. 中国秘密教门的渊源、现状、特征及对策研究

    The Origin , Current Situation , Characteristic and Countermeasure in Secret Denomination of China

  6. 传统中国社会的灾难信仰制度与秘密教门的灾难神话

    The Disaster Belief System of Chinese Traditional Society and the Disaster Myth of Ming-Qing Sects

  7. 无论是在秘密教门还是在秘密会党中,三教合一的思想都有很充分的表现。

    Either in secret religious sects or in secret societies , the three religions in one ideology had its manifestations .

  8. 第二,咸同贵州号军起义的领导阶层与主干力量皆以民间教门的成员为基础;

    Second , the member of the Folk Sects is the mass basis of Guizhou " Hao Army " Uprising ;

  9. 实际上,他生于不行教门的家庭中,他肯尼亚的父亲对他的教育不漠不关心。

    Actually , he was born from two non-practicing parents , and his Kenyan father was absent for all of his upbringing .

  10. 中国秘密社会发端于明末清初,主要有会党和教门两大系统,在300余年的发展演变中,秘密社会经历了诸多变化。

    Chinese secret social organizations which making a start from later Ming and earlier Qing dynasties was undergoing many changes during three hundreds years .

  11. 大祭司和他的一切同人,就是撒都该教门的人,都起来,满心忌恨。

    Then the high priest and all his associates , who were members of the party of the Sadducees , were filled with jealousy .

  12. 步入晚清社会后,由于近代社会变迁,秘密教门的发展出现了相对的停滞。

    After stepped in the late Qing Dynasty , owing to the changes of modern society , the development of the Secret Religion became relatively stale .

  13. 但我们愿意听你的意见如何。因为这教门,我们晓得是到处被毁谤的。

    But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest : for as concerning this sect , we know that every where it is spoken against .

  14. 徒5:17大祭司和他的一切同人、是撒都该教门的人、起来、心忌恨。

    But the high priest rose up , along with all his associates ( that is the sect of the Sadducees ), and they were filled with jealousy .

  15. 尊敬的兄弟,非常感谢你提这一重要的问题也从中显示出你对教门知识的渴求和对宗教基本问题的追求。

    Dear brother , thank you for your very important question that discloses a keen desire to acquire knowledge and to know the basic things of our great religion .

  16. 梅花拳是传统武术中的一个著名拳种,同时也是清代北方地区具有鲜明教门文化色彩的松散型拳会组织。

    Meihua Quan is a famous boxing in traditional Wushu , and it 's a loose and distinct religious culture 's boxing organization in the Northern area of Qing Dynasty .

  17. 这从三个方面可以得到证明:第一,咸同贵州号军的名称乃沿袭历史上民间教门起事的传统而来;

    Accurately , it is a Folk Sects uprising , there are three reasons : First , the name of " Hao Army " is followed the tradition of the Folk Sects uprising ;

  18. 惟有几个信徒、法利赛教门的人,起来说:「须给外邦人行割礼,吩咐他们遵守摩西的律法。

    But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed , saying , That it was needful to circumcise them , and to command them to keep the law of Moses .

  19. 秘密教门是我国秘密社会的一种重要表现形式,在我国魏晋时就已经出现,且渊源流长。

    Secret denomination is a kind of important form of expression of the secret society of our country , it has already appeared in Wei the Jin Dynasty in our country and the origin lasts long .

  20. 第三,咸同贵州号军起义以民间教门的无生老母信仰和三期末劫观念作为思想武器,最终的目的是建立一个政教合一的神权王国。

    Third , the belief of the virgin old mother and free from disaster in the Folk Sects is the ideological arms of Guizhou " Hao Army " Uprising , and its supreme objective is to found a kingdom in which politics and religion are combined together .

  21. 清代江西民间秘密教门得以发展的原因包括地理交通和经济因素、政治制度和官僚体制的缺陷、人口流动及身份控制的弱化、经卷的通俗性与教义的麻痹性等方面。

    The reasons of its generating and developing are as follows : factors about geography and economy , defects of the political system and bureaucratic structure , floating of population , reduction of the status-control , popularization of religious scriptures , paralysis of the religious doctrine , etc.

  22. 我们老师很难把握对一群学生的,教学速度,Richard,Lawson教授和,教授都是教这门课的,working,with,Prof。

    This turns out at the pace we teacher to be a difficult subject for some group of students .

  23. 在James,Cutting做的一个研究中,他教一门心理学导论课程,在每节课上课前,他会在屏幕上放一些图片。

    In one study by James Cutting , Cutting taught an Introduction to Psychology course and before each lecture he 'd flash pictures on the screen .

  24. 多年与贝克尔同教一门课程的凯文墨菲(KevinMurphy)说:他热爱经济学,许多经济学家受到了他的启示。

    He loved economics , said Kevin Murphy , who taught a course alongside Becker for many years , and he inspired so many economists .

  25. 我的名字是,这个学期将和John,Guttag教授,一起教这门课程。

    Eric Grimson My name is Eric Grimson , I have together Professor John Guttag over here , we 're going to be lecturing the course this term .

  26. “我每天教两门课,上午教数学,下午教英语,”AbubakarKamara老师说。

    " I do two subjects by day , morning Math and in the afternoon English ," said teacher Abubakar Kamara .

  27. 我有很多老师,他们每人教一门课。

    I have many teachers ; they each only one subject .

  28. 她教三门科目,像物理、化教。

    She teaches three subjects , such as physics and chemistry .

  29. 除此之外,这学期我教5门课。

    Beside that , this semester I 'm teaching five courses .

  30. 教一门学科有助于你学习这门学科

    3 . Teaching a Subject Helps You Learn a Subject