
  • 网络Educational Philosophy;Education Philosophy;the philosophy of education;teaching philosophy
  1. L上的关系(?)亲子关系的教育哲学分析

    The Study of Parent-child Relationship in the View of Philosophy of Education

  2. 论教育哲学的使命&兼论其在培养师范生特色素质中的价值

    On the Study of the Mission of Philosophy of Education

  3. 数学教育哲学视野下的GX实验研究

    Study on the GX Experiment in the View of the Mathematics Education Philosophy

  4. 对GX实验的教育哲学研究,有助于我们站在理论思维的高度,着眼于社会进步和时代发展对数学教育的要求,深化对数学教育的价值与使命的认识。

    To study the educational philosophy of the GX experiment , it will help us standing on the degree of theoretical thinking , focusing on the requirements of social progress and development of the times to mathematics education , deepening the understanding of the value and mission on mathematics education .

  5. 论教育哲学视野中的习惯养成

    On the Habit - formation in the Field of Educational Philosophy

  6. 交往概念是马克思主义教育哲学重要概念;

    The interactive concept is the important concept of Marxist education philosophy ;

  7. 知识的价值与高等教育哲学&布鲁贝克高等教育哲学读书报告

    The Value of Knowledge and the Philosophy of Higher Education

  8. 论柏格森的直觉体验教育哲学观

    A Study on Bergson 's Intuitional Experience of Education Philosophy

  9. 体验:教育哲学新的生长点

    Experience : A New Growth Point of Philosophy of Education

  10. 分析传统与教育哲学:历史的分析

    Analytic Traditions and Educational Philosophy : A Historical Analysis

  11. 体现学校教育哲学和办学宗旨的教育系统;

    The educational system embodying school philosophy and tenets ;

  12. 分析与实践:索尔蒂斯的公共教育哲学观

    The Analytic and Pragmatic Perspective : The Public Philosophy of Education of J.F.Soltis

  13. 朱熹教育哲学思想浅论

    A Tentative Study on the Educational Idea of Zhuxi

  14. 他的教育哲学思想集先秦思想之大成。

    His ideas of educational philosophy incorporated the strengths of the pre-Qin ideas .

  15. 现象学教育哲学引论

    Introduction About Educational Philosophy in the Field of Phenomenology

  16. 生态区域主义视野下的乡村教育哲学

    The Rural Educational Philosophy under the Viewpoint of Bioregionalism

  17. 教育哲学流派影响的强弱变化;

    The strong and weak change of the influence of educational psychology genres ;

  18. 其实,教育哲学乃是一种特殊的人类学本体论的实践哲学。

    Actually , educational philosophy is a special practical philosophy of anthropology ontology .

  19. 新时期中小学校长应具备良好的教育哲学素养反思哲学教育

    On the Quality of Educational Philosophy for Headmasters in Primary and Middle Schools

  20. 王国维高等教育哲学观浅析

    Analysis on Wang Guowei 's Philosophy of Higher Education

  21. 构建语言教育哲学是必要的。

    It is necessary to introduce language education philosophy .

  22. 论教育哲学的批判功能

    On the Function of criticism of Educational Philosophy

  23. 听说能力的首要性及实践重视中小学教师教育哲学素养的提升

    The Significance of Upgrading Educational Philosophy Attainments of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools

  24. 雅斯贝尔斯自由教育哲学观论析

    A Discussion on Jaspers ' Liberal Education Philosophy

  25. 孔子和苏格拉底教育哲学观的对照

    Comparison with Educational Philosophy Between Confucius and Socrates

  26. 论马建忠的语言教育哲学

    On Ma Jianzhong 's Philosophy of Language Education

  27. 生存论教育哲学乃是此在的教育哲学。

    The ontological philosophy of education so is just Dasein 's philosophy of education .

  28. 澳大利亚教育哲学的本土化发展路径&澳方式的萌芽、形成和发展

    Native Developmental Approach to Educational Philosophy in Australia

  29. 语文教育哲学二题

    Two Issues in Philosophy of Teaching Chinese Language

  30. 第三部分是当代中国教育哲学发展的理论反思。

    The third part is the rethought of contemporary Philosophy of Education in China .