
  1. 从政府本位到公民本位;

    From government standard to citizen standard ;

  2. 转型期社会公共行政价值取向的转变&由政府本位到社会本位

    Conversion of Value Orientation of Social Public Administration during the Transitional Period & From Government Standard to Social Standard

  3. 竞争法是国家协调经济运行的法律体现,是社会本位法而不是政府本位法或个人本位法。

    Competition law embodies that country just balances the economy and it is society-centered law rather than government-centered or individual-centered .

  4. 政府本位、全能政府、法律法规存在漏洞和缺陷、暗箱行政等等是造成行政权责失衡的主要原因。

    The reasons causing it above are various such as government standard omnipotent government the leak and defect of the current law , underground administration .

  5. 在政府本位向公民本位转变的背景下,公民参与地方政府绩效评估就成为新的研究课题。

    In " the government standard " to " the citizen standard " under the transformation background , the citizen participating in the Local authority achievement appraisal becomes the new research subject .

  6. 随着行政价值取向由政府本位向社会本位的转变,政府已经不再是高高在上的指挥者,转而成为面向社会、面向大众的服务者。

    The government has no longer been the high director , but already turned into the servant facing to the society and the commonalty , because the administration value had transformed from government standard to society standard .

  7. 现在到了唤醒这个工业巨人、让政府回归本位和减少惩罚性税收负担的时候了。

    It is time to reawaken this industrial giant , to get government back within its means , and to lighten our punitive tax burden .

  8. 只有加强行政道德建设,实现施政模式从政府权力本位到责任本位的转变,构建在严格监督之上的责任追究制度才是实现责任政府的正确选择。

    To realize the construction of duty government , administratively moral construction has to be strengthened , the administration shall be changed from the system of government standard to that of government duty , and the duty-run system based on strict supervision shall be established .

  9. 政府职能的本位要求与保障机制

    The Standard and Security System of Governmental Function

  10. 服务型政府以公民本位、社会本位为价值取向;

    Service-oriented government hold the value of " Citizen-Center " and " Social-Center " .

  11. 服务型政府属公民本位、社会本位的新型政府模式,是对传统管制型、经济建设型政府模式的彻底摒弃。

    The new government mode of service type government to citizen standard , social standard , is completely abandon the traditional mode of government regulation , economic construction .

  12. 突发事件中公众知情权难以实现是由于某些政府官员官本位思想严重,政府绩效考核机制不科学,传统机关工作模式效率低下,应急信息公开成本高等原因造成的。

    Due to officer standard , government performance evaluation mechanism is not scientific , traditional authority working mode is not feasible and the cost of emergency information publication is high , the right to know in sudden situation is difficult to realize .

  13. 然后笔者提出从三方面建构服务型政府:塑造社会本位、民本位和顾客导向的服务理念;

    The three aspects to build a service government has been put forward : setting up a service idea of society-center , people-center , and customer-tendency ;

  14. 究其原因,主要是政府主导的官本位体制等体制因素、传统单位意识家庭本位等文化因素、居民归属感效能感缺失等个人因素三大方面。

    We can get them from 3 reasons , the official standard system , family-based cultural factors , residents lack a sense of belonging-efficacy and other personal factors .

  15. 在政治文明社会中,政府摒弃“官本位”的理念,树立“以民为本”的执政理念,体现出具有亲和力的亲和政府。

    In the politically - civilized society , government adheres to the affinity and gives up the concept of " official standard " and fosters the idea of putting people first .

  16. 南京国民政府是从货币本位制度、货币发行权制度和发行准备金制度三方面进行改革以稳定币值的。

    In order to stabilize the currency value , Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard , the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve .

  17. 现代的责任行政具有以下的基本特征:在人民与政府的关系上,从过去的公民义务本位和政府权力本位转向现代的公民权利本位和政府责任本位;

    The modern responsible administration has the following essential features . As far as the relationship between the people and the government is concerned , it has shifted from the previous orientations of citizens ' duties and government power to modern orientations of citizens ' power and government responsibility .