
  • 网络government entity;Government
  1. 政府单位会议采购管理系统采用Browser/Server架构,客户端可以通过WEB方式进行业务操作。

    PMM for government units adopts the architecture Browser / Server and uses the way of WEB to operate business on client .

  2. 人口普查局依法不得与任何其他政府单位或执法单位分享问卷答案的内容。

    By law , the Census Bureau cannot share respondents'answers with any other government or law enforcement agency .

  3. Q中华海洋生技-健康产品部门与国内外学术单位、政府单位、企业团体共同合作,致力以海洋资源为素材,研发各类天然且经实验数据确效之保健产品。

    Hi-Q Marine Biotech-Our Health Products Department has sourced and investe R & D in finding the best marine resources of functional materials or ingredients .

  4. 本次研究发现:(1)大部分下岗职工在寻找新工作时使用了社会网络途径,这一比例远远超过了使用劳动力市场途径和政府单位安置途径求职的下岗职工。

    I found that : ( 1 ) Most of laid-off workers used the social network when applying for a job .

  5. 学生将会学习基本的专案合作方式,包含联邦与州的政府单位,还有学校及非营利组织。

    Students will lay the groundwork for a collaborative project that includes Federal and State agencies , academic institutions and non-profits .

  6. 当政府单位的评审或是外国学者审阅这些网站时,常会因为文意不清造成混淆而频频摇头。

    When government judges or foreign scholars look at these websites , they often can only shake their heads in bewilderment .

  7. 小组面试这种方式久已被学术机构、政府单位和非赢利组织所采用,这些机构部门倾向于在所有面试官达成共识的基础上做决定。

    Group grilling has long been popular among academics , government agencies and nonprofit organizations & sectors that prefer decisions by a consensus of constituencies .

  8. 专营权是公司或政府单位授予的可以在某一特定区域内从事某一特定类业务的权利。

    A franchise is a right granted by a company or a government unit to conduct a certain type of business in a specific geographical area .

  9. 如果有一天,张三自政府单位退休或因公司经营不善而倒闭;这时候,张三与李四之间交往的原因就消失了,友情当然也就不复存在。

    Hence , if someday Tom retires from government or his company goes bankrupt , their association cause will disappear and their friendship will be gone too .

  10. 然而这就是数个政府单位对我们这些纳税人付钱要他的收集的资料做的事。

    Yet that is what a number of government agencies are doing with the data that we , as taxpayers , pay to have collected on our behalf .

  11. 长期为政府单位、外资企业、IT业、食品业、机关学校等等大型公司提供箱包礼品订制服务。

    Long-term government units , foreign-funded enterprises , IT industry , food industry , the School authorities and so on gift bags large companies to provide customized service .

  12. 校友的工作的种类?校友的工作例如政府单位、大使馆或者是部长、国会议员。

    Kind of jobs of the alumni : the alumni are working many jobs , including government jobs , embassies or are even ministers or member of parliament .

  13. 当然,他们的薪水相当高,但大部分的政治人物如果在私人机构工作,得到的薪水会比在政府单位服务更高。

    Of course , they often make a handsome salary , but in most cases , they could make more in a career in the private sector than in government .

  14. 系统作为电子政务子项目,在一个区级政府单位试用,其有效地改善了政务信息的获取能力和利用能力。

    As a sub system of E-government , it was tested using in a district-level government , which have improved the capacity of access government information and capacity of information utilization .

  15. 由于对外道路、桥梁多数均已损毁,所以官方很难进入类似香拉县这样的地方来提供救援,而当地的政府单位又已被摧毁殆尽。

    It was hard for the authorities to reach places like Shangla because most of the roads and bridges had gone and local government had been wiped out throughout the region .

  16. 本系统根据所面向的对象:政府单位会议采购管理人员以及供应商,分为两大功能模块:会议采购管理模块以及供应商管理模块。

    Based on the users of our system : purchasing managers as well as suppliers , Our system is divided into two main functional modules : meeting procurement management module and supplier management module .

  17. 但与政府去年单位GDP能耗要降低4%的目标相比,还差得很远。很多分析人士对长期目标是否能实现仍持怀疑态度。

    But the improvement was well below the government 's target of4 % for the year , and many analysts remain skeptical the longer-term targets will be met .

  18. 政府相关单位应该对媒体做适当的规范。

    The relevant government agencies should regulate the media appropriately .

  19. 确实遵守政府主管单位在对美容美发和房地产等方面的相关法规;

    We will abide strictly the relevant regulations on cosmetology and real estate under the administration .

  20. 因此,对政府主管单位与经营者而言,如何提高出租汽车服务质量吸引乘客,改善成都市民的交通出行环境与提升出租汽车行业形象,一直是他们关心的问题;

    Accordingly , what the government department and taxicab operator concern is how to improve service quality and transportation circumstance for attracting more passenger .

  21. 本研究依以上研究结果作建议,希望能作为政府有关单位及业者规划与管理茶园观光的參考。

    Based on the above findings , this study made suggestions to the tea farmers and related government agencies as their planning and management references .

  22. 除了媒体,政府机关单位和企业也纷纷开设微博,拉近与民众的距离。

    In addition to the media , government institutions and enterprises have been set up to it , and closer to the people of the distance .

  23. 我国公房是指政府和单位分配给职工和解放时收归国有,并且租金按照政府规定的租金标准执行的房屋。

    Government housing units are allocated to the employees and the liberation of nationalization , whose rent is in accordance with the standards stipulated by the government .

  24. 父亲从政府的单位上还没有回来,母亲又去市场买晚餐了,所以当兰德尔敲门时,艾达就开门接待了他。

    Ida answered his ring , for her father was still at his government office , and her mother had gone out to the market to buy the supper .

  25. 因此,建立一个健全的施工安全管理制度并确实执行,是现阶段行业与政府有关单位最重要的课题。

    Therefore , establish the safe management system in a sound construction and carry out really , is a current profession and the most important lesson in parties concerned in government .

  26. 借鉴城镇职工基本医疗保险改革的经验,推行健康体检费用分担机制,由政府、单位和个人共同承担健康体检费用。

    Taking into account the experience of urban employee basic medical insurance , we can establish the system of sharing the expenses for health examination by the government , enterprises and individuals .

  27. 它是改变住房建设由国家和单位统包的制度,实行政府、单位、个人三者共同承担,通过筹集资金,进行住房建设的一种办法。

    It is the change in housing construction and turnkey system by the State , the implementation of shared among Governments , organizations , individuals , and by raising funds , a way of housing construction .

  28. 在基地的建设过程中应当制定详细的计划方案,争取各方政府、单位的支持,提高实践平台的效率与质量。

    In the course of the construction of the base shall formulate detailed plan scheme , the parties to the government , the support of the unit , and improve the efficiency and quality of practice platform . 4 .

  29. 一方面,减轻了政府和单位在住房问题上的经济负担,启动了住房消费市场,促进了住房商品化,从而推动了整个房地产业的发展和成熟。

    On one hand , it can relief the economy burden for government and units . And it has started housing consumer market , promoted the commercialization of housing and driven the entire development and maturity of real estate business .

  30. 2006年1月1日起,我国实施了公务员法,开始尝试将传统的通过干部人事制度对政府机关单位人员的管理转变为利用科学的、可持续的公务员管理制度的管理模式。

    Civil Servant Law has been enforced in China since January 1,2006 . It makes an attempt to change the traditional mode for managing government personnel in the form of cadre personnel system into scientific , sustainable civil servant management system .