
  1. 第一章为政务微博的研究做铺垫,指出政务微博开设的时代背景。

    Chapter one is about the background information of political micro-blog .

  2. 也给政务微博运营的科学化和制度化创造了机遇。

    To create opportunities for the government microblogging operators scientific and institutionalized .

  3. 第四章介绍政务微博的特点、功能、自身要求。

    Chapter four introduces features , functions , self-requirements in writing a political micro-blog .

  4. 这些问题和挑战不断地促使安徽省政务微博网的形成。

    These problems and challenges continue to procure the government microblogging network formation in Anhui Province .

  5. 希望通过这些对策能够规范政务微博发展,以便发挥政务微博最好的作用。

    Hope the measures can regulate government microblogging ' development in order to play its best role .

  6. 此报告对今年上半年新浪平台政务微博进行总结和研究。

    This report on the the Sina platform-government in the first half of this year micro-blog summary and study .

  7. 但不能因噎废食,规范政务微博、完善现有体制是最佳的选择。

    But not " unworthy " to regulate government microblogging , to improve the existing system is the best choice .

  8. 通过整理数据、分析案例和内容分析等方法总结了安徽省政务微博出现的问题和面临的挑战。

    Finishing data , analysis , case studies and content analysis summarizes the the Anhui government microblogging problems and challenges .

  9. 安徽省政务微博在经历了两年的适应期,逐渐找到了自身的价值,也在大大小小的突发事件的围追堵截中渐渐成长起来。

    After a two-year adaptation period , and gradually find their worth in large and small emergencies besieged began to grow .

  10. 但当前政务微博参与公共管理的一些制约因素直接阻碍了微博在公共管理中的使用和效能的发挥。

    But some restraining factors directly hindered the government affairs micro-blog in the use of public management and its function efficiency .

  11. 可以说,自媒体的信息发布检测并监督着政务微博的公信力。

    It would be safe to say that the information issue of we-media could test and supervise the credibility of government micro-blogs .

  12. 就像任何新兴事物都有破茧成蝶的阵痛期一样,政务微博在产生之初就存在着各种各样的争论和问题。

    Like that any new thing has pian after becoming a butterfly , the government microblogging exists a variety of controversies and problems .

  13. 当前,微博一个分支的兴起引起了人们的高度关注,那就是政务微博。

    At present , a branch of the micro-blogging in the rise caused the people high attention , that is government affairs micro-blogging .

  14. 而当公共突发事件发生时,公众在政务微博和草根媒体间的信息选择问题也是本文探讨的一个重点。

    Another focal point of the article would be the information choice problem of the public between the government micro-blogs and the grassroots media .

  15. 第二章叙述微博与政务微博二者之间的关系,以了解当前我国政务微博的现状。

    Chapter two introduces the relationship between micro-blog and political micro-blog so as to have a general understanding of political micro-blog situation in China .

  16. 作为政府创新与管理的新方式,政务微博逐渐成为令人关注的力量。

    As a new way of government innovation and management , government micro blogging has become a power that people pay more attention to .

  17. 论文正文分成四个部分:首先,对我国政务微博的发展历程进行了梳理。

    The essay is divided into four sections . Firstly the developing progress of government affair micro-blog in the country was combed and integrated .

  18. 在舆论引导力、微博公信力、微博互动性等方面,地方政务微博还有很多需要改进的地方。

    In the public opinion guiding force , credibility , weibo interactive weibo , local government affairs micro-blog still have a lot of room for improvement .

  19. 按照政治微博发布主体的政治职业化程度,分为政务微博、意见领袖的政治微博、普通网民的政治微博。

    In accordance , with the degree of political career political microblog is divided into administrative microblog , views leaders microblog , microblog of the general public .

  20. 而政务微博是一个官民互动平台,与具备动态过程的微博问政亦不同,但有几种类型的微博问政直接关联政务微博。

    Government microblogging interactive platform of a Government and the people ,, but there are several types of microblogging in politics is directly related to the government microblogging .

  21. 如何将我国的政务微博纳入规范的管理体制,如何正确的对待和使用微博,是当前政府新闻部门亟待解决的问题。

    Of Governmental Affairs micro Bona into a standardized management system , how to properly treat and use micro-blog , is the government press service problems to be solved .

  22. 但是,就政务微博之间的网络行为关系研究并不多,对政务微博网络层次关系的定位也涉及不多。

    However , the research network of the relationship between government microblogging not many specific functions of government departments microblogging positioning network relationships at all levels of basically no research .

  23. 那么这些公开后的信息是否得到了足够的关注,其公开的效果如何,作为政务微博的发布方来说,是无法有效判断的。

    So after the information are disclosed , whether they get enough attention , how effective the disclosure is . As part of posting government micro-blog , the judgment is not valid .

  24. 目前,有关政务微博的研究主要集中在政务微博对外信息发布传播的探讨上,也有较多研究政务微博发布的政务信息对普通网民影响因素的学术报告。

    Currently , the study focused government microblogging microblogging government to investigate the propagation of external information dissemination , there are many research information released government microblogging ordinary users factors affect academic report .

  25. 从行政法学上看,政务微博行为属于行政事实行为,其效力问题有自身的特点,政务微博行为有公定力和确定力,无约束力和执行力。

    On administrative law point of view , the government microblogging behavior is an administrative factual behavior , its effectiveness has its own characteristics , consist of the public force and determined force , non-binding and execution .

  26. 作为微博生态圈的重要组成部分,政务微博经历了试水期、发展期,数量继续增多、影响力持续增强,并步入常态运营期。

    As government affairs micro-blog is an important part of the ecosystem , government affairs micro-blog experienced water period , development period , population continues to increase , influence continue to enhance , and into the normal operation period .

  27. 第二,应当增强回应能力,打造优质政务微博,使其成为政府形象的窗口和名片,以政务微博的集群化运作,形成回应社会关切和应对舆情的合力。

    Second , we should strengthen the response capacity to create high-quality government micro blogging " window " to the government micro blogging cluster operation to form a joint force to respond to social concerns and respond to public opinion .

  28. 此外,不仅是政府,普通的民众也越来越关注政务微博上政府信息公示,因此,研究该领域能够更好的让民众去选择更有价值的政务微博。

    Moreover , not only is the government , ordinary people are also increasingly concerned about the information publicity on government micro-blog . Therefore , people are better able to choose the more valuable government micro-blog by researching this area .

  29. 其次,根据政务微博的特点和分类,结合在新时期下社会管理创新的具体要求,提出政务微博在政府管理中的职能作用和社会价值。

    Afterwards , the functions and social value of government affair micro-blog in the development of the country is proposed according to the feature and classification of government affair micro-blog combing the specific requirement of social management innovation in the new period .

  30. 最后,从政务微博的运行机制、管理体制、官员媒介素养和民意诉求体系等四个方面提出了提高政务微博行政效用的措施和对策。

    Finally , the measures and countermeasures of improving administration effectiveness of government affair micro-blog are presented according to the operation mechanism of government affair micro-blog , management mechanism , officer medium accomplishment and the system of appealing the will of people .