
  • 网络Deregulation;Financial deregulation;de-regulation
  1. 银行家们是自由放任经济学最有力的倡导者之一,他们非常愿意接受政府提供的数千亿美元的援助,这些援助自撒切尔-里根时代"自由"市场和放松管制开始以来,一直是全球经济的一个反复出现的特点。

    The bankers , among the strongest advocates of laissez-faire economics , were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programs that have been a recurring feature of the global economy since the beginning of the Thatcher-Reagan era of " free " markets and deregulation .

  2. 将抗击通缩作为重点任务的安倍已表示要大力放松管制,很多人认为,这对吸引更多FDI来说非常关键。

    Mr Abe , who has made fighting deflation a priority , has expressed a strong commitment to deregulation , which many agree is critical to attracting more FDI .

  3. 现代投行业是在华尔街和伦敦金融城(cityoflondon)分别于1975年和1986年放松管制之后发展起来的。

    Modern investment banking developed after the deregulation of Wall Street in 1975 and the city of London in 1986 .

  4. 银行业放松管制的理论分析与宏观效果&兼论中国加入WTO对大陆和香港的影响

    Banking Deregulation : A Theoretical Analysis and Implications of WTO Accession to the Mainland and Hong Kong

  5. 英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制

    Liberalization & deregulation on UK telecommunications and regulation on dominant firm BT

  6. 在此背景下如何在放松管制(deregulation)与加强监督之间找到适当的平衡点,这是论文第四部分要考虑的问题。

    How to find a balance point between deregulation and strengthening supervision under that background is the topic this thesis can not avoid .

  7. 在随后的20年里,芝加哥学派的自由市场经济学家们帮助说服里根(Reagan)和撒切尔(Thatcher)政府采取自由放任政策和放松管制。

    Over the next two decades , the Chicago School of free-market economists helped to persuade the Reagan and Thatcher administrations to adopt laisser faire policies and deregulation .

  8. IMF经常被指责在制定经济政策时本能地采取新自由主义立场,即假定市场有效,并支持放松管制,其中包括资本的自由流动&尽管近些年,它已经采纳了更多更为折中的观点。

    The IMF has been frequently accused of taking an instinctively neoliberal approach to economic policymaking , assuming that markets work efficiently and favouring deregulation , including the free flows of capital – though in recent years it has adopted more eclectic views .

  9. 放松管制背景下公共基础设施的市场化和民营化

    Marketization and Privatization of Public Infrastructure Against the Background of Deregulation

  10. 析世贸组织下中国垄断性产业的放松管制&政策安排与管制机制重构

    On the Deregulation in China 's Monopoly Industries under WTO

  11. 美国最好看紧巴基斯坦,而不是放松管制。

    Better for America to hold Pakistan close than cut it loose .

  12. 随之而来的是世界范围内电信业的放松管制改革。

    The following step is relax regulation reform in the telecom industry .

  13. 第2章和第3章对管制和放松管制的相关理论予以综述。

    And Art . 3 summarizes the theory of regulation and deregulation .

  14. 放松管制的电力市场对电力系统控制中心的要求

    Power System Control Centers in a Deregulated Energy Market Requirements and Solutions

  15. 转轨经济中的农村金融:管制与放松管制

    Rural Finance in the Economic Transition : Regulation and Regulation - free

  16. 它们乐于看到这些非官方形式的银行业放松管制。

    They are happy to see these forms of unofficial banking deregulation .

  17. 放松管制使我们与整个行业受益非浅。

    We 've benefited tremendously from deregulation , as has the entire industry .

  18. 自然垄断产业的管制与放松管制

    The Regulation and Deregulation in the Natural Monopoly Industry

  19. 政府管制的利弊及放松管制的思考

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Regulation and its Loosening

  20. 放松管制与重新管制:中国企业债券市场稀薄状况溯源

    Deregulation and Reregulation : Reasons for Backward of China 's Enterprises Bonds Market

  21. 许多问题不是放松管制造成的,而是源于监管不力。

    Many problems were not the result of deregulation but of failed regulation .

  22. 放松管制后进入发电市场的最优厂商规模的研究

    Research on scale of optimal power plants entering electricity generation market being deregulated

  23. 放松管制、引入竞争成为这场世界性改革的主题。

    Loosening control and building competition became the core purpose of this global revolution .

  24. 放松管制25年回顾

    A Retrospect of 25 Years ' Deregulation

  25. 放松管制下公用事业的市场化&由出租车事件引起的思考

    The Marketization of the Public Utilities under the Deregulation & Reflection on issues of taxi

  26. 在许多情况下,这就意味着放松管制。

    In many cases this means deregulation .

  27. 从严格管制放松管制加强监管:澳大利亚金融改革试析

    From Strict Control to Deregulation to Strengthening Supervision : An Analysis of Australian Financial Reform

  28. 在电力工业放松管制的环境下,输电扩展规划问题将会变得更为复杂。

    In the deregulated power industry environment , the transmission expansion issue becomes more complicated .

  29. 在经历了放松管制运动之后,西方主要资本主义国家已基本完成了这些行业的市场化改革,并取得显著绩效。

    Most western countries have primarily completed the reforms in these sectors and made visible achievements .

  30. 随着基础部门逐渐引入竞争,政府在放松管制的同时,为确保有效竞争的实现,还需要重建规制。

    With the competitin of fundamental sectors , reregulation is necessary for achieving the effective competition .