
shōu yǐ
  • gathering of newly hatched silkworms
收蚁[shōu yǐ]
  1. 收蚁袋使用效果试验调查

    Investigation on Effect of Collecting Bag for Newly - Hatched Larvae

  2. 从收蚁方法、饲料形状、光照条件等方面研究家蚕人工饲料育的小蚕饲育技术。

    The techniques of young silkworm rearing with artificial diet , from the method of newly hatched larvae collection to shape of diet and lighting condition , were studied in this report .

  3. 结果表明:不带卵壳收蚁其疏毛率、起蚕率、生长发育进度优于带壳卵收蚁;

    The results showed that the setae dispersion , newly molted silkworm larvae ratio , the growth and development of young silkworm were better when the newly hatched larvae was collected without egg shells .