
kònɡ zhì shù zì
  • control figure
  1. 用PLC控制数字变频器改变异步电动机转速的实现

    The Realization of PLC Digital Control Frequency Governor & Revolution Control of the Asynchronous Motor

  2. 文章介绍了PLC控制数字方向流量阀的方法,数字阀的伺服控制、驱动接口及PLC梯形图的控制逻辑。

    The paper describes the method of direct control of electro hydraulic digital direction & flow valve by means of PLC . The driving interfaces of digital valve and the control logic of software were founded .

  3. 本文在超声发生器中加入功率因数校正电路(APFC),并利用单片机控制数字电位器实现了对电压反馈网络的调节,从而实现APFC输出电压在一定范围内的自适应控制。

    The self-adaptable control of output voltage could be realized under certain range by adding a APFC in ultrasonic generator and adjusting voltage feedback network with digital potentiometers .

  4. 通过对印制电路板(PCB)近场辐射模型的描述和建立,介绍了在控制数字电路板运行状态的基础上,利用磁场映像对数字电路进行故障诊断的技术。

    With the description and creation of the model of radiated magnetic field close to printed circuit board ( PCB ), this paper presents a fault diagnosis technique based on radiated magnetic field image when digital controlling circuit is running .

  5. 按钮式控制数字电位器X9511由延时去抖动电路、单稳电路、触发器组成。

    Button control digital potentiometer X9511 is consists of time delay circuit removed dithering , mono-stability circuit , preventative dithering trigger .

  6. 要有控制数字,摊派下去。

    There should be control figures and an allotment of quotas .

  7. 闭环控制数字液压缸及其控制系统

    The digital cylinder with inner feedback and its control system

  8. 分布式环境下的访问控制数字电视中的条件接收系统

    ACCESS CONTROL IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Conditional Access in Digital Television

  9. 微机控制数字显示500焦耳电容贮能点焊机的研制

    Development of 500J Capacitor Spot Welding Machine Displayed Digit by Microcomputer Control

  10. 单片机控制数字屏幕显示系统

    Display System of Digit Screen Controlled by Single Chip Microcomputer

  11. 复合控制数字励磁电压调节器设计

    Design of Digital Excitation Voltage Regulator Based on the Compounding Control Method

  12. 如何控制数字地形图的空间占用

    How to control the size of digital map

  13. 闭环控制数字液压缸研究

    Study on Closed Loop Control of Digital Cylinder

  14. 一种飞行控制数字信号处理系统设计

    The Flying Control Data Signal Process System Design

  15. 计算机控制数字光投影仪,在被重建表面投影正弦分布的光栅结构光。

    The grating construct-light with sine distribution is projected upon the surface of object .

  16. 带闭环控制数字传感器的动态建模

    Dynamical Modeling of Digital Sensor with Closed-loop Control

  17. 设计了一种无需交换中心的分布式控制数字电话系统。

    A distributed type control digital telephone system which needs no switching center is described .

  18. 控制数字信息传播的安全结构

    Security Architectures for Controlled Digital Information Dissemination

  19. 系统区域设置和用户区域设置控制数字、货币以及日期的显示方式。

    The system locale and user locales control how numbers , currencies , and dates appear .

  20. 介绍了一种新型微机控制数字集成器件简易测试卡。

    It is a simple and easy newtype test card of microcomputer control digital integrated device .

  21. 集中控制数字计算机系统

    Digital computer system of central control

  22. 微机控制数字变换机扑

    Numeric-to-numeric conversion microcomputer controlled digitizing robot

  23. 微机控制数字型脉冲信号发生器

    Computer Controlled Digital Pulse Generator

  24. 本文所研究的智能控制数字变频空调正是其中之一。

    The intelligent control digital air-condition of frequency conversion studied by this paper is just in which one .

  25. 本文介绍了一种新型闭环控制数字液压缸的结构、工作原理及其控制系统。

    This paper introduced the structure , principles and control system of a new kind of digital cylinder with inner feedback .

  26. 如何评估利控制数字高程模型建立过程中各种数据的质量,是建立各种类型数据库和地理信息系统的瓶颈问题。

    However , how to evaluate and control the quality of all sorts of data in the course of building DEM is a bottleneck problem of establishing various type databases and GIS .

  27. 在分析数字微电路内部电磁噪声的形成机理及噪声的抑制技术的基础上,重点介绍如何控制数字电路逻辑状态变换时所引起的瞬态电流和瞬态电压干扰。

    Analyzes the electromagnetic noise and its suppression in the digital microcircuit , and describes suppression techniques of transient current and voltage interference when the logic states change in the digital microcircuit .

  28. 它结合一系列软硬件技术,利用数字许可证,控制数字内容的使用权利和约束,保护数字内容的版权,控制其使用和传播。

    It combined a series of hardware and software technology and used digital license to protect the rights and constraints of digital content . It also protects the copyright of digital content and controls its usage and delivery .

  29. 其调节过程是:通过单片机控制数字电位器的阻值,设置不同的初始阈值,从而改变接收系统的灵敏度,可使测距系统在不同的噪声环境下工作,仍能准确地识别回波,提高测距的准确性。

    The adjusting process is that CPU controls the resistance of digital potentiometer , sets different initial threshold value , thus changing the sensitivity of the receiving system can accurately identify Echo in the different Noise working environment and improve the accuracy of ranging .

  30. 采样控制系统数字PID参数寻优

    The Optimization of the Digital PID Parameter of Sampling Control System