
  1. 随着3G时代的到来,传统的报网互动模式又要有新的改变。

    As the approach of3G era , the traditional mode of interaction of thee-newspapers net meets a new change .

  2. 报网互动栏目的新闻产制与公共议题的生成

    News Making Process of " Internet Supporting Media " and the Rising of Public Agendas

  3. 报网互动是实现数字报业的初步转型,全国各地报纸纷纷尝试,民族地区的报业也不例外。

    Newspapers across the country have tried , national minority press area is no exception .

  4. 作为一种传媒现象,报网互动已经引起传媒研究者的关注。

    As a media phenomenon , the newspaper-net interaction has caused the concern of the researchers .

  5. 国内传媒在具体的运作方式上,有报网互动和结对联动的尝试,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The interaction and unification of newspaper and network in Chinese media have some reference significance .

  6. 实现报网互动是现存形势下的必然选择。

    It is a necessary choice to achieve the interaction of thee-newspapers net under the situation now .

  7. 同时对以往有关于报网互动的研究成果进行简单的梳理。

    Meanwhile , it made simple hackling to the before research harvest of interaction of internet and newspaper .

  8. 第五部分首先分析国外报网互动对中国报网互动的启示,然后分析如何实现报网的深层次互动。

    The fifth part analyses the teaching of foreign newspaper-net interaction , and how to achieve deeper newspaper-net interaction .

  9. 第一部分,介绍报网互动的一般情况,包括其内涵、演进与问题等。

    In the first chapter , the writer introduces the general cases , including its connotation , evolution and problems .

  10. 在报网互动现状分析的基础上对其未来发展进行了简单的阐释。

    It also analyze simply to future development at the basic of analyze for present status of interaction of internet and newspaper .

  11. 纸媒联手新媒体,由此兴起的报网互动战略正在如火如荼地进行中。

    Newspaper jointed with new media , which rises interactive strategy of newspaper and internet is being carried out in full swing .

  12. 欠发达地区在报网互动的内容、渠道以及盈利模式等方面进行了有益的探索和实践。

    There is also a useful exploration of the content , channels and profitable segments of newspaper-net interaction in the underdeveloped areas .

  13. 党报实施的报网互动策略,因其独特的资源和影响力而呈现特殊的形态。

    For the unique resources and influence , the newspaper-network strategy which the provincial level Party newspaper uses presents a special shape .

  14. 报网互动在实践中既存在着不确定的问题,对纸媒的影响也存在着一些不确定因素。

    The interaction of internet and newspaper exist uncertain problem not only in practice , but also for the infection of traditional newspaper media .

  15. 第二部分对《重庆商报》与腾讯·大渝网联姻的动因进行深入分析,然后归纳《重庆商报》与腾讯·大渝网报网互动的两个发展阶段。

    The second part analyses the reason of newspaper-net interaction between Chongqing Business News and Tencent Dayu Net , and induces its two stage .

  16. 对甘肃日报报业集团的报网互动进行深入分析,可以为其自身及其他欠发达地区的报网互动实践提供有价值的参考。

    The in-depth analysis of the newspaper-net interaction of Gansudaily news group can provide a valuable reference for their own and other report of underdeveloped areas .

  17. 第二部分主要探讨报网互动现象引发的理论创新,为研究报网互动提供理论支撑。

    The second part wants to discuss the theory background of newspaper net interaction phenomenon in order to provide the theory support to study the newspaper-net interaction .

  18. 当前,尽管报网互动、媒介整合等融合表现在我国已有了一定的发展,但囿于政策壁垒、经济制约等原因,长期以来我国的媒介融合并未有实质性进展。

    At present , despite the interaction of newspaper and network , media integration , which belong to fusion performance , have been some development in our country .

  19. 分析得出,报网互动的本质是报网交易,缩减交易费用的努力产生了报网互动的最初模式,模式变迁的总体方向也是不断寻求交易费用较低的模式。

    The effort to reduce the transaction cost arouses the initial model of the Newspaper - Internet Interaction . And the main direction of model transition is to find the model which has lower transaction cost .

  20. 首先对报网互动现象及其实质进行规约性的描述,并对报网互动的发展历程和发展类型进行归纳,指出报纸与报纸网站的传播优势与劣势,这是报业开展报网互动的出发点。

    The first part gives a description to the phenomenon and essence of newspaper-net interaction , carrying on its development process and type , then points out the dissemination superiority and inferiority between newspaper and newspaper website .

  21. 我们把报网互动情境下报纸新闻常规的改变归纳为四方面:一是网络新闻源不断扩张与记者选题的惯习发生改变。

    The regular changes of the newspaper news in the interactive context of the newspaper network are grouped into four aspects : First , the network news source is continuously expanded and the habit of reporters ' selecting topics is changed .

  22. 第四部分采用内容分析的方法,对报网互动应用模式进行归纳,并对目前传统报业在开展报网互动时所呈现出来的发展特点,以及存在的问题进行研究。

    The fourth part uses the method of content analysis to induce the model of newspaper-net interaction . In this part , the writer carries on the newspaper-net interaction characteristic , as well as existence question that traditional media have been presented in the reality .

  23. 鉴于此,笔者提出论文研究核心问题:报网互动情境下新媒体环境如何形塑报纸新闻生产过程,以及报纸传统新闻工作常规发生何种改变。

    In view of this , the author proposes the core issues of the thesis : how do the new media shape the process of newspaper news production in the context of the newspaper network interaction and what changes do the newspaper traditional news practices bring about ?

  24. 报纸的网络化传播是纸媒的发展方向,然而什么是报网互动,什么是报网融合,它们之间有着怎样的区别与联系是第二章重点说明的问题。

    Newspaper transmit by internet is the development direction of newspaper media . However , what is interaction of internet and newspaper , what is convergence of internet and newspaper , what is the difference and contact between them is the main topic in the second chapter .

  25. 主要讨论传统纸媒将与新媒体的融合作为其未来发展方向的原因,报网互动存在哪些已经确定的优势,它给传统纸媒传播带来了怎样的变化。

    It mainly discuss the reason of the traditional media regards the convergence with new media as the future development direction . Is there any certain advantage of interaction of internet and newspaper ? What changes does the interaction of internet and newspaper bring to traditional newspaper media ?

  26. 第二章的最后一部分是对报网互动发展历程的简要梳理,在面对新媒体时,传统媒体也经历过一番反复,从对互联网的排斥到积极寻求与新媒体的合作。

    The last part of the second chapter is the simple hackling for the development course of interaction of internet and newspaper . Facing to new media , the traditional media has experienced a set of reiteration , from repulsion to internet to searching cooperate with new media actively .

  27. 作为北京晨报的网际延伸,晨报网在内容上、版面上与报纸媒体紧密配合,从而实现“报网”互动,这是报社长期以来遵循的办报方针。

    Extends as the Beijing morning paper internet , morning paper net oncontent , page layout with newspaper media close coordination , thusrealizes " the newspaper net " the interaction , this is the newspaperoffice follows since long ago publishes a newspaper the policy .

  28. 同时,该栏目在今年实现报网台三者互动,在业内属于第一个尝试多媒体互动的栏目,给全媒体时代党报摄影专题发展指明了方向。

    Meanwhile , reform has resulted in 3 new interactive web platforms this year , attempting the first interactive column in the industry , providing the entire media era with a clear direction .

  29. 传统报媒要想冲破重围,摆脱目前的困境,就必须放下身段,向它的竞争对手&新媒体去学习,实现报网互动,在融合中谋得共同发展。

    If traditional newspaper intermediary want to get rid of the problem , it must put down the figure , and learn its rival & the new media .