
  • 网络investment community
  1. 得到更新,就这个,其他的故事,在中国投资界在此注册为我们的通讯。

    To receive updates on this and other stories in the Chinese investment community register here for our newsletter .

  2. 但迄今为止,这种更为宽松的规定并未让投资界受益多少,投资基金仍被排斥在人民币市场以外。

    But the looser rules have so far done little to benefit the investment community , with investment funds remaining shut out of the renminbi market .

  3. 我的丈夫PaulYoung之所以能在投资界出类拔萃完全离不开他那不可思议的预见性…

    What made my husband Paul Young such a good investor was his uncanny ability to anticipate the future ...

  4. 即使是对AI在投资界的应用前景抱谨慎乐观态度的量化分析师,也警告这个领域存在许多陷阱。

    Even quants that are cautiously optimistic on the future of AI in investing warn of many pitfalls .

  5. 哈德利o穆林是私募股权公司TSGConsumerPartners的合伙人,她认为投资界的性别比例失衡现象并不合理,尤其对那些投资消费品牌的公司来说,因为通常都是女性在主导家庭支出。

    Hadley Mullin , a partner at private equity firm TSG Consumer Partners , says the gender imbalance in the investment community does not make sense & especially at firms that invest in consumer brands , as women drive household spending .

  6. 其他投资界人士可没那么肯定。

    The rest of the investing world is not so sure .

  7. 民营企业的诚信缺失是长期以来一直困扰着投资界的问题。

    Private enterprises'lack of integrity has been puzzling investors for decades .

  8. 而在投资界,在悲观主义盛行的同时,机会也无所不在。

    And in the world of investment , opportunities abound while pessimism rules .

  9. 黄金价格的持续上涨令全球投资界感到震惊。

    The continued run of the gold price is a global investment sensation .

  10. 风险投资界把绿色能源投资称为“死亡之谷”。

    In the world of venture capital they call it the valley of death .

  11. 当我在投资界的活动上发言时,总会有人问起黄金。

    When I speak at investment events there is always someone asking about gold .

  12. 尊重投资界。

    Be respectful of the investment community .

  13. 除了监管机构以外,投资界也已经意识到了这种威胁。

    The investment community – along with regulators – has woken up to this threat .

  14. 大宗商品投资界已把整张元素周期表炒了个遍。

    The world of commodities investing has taken a radical romp across the periodic table .

  15. 后来创办了风险投资界的先驱企业---红杉资本。

    a pioneering venture capital firm .

  16. 投资界人士说,中国交易的股价(尤其是到后期)已经升得太高了。

    Valuations for China deals , particularly at later stages , have skyrocketed , investors said .

  17. 在严肃的债券投资界,几乎没有哪个产品比永久债券更不严肃了。

    In the sober world of debt investing , few products are racier than perpetual bonds .

  18. 那么,关于日本的衰落,全球投资界是否犯了同样的错误?

    Has the global investment community been making a similar error about the decline of Japan ?

  19. 遗憾的是,投资界性别失衡的状况暂时不会改变。

    But , for the time , the investment world 's poor gender dynamics remain unchanged .

  20. 罗杰斯力图说服投资界认真考察农业领域。

    Mr Rogers is on a mission to convince the investment world to look seriously at agriculture .

  21. 从那时候开始,他就游走在法律界、咨询界、投资界以及政界。

    Since then , he has split his career between law , consulting , investing and government .

  22. 不过,至少还有一个区域还没怎么受到大数据的影响,那就是风险投资界。

    At least one area that big data has yet to significantly affect is the venture capital world .

  23. 先把这个问题暂时放在一边,我们来考虑一下评级机构能为投资界提供什么。

    Leaving that aside for the moment , consider what the agencies have to offer the investment community .

  24. 风险投资界的先驱亚瑟·罗克第一次见到马库拉派来的乔布斯时,并未被他打动。

    The pioneering venture capitalist Arthur Rock had initially been unimpressed when Markkula sent Jobs to see him .

  25. 特别是商界和投资界一致看好连锁经营广阔的发展前景。

    It is generally considered that chain will make wide development prospect especially in trade and investment fields .

  26. 更关键的是,学术工作强烈表明,评级机构没给投资界带来任何东西。

    More to the point , academic work strongly suggests that the agencies bring nothing to the party .

  27. 据投资界官网数据显示,自2014年以来,中国已经成立了超过1000多个线上教育企业。

    More than 1000 online education start-ups have been established since 2014 in China , according to news.pedaily.cn .

  28. 这些言论在投资界迅速蔓延,吓坏了投资者,并在金融市场上造成混乱。

    The comments spread quickly through the investment community , spooking investors and contributing to turmoil in financial markets .

  29. 除香港和北京以外,协会还在上海、西安、美国硅谷设有联络人,以促进与当地创业投资界的联络和沟通。

    CVCA has three liaison officers in Shanghai , Xi'an and Silicon Valley respectively facilitating local networking and communication .

  30. 在风险投资界,科技风投公司好比是电影明星,生命科学风投公司则是跑龙套的。

    In the world of venture capital , tech is the movie star and life sciences the second banana .