
  1. 投机性购房者构成市场不稳定的重要因素。

    The speculative buyers are the important unstable factors in the market .

  2. 盘活住房租赁市场。三是抑制投机性购房。

    Third , we will lrein in speculative housing purchases .

  3. 房地产市场依然走俏,可政府一直限制投机性购房。

    Property remains popular , but the government has tried to curb speculative home purchases .

  4. 在住宅市场上可能存在较大的投机性购房行为,这有可能形成房地产泡沫;

    The second is that there lies some speculations of buying housing in the housing markets which may form bubbles of housing markets .

  5. 这些措施大多旨在减缓二套房的购买,所以,其影响将取决于中国究竟有多少投机性购房。

    Most are aimed at slowing purchases of second homes and their impact will depend on just how much speculative buying there has been in China .

  6. 有人赞同开征房产税,理由是房产税确实能在一定程度上抑制投资投机性购房需求。道理很简单,这一税收增加了房东的持有成本。

    Some people applaud the policy , saying the tax does curb property speculation , because it is " universally known " that tax adds to the cost of owning a house .

  7. 其次,虽然政策调控没有年初那么严厉,但政府不会允许再出现一轮投机性购房热潮。

    Also , though policy controls are not as restrictive as they were at the start of the year , the government is not about to allow another binge of speculative purchases .

  8. 2007年和今年,中国出台了相关措施,以降低投机性购房的吸引力。今年的措施包括提高第二套及以上住房的房贷首付款,以及提高第二套房的按揭利率。

    In 2007 and again this year , measures were introduced to make speculative house-buying less attractive – this year the policies have included higher down payments for mortgages on second and third homes and increasing the mortgage rates for second homes .

  9. 房价上涨与投机性购房相互推动,房价上涨的预期使更多的投机和投资者进入房地产市场,进一步造成房地产的供不应求和房价的进一步攀升。

    Rising of housing price and speculative purchase promote each other , the expectation of housing price rising made more speculative investors entering the real estate market , which made the further step of the house demand exceeds supply and housing price rising higher .

  10. 政府希望通过推动公共住房建设同时达到两个目标:一是中和住房成本上涨引发的部分政治矛盾,二是推动将会受到限制投机性购房措施冲击的房地产建设。

    The government hopes to achieve twin goals with the public housing push : neutralise some of the political furore about the rising cost of housing , while providing a fillip to property construction , which will be hit by measures to limit speculative buying .