
  • 网络Technical Architecture;Technology Architecture;Technology And Architecture;Cloud-Client
  1. 论文采用J2EE技术架构,设计了信息集成服务器,对平台进行统一管理。

    Using the J2EE technology architecture , the thesis designs the information integration server to manage the whole platform .

  2. 目前,基于组件的多层体系结构技术架构主要有两种:它们分别是Sun公司的J2EE架构和微软公司的。

    Now there are two main technology architecture of multi-tier application architecture based on component : Sun Microsystem 's J2EE and Microsoft 's .

  3. 然后分析了Web服务技术架构。

    This paper analyzes the architecture of Web Services .

  4. Efficiency电子商务解决方案是在阐述了网络服务技术架构,并对传统电子商务解决方案进行分析的基础上被提出来的。

    The electronic commerce solution , Efficiency , is put forward after an introduction of the architecture of Web Services .

  5. 基于Observer模式的异步Web服务技术架构的构建及应用

    Design and Application of the Asynchronous Web Service Architecture Based on the Observer Pattern

  6. J2EE技术架构为Web应用系统提供了性能可靠、服务优良的开发平台。

    J2EE architecture provides a technical platform with reliable performance and good services for Web application system .

  7. 在众多技术架构中,系统选用了J2EE架构。

    J2EE technology architecture is our selection among those many technology architectures .

  8. 基于J2EE技术架构的分析型CRM系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Analytical CRM Based on J2EE Technic

  9. J2EE架构是Sun公司提出的一种分布式企业级Web应用开发的技术架构。

    J2EE is a kind of distributed enterprise-level Web application framework which is set up by Sun company .

  10. 基于.Net的多模ERP技术架构

    A Multi-model ERP Architecture Based on . Net

  11. 系统开发选取的J2EE技术架构和MVC的开发模式。

    Selected J2EE technology system development framework and MVC development model .

  12. NET或J2EE技术架构平台。

    NET or J2EE framework .

  13. WEBService是一种新的技术架构,它的出现使互联网由简单的信息发布平台开始向更为复杂的服务平台转变。

    As a new technical architecture , Web Service has brought transformations of the Internet from a simple information-publishing platform to a more complicated service-providing platform .

  14. 然后,设计了基于J2EE技术架构的地区级盐业公司的业务管理软件。

    Then it designs business management software for local-level salt enterprises based on J2EE technology framework .

  15. 同时基于Struts、Spring、工作流等设计了技术架构。

    At the same time based on Struts , Spring , workflow and other technical architecture design .

  16. 采用J2EE技术架构对系统进行实现,从而对系统的设计策略与技术方案进行验证。

    Accomplish the question answering system by using J2EE framework to validate the design strategy and program .

  17. 独山子石化MES系统技术架构与安全设计

    Technology Structure and Safety Design of MES for DSZ Petrochemistry Company

  18. 从而实现一种完全基于HTML,Web服务技术架构的,采用SOAP通讯协议的邮件收发系统。

    Hence this email distribution and reception system is realized based on the Html , Web service and SOAP communication protocol .

  19. 本系统遵循J2EE的技术架构标准,按照功能点设计思路的实现。

    This system follows J2EE technical construction standardization and accords with the designing methodology based on functional points .

  20. 第四部分介绍了ITS的实现,包括系统特点,技术架构,EJB模块、Web模块和ApplicationClient模块的设计,以及ITS的使用。

    Section 4 discusses the implementation of ITS , including synopsis of its technical architecture and design of EJB model , Web model and Application Client model .

  21. 基于Web应用的三层结构模式,采用JSP技术架构了系统应用软件。

    Based on the 3-tier structure model of the Web applications , it uses the JSP technologies to build the system application system .

  22. 钢铁企业MES质量管理的功能与技术架构

    Functional and technical framework of quality management of MES for iron and steel industry

  23. 本课题在分析比较现有异构集成系统不足的基础上,通过引入WebServices技术架构,设计了一个异构数据源共享系统。

    Using Web Services technology , this paper proposes and designs a heterogeneous data sources sharing system , based on the analysis on the shortcomings of the existent heterogeneous integration system .

  24. 基于蓝光技术架构的DVD场景设计技术

    Blu-ray Based DVD Scenario Design Technology

  25. MDD向您提供了直接实现技术架构的机会。

    MDD gives you the opportunity to implement the technical architecture directly .

  26. 从系统的技术架构、框架、GIS基础设计、数据库设计等方面对基于GIS的城区物流配送等值线生成系统加以设计。

    Designs the GIS-based urban distribution isoline-generating system from several respects , such as technology building , frame , basic design of GIS , and design of the database .

  27. 然后结合传统的数据挖掘系统提出了基于HADOOP的数据挖掘平台的技术架构。

    Then we give a data mining system mode based on HADOOP combined with traditional system .

  28. 本文主要论述了基于WiMAX接入技术架构的IPTV系统的设计。

    This paper mainly discusses the design of the IPTV system based on WiMAX access technical architecture .

  29. J2EE是一套可以用来解决多层式企业解决方案的开发、布署以及管理上的技术架构。

    The J2EE is one of the technology gram which used for dealing with the development designing and management of the multi-gradation enterprise solving proposal .

  30. 技术架构包括技术选型原则和技术路线;内容架构具体体现在:个性化WEB桌面、应用集成套件、内容管理子系统、个人服务子系统等四个方面。

    The technology fabric includes the choice of technologic model and method ; The content fabric includes four main contents : individuation-Web , application system , the manage system of content , single service system . 3 .