
  • 网络executives;Executive Leadership;Implementation Leader;executive management
  1. 执行领导布置的其它任务。

    Perform other functions as assigned .

  2. 纵向上是以执行领导管理和执行监督为轴心,实行统一管理监督和系统管理;

    Vertical axis would be the enforcement of leadership and supervising , and implement the uniform administration and supervising ;

  3. 在澳大利亚,女性在董事会和执行领导层所占份额与美国和欧洲部分水平一致。

    In Australia women 's share of board and executive-committee jobs is roughly on a par with that in America and parts of Europe .

  4. 最后,执行层领导必须传递这样的信息:人员配备决定将基于PortfolioManager提供的数据,而不接受其他可供选择的数据。

    Finally , executive leadership must deliver the message that staffing decisions will be based on the data that is provided from the Portfolio Manager and not accept alternative data .

  5. RelevantConceptsofOperations(CONOPS)和策略在抽象层次上表示出来,适用于执行的领导来简化决策的制定。

    Relevant Concepts of Operations ( CONOPS ) and strategies are presented at a level of abstraction appropriate to executive leadership in order to facilitate decision-making .

  6. 荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)昨日为即将就任的首席执行官领导下的管理层换血扫清了道路,市场对这家欧洲最大石油公司很快将公布大规模重组计划的预期有所升温。

    Royal Dutch Shell cleared the way for a management shake-up under its new chief executive yesterday as expectations mounted that Europe 's biggest oil company will soon unveil a wide-ranging restructuring .

  7. 执行上级领导指派的其他工作。

    To perform any other duties as assigned by management .

  8. 决策及决策的执行是领导服务的核心问题和首要问题;

    Policy decision and the implementation of policy are the core of leadership service .

  9. 调试和启动运营,包括业务执行,领导和员工的发展,和其他关键的准备工作。

    Commissioning and start-up of operations including operational implementation , leadership and staff development , and other key preparations .

  10. 对于建立项目组合管理治理工作的执行层领导的主题,属于愿景开发实际训练中的讨论之一。

    The subject of the executive leader for an effort to establish portfolio management governance is one that belongs among the discussions in a vision development workshop .

  11. 职位概述:全力配合仓库经理管理好仓库方面的运营操作、执行上级领导的工作意图及指令、确保仓库的稳定运营和健康长远的发展。

    Overall Position Purpose : Support warehouse manager 's work on operation , execute leader 's intention and instruction with all strength to ensure the warehouse be developed stably with long-term period .

  12. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  13. 你认可公司首席执行官的领导风格吗?

    Do you approve of the way your CEO is leading the company ?

  14. 鲁宾的表述极具启发性,从一个侧面揭示了他作为首席执行官的领导风格。

    Rubin makes a very revealing statement about one aspect of his leadership style as CEO .

  15. 我们需要公开承认在执行级别的领导层,性别仍然是个大问题。

    We need to acknowledge openly that gender remains an issue at the highest levels of leadership .

  16. 而长相威严的首席执行官所领导的公司事实上最赚钱。

    while the CEOs with commanding faces have been shown to run companies that make the fattest profits .

  17. 我们需要公开承认在执行级别的领导层性别仍然是个大问题对平等的承诺不等于真正的平等

    We need to acknowledge openly that gender remains an issue at the highest levels of leadership The promise of equality is not equality

  18. 同时在阿里巴巴的提议下,优酷创始人古永锵将继续担任优酷土豆集团董事会主席和首席执行官,领导业务发展。

    Alibaba is proposing that Youku 's founder , Victor Koo , would continue to lead the business as chairman and chief executive officer .

  19. 科学发展观的主要执行者是领导干部,领导干部的执政能力决定着科学发展的能力。

    The main executives of the scientific development outlook are leading cadres . The governing capacity of leading cadres is deciding the capacity of scientific development .

  20. 首席执行官与领导团队顾问彼得?布雷格曼说,他曾与一名领导5亿美元业务线的高管合作,这位高管苦于无法从公司的市场营销负责人处获得自己所需要的东西。

    Peter Bregman , an advisor to chief executive officers and leadership teams , says he once worked with an executive who led a $ 500 million business line and was having trouble getting what he felt he needed from the company 's head of marketing .

  21. 国际奥委会执行委员会委员迪克·庞德领导了这个进程。

    IOC Executive Board Member , Dick Pound led the process .

  22. 首席执行官或团队领导应该有强势的最后拍板权。

    The CEO or the team leader should have strong and ultimate authority .

  23. 寻找下一个挑战&在首席执行官理查德·布朗森的领导下,维珍集团公司不断扩大业务

    In Search for the Next Challenge

  24. 一位未曾经历过几次横向移动的首席执行官,其领导生涯是无法长久的。

    A chief executive who did not have a couple of sideways moves will have a shortlived leadership career .

  25. 计画要清楚说明希望改进哪些领导技巧,以及要在哪里执行这些新的领导技巧及什麽样的结果。

    Your Plan states both what aspects of leadership you wish to improve and where you will practice these new leadership skills and to what ends .

  26. 作为博斯公司(booz&co)的首席执行官,他领导的全球管理咨询公司拥有数十年的商业客户关系基础可以利用。

    As chief executive of Booz & Co , he heads a global management consulting firm that has decades of commercial client relationships upon which to draw .

  27. 但在首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉的领导下,微软与许多合作伙伴签署了长期的商业合作合同,专攻软件和互联网服务,即云服务,逐渐稳定下来。

    But under CEO Satya Nadella , Microsoft has found stability by focusing on software and services over the internet , or the cloud , with long-term business contracts .

  28. 过去四年里,在首席执行官劳拉·穆里洛的领导下,休斯敦拉美裔商会的会员增加了百分之600。

    During the past four years , under the leadership of President and Chief Executive Officer Laura Murillo , the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has experienced a600 percent growth in membership .

  29. 地方党政领导人才是我国政策实施的主体,他们的工作关系到党和国家的政策是否能正确贯彻执行,地方党政领导干部工作关系到国家的长治久安。

    Chinese local party and government executives is the main body of the policy implementation , their work is related to the policy of the party and state correctly implement and the peace or order of the country .

  30. 改革执行体制主要包括构建专门性的环境侵权执行机构、执行机构应建立领导和被领导关系。

    Construction of the implementation of institutional reform , including implementation of environmental tort specialized agencies , implementing agencies should be established between leaders and the led .