
  • 网络CEO;Chief Executive Officer;Executive Director;managing director
  1. 芭芭拉梦想当一名执行总裁已有好长时间了。

    Answer : Barbara has dreamed of becoming a CEO for a long time .

  2. 她(他)比执行总裁的侄子更得我心吗?

    Do I like her ( him ) more than the CEO 's nephew ?

  3. 他是国际商业机器公司的执行总裁。

    He was the chief executive of ibm .

  4. 司徒文聪先生是盈石资产管理有限公司的创始人兼执行总裁(CEO)。

    Dickson Sezto is the founder and CEO of INSITE Asset Management Group Ltd.

  5. 在这次于纽约举行的股东年会上,菲利普莫里斯国际公司的执行总裁路易斯·C。金瑞利告诉投资者说,公司发现,消费者对新的革新产品的兴趣在增加。

    Chief Executive Louis C.Camilleri told investors at the annual meeting in New York that the company is seeing growing consumer interest for new and innovative products .

  6. 自2004年起担任《纽约时报》执行总裁的詹妮特·罗宾逊(JanetRobinson)于去年十二月突然辞职;

    Janet Robinson , chief executive since 2004 , abruptly resigned last December ;

  7. 同卡梅伦一起访华的英国文化委员会执行总裁马丁·戴维森(MartinDavidson)表示:

    Martin Davidson , the British Council 's chief executive who has been visiting China with Cameron , said :

  8. 卡伦·菲证明,她曾偶然听到过AEGLive的一名执行总裁忽视杰克逊的健康问题,坚持要求他进行彩排。

    Karen Faye testified that she overheard an executive for AEG Live insist that the singer continue despite signs of his declining health .

  9. BenKirshner是纽约一家公司的执行总裁。他于2004年开办了这家公司。

    Ben Kirshner is chief executive of a New York company he started in two thousand four .

  10. 几周之前,LikeableLocal的执行总裁戴夫柯本收到了一张明信片,内容是成功人士和碌碌无为的人在个性和行为上的区别。

    A few weeks ago , Dave Kerpen , chief executive of Likeable Local , received a postcard that illustrated the traits and behaviors of successful and unsuccessful people .

  11. 谷歌公司执行总裁埃里克•施密特透露,新一代Android、被称为“冰淇淋三明治”的重大升级将于10月或11月面市。

    Google ( GOOG ) executive chairman Eric schmidtrevealedthat the next major Android update , dubbed " ice cream sandwich , " will hit in either October or November .

  12. 但香港投资基金公会(HongKongInvestmentFundsAssociation)执行总裁黄王慈明(SallyWong)却看好未来的机遇。我们预计,随着市场日趋自由化,今后将会有更多的产品涌现出来。

    But Sally Wong , chief executive of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association , is upbeat on the coming opportunities : We expect that as the market continues to liberalise , there will be more products available .

  13. KenWisnefski是WebiMax公司的执行总裁。他在2008年开办了该公司。

    Ken Wisnefski is chief executive of WebiMax , a company he started in two thousand eight .

  14. 他还是香港最高级的餐厅俱乐部Kee的执行总裁和创始人。

    He is also executive director and founder of Kee , one of the city 's most exclusive dining clubs .

  15. 文件分享服务应用Sunshine最近刚在旧金山开设分部,其执行总裁妮可·金(NicoleKim)说,公司的服务必须要考虑到美国较低的宽带速度。

    Nicole Kim , chief executive of a file-sharing service called Sunshine , which recently opened an office in San Francisco , said the service had to be adapted to inferior American broadband .

  16. 双相障碍组织MDF(MDFTheBipolarOrganisation)的执行总裁苏珊哈德森(SuzanneHudson)指出,雇主对精神疾病患者存在误解,尤其是误以为这些人会更频繁地休病假。

    Suzanne Hudson , chief executive of MDF The Bipolar Organisation , points out that employers have misconceptions about mental health , particularly that such individuals will be off sick more frequently .

  17. 这一潮流是由Fanatics创始人兼执行总裁迈克尔·鲁宾同艾伦·蒂施和盖瑞·维纳查克发起的,4月14日开始流传开来。

    The trend began circulating on April 14 and was started by Fanatics founder and executive chairman Michael Rubin , alongside Alan Tisch and Gary Vaynerchuk .

  18. 之前,他是一个咖啡店的经理和堪萨斯市CBMC的执行总裁。

    He formerly was a coffee shop manager and executive director of CBMC in Kansas City , Kansas and Kansas City , Missouri .

  19. 数码广告公司DCH的执行总裁安德鲁霍金斯(AndrewHawkins)相信,无论目前存在多少障碍,在线定做是未来购物的必然趋势。

    Andrew Hawkins , managing director of digital advertising agency DCH , believes that whatever the current snags , online made-to-measure is the inevitable shopping trend of the future .

  20. 日本最大交易公司之一住友(Sumitomo)执行总裁BobTakai表示:价格风险管理的需求只会上升。

    The requirement of price risk management is only going to increase , says Bob Takai , executive officer at Sumitomo , one of Japan 's largest trading companies .

  21. CarlineBartenly是RadarMusicVideos公司的创始人和执行总裁,一家提供平台,旨在为乐队,音乐唱片寻找制作MV机会和音乐制作人。

    Carline Bartenly is the founder and CEO of Radar Music Videos , a new on line platform that aims to be a global tune for bands and music labels looking to make music videos and upcoming directors looking for work .

  22. 谷歌(Google)执行总裁埃里克•施密特就认为,技术扮演了非常积极的角色,帮助20亿人脱离了贫困,使地球上所有人都能获得之前只有小部分人才能获得的重要信息。

    According to Eric Schmidt , the executive chairman of Google ( GOOG ) , technology has had an overwhelmingly positive role , lifting some 2 billion people out of poverty and spreading access to vital information from a relative small number to virtually all the people on earth .

  23. 但是,它的执行总裁MusiKhumalo不愿谈及此次投标,和如果竞标成功所希望达到什么样的目的这些话题。

    But CEO Musi Khumalo was unwilling to speak about the bid , or what the company hopes to achieve if their application is successful .

  24. emerald执行总裁阿拉斯泰尔贝尔德索尔(alastairbeardsall)表示,中化的报价相比谈判确认之前的公司股价有34%的溢价代表了“公允价值”。

    Alastair beardsall , executive chairman of emerald , said the Sinochem offer , at a 34 per cent premium to its share price ahead of the confirmation of talks , represented " fair value " .

  25. 一位不愿透露姓名的知情人士表示,Netflix已经同华数传媒和百视通新媒体进行了洽谈。华数传媒是阿里巴巴集团执行总裁马云所投资的一家互联网公司,而百视通新媒体则是一家总部在上海的媒体集团。

    Netflix has held talks with Wasu Media Holding , an Internet company backed by Jack Ma , the executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding , and BesTV New Media , a Shanghai-based media group , according to one person with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity .

  26. 穿黑西装的那位一定是他们的执行总裁。

    The man in the black suit must be their CEO .

  27. 由于表现出色,他被提升为执行总裁。

    Because of his excellent performance he was promoted to CEO .

  28. 对,大型航空公司的执行总裁

    Yeah . Since when does a CEO of a major airline

  29. 丽贝卡?马丁是探险家委员会的执行总裁。

    Rebecca Martin is executive director of the expeditions council .

  30. 你从格雷森国际的执行总裁之位下台

    that you step down as C.E.O. of Grayson Global ,