
  • 网络qut;The Queensland University of Technology
  1. 志愿者抽样将在昆士兰科技大学所有校区的不同场所进行,因此各校区的参与者将在合适的时候进行。

    Volunteer sampling will take place at various locations across all QUT campuses , so participants can allocate an appropriate campus and time .

  2. 昆士兰科技大学,学费为15000元和课程为期18个月。

    Queensland University of Technology , course fee $ 15,000 and course duration 18 months .

  3. 昆士兰科技大学的大卫.赛维哲(DavidSavage)研究了在这场灾难中人们如何应对生与死的考验。

    David Savage , from Queensland University of Technology , studied the disaster to look at how people react in life and death situations .

  4. 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学AusSun研究实验室主任MichaelGkimlin教授将宣传运动的成功归于强有力的政府和社区支持。

    Professor Michael G Kimlin , director of the AusSun Research Lab , Queensland University of Technology , Australia , attributes the success of the campaigns to strong government and community support .

  5. 第三章,澳大利亚海外学生教育服务法的实施&以昆士兰科技大学为个案。

    The third chapter is a case study on the enforcement of Queensland University of Technology .

  6. 在澳大利亚布里斯班的昆士兰科技大学里,这一画面被拍成照片传到网上,随后便火速流传开来。

    A photo of the scene at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane , Australia , was posted online and quickly shared .

  7. 昆士兰科技大学的保罗•弗里吉特斯教授计算出了一个据称可用来衡量人生中的里程碑事件的影响所对等的金钱价值的公式。

    Paul Frijters , a professor at Queensland University of Technology , has calculated a formula he claims delivers the monetary equivalent of the value of various milestones in life .

  8. 麦卡锡小姐说,现有用于辨认灾害中遇难者身份的方法集中于个人特征,然而这些经过昆士兰科技大学研究团队检验的方法将是更为有效的分类方法。

    Ms McCarthy said the current methods used to identify victims of disasters focussed on individual traits , while the methods being tested by the QUT team would be more of a classification method .