
zhí zhǎng
  • In charge;be in control of;wield
执掌 [zhí zhǎng]
  • [wield;be in control of] 掌握;管理

  • 执掌兵权

执掌[zhí zhǎng]
  1. 军方表示,军方不希望执掌国家权力,而是希望拉乔利纳担任总统。

    The army said it did not wish to wield power but rather wanted Mr. Rajoelina to take charge .

  2. 他执掌伦罗公司已达31年。

    He has been at the helm of Lonrho for 31 years .

  3. 该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。

    The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government

  4. 大宗广告暗中执掌着生杀大权,并且是毫不留情的。

    In its quiet way , mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable .

  5. 比尔盖茨(BillGates)在执掌微软(Microsoft)期间也是如此。

    nor did Bill Gates for Microsoft when he was running it .

  6. 它已任命在世行和亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank,简称亚行)有工作经验的国际官员金立群执掌该行。

    It has put Jin Liqun , an international bureaucrat with experience of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ), at its head .

  7. 随着Danger的发展,投资者们想物色一名管理者执掌公司,于是鲁宾放弃了首席执行官职位。

    As danger grew , investors wanted a manager at the helm , so Rubin relinquished the ceo role .

  8. 多兰盛怒难却,请来老牌摇滚歌星卢•里德(LouReed)执掌教鞭。

    Dolan grew furious and hired ancient rocker Lou Reed to coach .

  9. 亚历克斯•弗格森爵士(SirAlexFerguson)在执掌曼联教鞭的近27年里,率队夺得38座奖杯。

    In his nearly 27 years as manager , Sir Alex Ferguson has won 38 trophies .

  10. 这是“OK组合”第一次捧起总冠军奖杯的赛季,同时也是菲尔杰克逊首次执掌球队的赛季。

    The first Lakers team of the Shaq-Kobe era to win a championship was also Phil Jackson 's first season as coach .

  11. 执掌国际货币基金组织(imf)的那位技术官僚是哪国国籍,对任何人都不应该有太大的关系。

    The nationality of the technocrat who runs the International Monetary Fund should not matter much to anyone .

  12. 其他人则认为,玛丽莎•梅耶尔执掌的雅虎(Yahoo)更有希望扭转不利局面。

    Others thought Yahoo ( yhoo ) under Marissa Mayer had a better shot at a turnaround .

  13. 匹克体育用品(PeakSportsProducts)发布了全年盈利预警,而李宁(LiNing)更换了长期执掌的首席执行官,以求找到新的业务模式。

    Peak Sports Products issued a full-year profit warning , while Li Ning dumped its long-serving chief executive in the hopes of finding a new business model .

  14. 芭拉是第一位执掌跨国汽车制造商的女性,管理着通用汽车(GM,《财富》500强)设在六大洲的396家工厂和21.2万名员工。

    The first woman to run a global automaker , Barra oversees more than 212,000 employees in 396 GM facilities on six continents .

  15. 沃森在执掌IBM近40年后,将领导权交给了儿子&后者很快就将IBM带入了电子计算的新时代。

    After running IBM for almost 40 years , Watson handed leadership to Tom & who quickly plunged IBM into the new era of electronic computing .

  16. 我们甚至拥有专门研究大萧条的学者本伯南克(BenBernanke)执掌美联储(Fed)。

    We even have Ben Bernanke , a scholar of the Depression , at the helm of the US Federal Reserve .

  17. 58岁的杰夫•伊梅尔特执掌通用电气(GeneralElectric)之前,在达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)橄榄球二队培养了自己的领导能力。

    Before Jeff Immelt , 58 , headed General Electric GE 0.99 % , he got his chops as a leader of Dartmouth College 's JV football team .

  18. 在他执掌国际足联(Fifa)17年,国际足联已经走向分崩离析。

    After 17 years under his control , Fifa was threatening to split at the seams .

  19. 2003年,王曦(simonwong)接过了晨讯科技(simtechnology)的执掌大权,他的父母当时仍在参与这家电子产品企业的经营。

    In 2003 , Simon Wong picked up the reins at Sim technology , the electronics business his parents are still involved in .

  20. 因此,玛丽莎,在你执掌“老紫色”(OldPurple)之际,请容许我给你提一个大胆的建议&大胆构想,跳出窠臼,着眼于粉色(即女性)。

    So Marissa , let me suggest you make a bold move as you take old Purple by the reins – think big , think different , and think pink .

  21. 自1947年成立以来,imf一直由欧洲人执掌,其中许多总裁来自法国。

    Since its foundation in 1947 , the IMF has always been run by a European , many of whom have been French .

  22. 但创立并且现在执掌着亚马逊云服务AWS(AmazonWebServices)的安迪雅西(AndyJassy)说,其中一种经历深深地影响了另一种。

    But Andy Jassy , who founded and now leads Amazon Web Services , says one experience deeply informed the other .

  23. 上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)前总裁黎瑞刚执掌了华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital,简称CMC),后者是一家投资于太平洋两岸内容的机构。

    Li Ruigang , former president of Shanghai Media Group , is heading China Media Capital , a vehicle to invest in content on both sides of the Pacific .

  24. 加尔文此前曾执掌过非营利组织,专注于建设价格低廉或满足特定需要的住宅,同时也是SGBlocks最初的种子期投资者。

    Galvin , who had previously been running not-for-profit groups focusing on affordable and special needs housing , was the original seed investor .

  25. 执掌百事公司(Pepsi)的卢英德正面临着严峻的领导力考验。

    Indra Nooyi is in a leadership crucible .

  26. 在新领导玛丽沙皮罗(maryschapiro)的执掌下,证交会迅速重启投资者议程。

    Under the new leadership of Mary Schapiro , it has moved swiftly to recapture the investor agenda .

  27. 杰克•格林伯格(CEO任期:1998年7月&2003年1月):很遗憾,格林伯格执掌麦当劳时,公司正处于动荡不安的阶段。

    Jack Greenberg ( CEO from July 1998 – January 2003 ) : Unfortunately Greenberg held the top spot during a tumultuous period for the company .

  28. 莱斯利·史蒂文森(LeslieStevenson)执掌弗吉尼亚州里士满大学职业发展中心。

    Leslie Stevenson directs the Career Development Center at the University of Richmond in Virginia .

  29. 很难相信这能将他过去执掌的保险集团美国国际集团(AIG)从纾困中拯救出来。

    It is doubtful if this would have saved AIG , the insurer he used to run , from bailout .

  30. 本月,三菱集团(MitsubishiGroup)常驻中国的一组高管会晤了将要执掌亚投行的金立群,表达他们的支持。

    This month , for example , a group of Mitsubishi Group executives based in China met Jin Liqun , who will run the infrastructure bank , to offer their support .