
  • 网络Strategic Occupations
  1. 他补充道,这还取决于你出口的是大米和DVD播放器,还是涉及到了核能、武器贸易或石油业务等战略性行业,后者是法国、英国和美国的领地。

    He adds that it also depends whether you export rice and DVD players or whether you are in strategic sectors like nuclear energy , the arms trade or the oil business and that is where the French , British and Americans are .

  2. 俄对外资进入其战略性行业的国家安全审查制度

    Russia 's national security review system for foreign investment in strategic sectors

  3. 一些人希望再进一步削减凯雷获准的持股比例,他们表示,建筑设备属于战略性行业,不能落入外国企业之手。

    Some want to reduce Carlyle 's permitted stake even further , saying construction equipment is a strategic industry that must not fall into foreign hands .

  4. 首先是要了解一个国家内部政治与商业之间的关联,特别是如果该公司处于本国的战略性行业。

    The starting point is to understand links between politics and business in a country , particularly if the company is in a strategic sector for its host nation .

  5. 政府允许国内私营企业在非战略性行业发展壮大,但相比于国有企业竞争对手,他们受到的政治支持较少,贷款渠道也较少。

    Domestic private entrepreneurs are permitted to enrich themselves in non-strategic sectors of the economy , but enjoy fewer political favours and less access to credit than their state rivals .

  6. 本文分析了国有经济介入到战略性竞争行业中的原因。

    DEA analysis on the cooperative R & D efficiency of competitive strategic alliance ;

  7. 国有战略性竞争行业的竞争力、调整方式及发展趋势

    State-Owned Economy in Strategic Competitive Industry : the Competitive Power , Restructuring Mode and Development Trend

  8. 面对中国的监管不确定性和那些意在保护“战略性”行业的相关规定,在人们的忧心忡忡之中,私人股本行业去年在中国的投资额下降了13%。

    Private equity investments in China dropped by 13 per cent last year amid concerns over regulatory uncertainty and rules designed to protect " strategic " industries .

  9. “战略性”行业做法(如法国实施的做法)的风险在于,实际上,它将成为其它目标的借口。

    The risk with a " strategic " sector approach , such as that implemented by France , is that it in fact serves as a pretext for other objectives .

  10. 其次,在行业层面,控制行业规模、科技人力等因素考察其对于战略性新兴行业总产值增长和新技术产品产出的直接作用。

    Secondly , at the industry level , the control of the industry scale , technology and human resource are used to examine the direct effect of government subsidies for strategic emerging industry output growth and the level of new products .

  11. 软件产业是国家的基础性、战略性产业,行业软件产业是其中重要的一环,目前国内行业软件企业大多是中小型企业,对这个领域的研究也很少。

    Software industry is a fundamental and strategic industry for a country while industrial software is the key . Now , most of the industrial software companies are small and the researches of this field are rare .

  12. 改革开放以来,得益于我国经济的发展和经济结构的战略性调整,饭店行业得到了迅速的发展。

    Since the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world , hotel industry has experienced rapid development with China 's economic development and strategic adjustment of economic structure .

  13. 石油是一项重要的战略性能源,石油行业是我国重要的能源支柱行业,石油工程项目建设管理对合理开发和利用石油资源具有重要的意义。

    Petroleum is strategic resource and petroleum industry is one of the most significant industries in our country . Petroleum project construction and management is crucial to scientifically make use of petroleum resource .