
zhàn dòu sǔn shī
  • battle losses
  1. 他们在战斗中损失了许多士兵。

    They lost many men in the battle .

  2. 他们声称过去十年在这场战斗中已经损失了3.5万人。

    They claim to have lost 35,000 people to the fight in the past decade .

  3. 多数部队安然渡过了这场战斗,未受损失。

    Most of the troops came through the fighting unharmed .

  4. 发生了一场战斗,其结果损失严重。

    There was a fight , and the resultant damage was serious .

  5. 当艾伦在纽约等待回国的时候,大西洋上发生了激烈的战斗,护航队损失惨重。码头上挤满了死里逃生的幸存者,这是艾伦回国后首先布入眼帘的影像。

    And the ports were sheltering the survivors of what had been the most damaging convoy battle of the war , fought in mid-Atlantic while Alan had waited in New York .