
  1. 我亲爱的姑娘,你错了。

    My dear girl , you 're wrong .

  2. 这话对不住我亲爱的历史老师,不过有谁需要历史课呢?

    With apologies to my old history teacher , who needs history lessons ?

  3. “晚安,我亲爱的孩子们,”我们关上她的房门时她对我们说道。

    ' Good night , my dears , ' she called to us as we closed her door behind us .

  4. "我亲爱的孩子,"他父亲说,"这儿有几本书。"

    " My dear boy , " said his father , " here are some books . "

  5. "我亲爱的孩子,"他父亲说,"这里有几本书,与其说是新年礼物,不如说是对你善良心灵的报答。"。

    " My dear boy , " said his father , " Here are some books , more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-Year gift " .

  6. shower:洗澡makeroom:让位mess:将…弄糟好了,女孩子们,我亲爱的妹妹要洗澡了。

    Chuck : All right , ladies . My sister needs to shower .

  7. darling:亲爱的人Lily,我亲爱的…doctor:医生医生说我有点小毛病。

    Celia : Lily , my darling , the , uh ... The doctors think they found something . -

  8. 但是,啊,我亲爱的苏格拉底(Socrates),让我再次乞求你采纳我的意见,逃跑吧!

    But , O ! my beloved Socrates , let me entreat you once more to take my advice and escape .

  9. 我亲爱的妻子,我写下这几句话是想告诉你,我被卖给了一位叫Peterson的商人,他住在新奥尔良。

    My Dear wife , I take the pleasure of writing you these few lines with much regret to inform you that I am sold to a man by the name of peterson a trader and stays in new orleans .

  10. 希哈诺:我亲爱的爱人,我从没爱过你!

    Cyrano : My dear love , I never loved you !

  11. 我亲爱的朋友,热病让我卧床不起。

    My dear friends , a fever has laid me low .

  12. 请我亲爱的,我需要你的帮助是很重要的。

    Please My Dear I Need Your help is Very important .

  13. 我亲爱的哥哥!只要他心满意足,我就感到很高兴。

    My dear brother ! In his contentment I am happy .

  14. 我亲爱的芮姬娜,我今天前往坎城。

    My dear regina , today I 'm off to cannes .

  15. 布雷登小姐:看到你,我亲爱的。

    Miss Braden : See that you do , my dear .

  16. 我亲爱的朋友们,你们都计划作些什么呢?

    My dear friends , what have you planned to do ?

  17. 我亲爱的老婆和母亲大人,抱歉我迟到了。

    Hello , my darling girls . Sorry I 'm late .

  18. 但是,我亲爱的,请记住我爱你。

    But my dear , please remember I love you .

  19. 索菲亚!汝为何而来我亲爱的索菲亚?

    Sophia ! Wherefore art thou , my sweet Sophia ?

  20. 亲爱的朋友们,我亲爱的兄弟们。

    Beloved Ones , I greet you as a brother .

  21. 王子:我亲爱的公主,可以和你跳舞吗?

    Prince : My dear princess , may I dance with you ?

  22. 生日快乐我亲爱的英语协会和谢谢!

    Happy Birthday my dear English Association and thank you !

  23. 我亲爱的朋友,这不是人间所谓的爱。

    My listening friend , this is not human love .

  24. 我亲爱的宝贝,你知道吗?

    My dear baby , do you know that you are beautiful ?

  25. 我亲爱的小姐,我将歌颂你。

    My dear , I 'll rebel against your will .

  26. 我亲爱的小绿妖,请你知道,我爱你。

    My dear little green goblin , you know I love you .

  27. 我亲爱的妹妹。(对下士)没什么事了,下士。

    Corporal , my sister has brought me now files or saws .

  28. 我亲爱的朋友,把你所有的烦恼放在一边。

    My dear friend , put all your worries aside .

  29. 你去吧,我亲爱的先生。

    You will go , my dear , dear sir .

  30. 你的秘诀是什么,我亲爱的姐姐!

    What is your secret , my dear adopted sister ?