首页 / 词典 / good


jīng yà
  • amazed;astonished;astounded;surprise;wonder
惊讶 [jīng yà]
  • [surprise] 惊异;惊奇

  • 她已司空见惯,从不显得惊讶

惊讶[jīng yà]
  1. 我对他打算以身试法感到惊讶。

    I was surprised by his preparedness to break the law .

  2. 我得承认,这么便宜,真让我惊讶。

    I must admit I was surprised it cost so little .

  3. 他敏思好学,令我惊讶。

    He amazes me with his quickness and eagerness to learn .

  4. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  5. 人们感到惊讶,史密斯竟未列入该队。

    People were surprised that Smith was omitted from the team .

  6. 他听说他比赛赢了,感到很惊讶。

    He was astonished to learn he 'd won the competition .

  7. 一时间,我们站在那儿惊讶得说不出话来。

    For a few minutes we stood in shocked silence .

  8. 这个问题的复杂性和涉及面之广使我感到惊讶。

    I was astonished by the size and complexity of the problem .

  9. 我把消息告诉她时,她好像并不感到惊讶。

    She didn 't sound surprised when I told her the news .

  10. 我们听说她又结婚了,感到很惊讶。

    We were very surprised to learn she had got married again .

  11. 她未列入该编组使大家感到惊讶。

    Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad .

  12. 我们对自己勉强获胜感到惊讶。

    We were surprised by the narrowness of our victory .

  13. 她这么粗鲁真使我感到惊讶。

    I can 't get over how rude she was .

  14. 他没有和妻子一起来,大家都很惊讶。

    Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife .

  15. 她竟记得我的名字,使我万分惊讶。

    To my utter astonishment , she remembered my name .

  16. 他对于她的博览群书感到惊讶。

    He was surprised at her breadth of reading .

  17. 听说他结婚了,我很惊讶。

    I was surprised to hear he was married .

  18. 她经历了从笨女生到大美人这一令人惊讶的变化。

    She had undergone an amazing metamorphosis from awkward schoolgirl to beautiful woman .

  19. 她的美貌令他惊讶得说不出话来。

    He was so bedazzled by her looks that he couldn 't speak .

  20. 我的父母听到我的消息后显得十分惊讶。

    My parents looked astonished at my news .

  21. 我们都惊讶得说不出话来。

    We were all struck dumb with amazement .

  22. 她睁大眼睛惊讶地注视着他。

    She stared at him in wide-eyed amazement .

  23. 我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。

    She looked surprised when I told her .

  24. 在这个时候他还能如此冷静,真让她感到惊讶。

    It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time .

  25. 直升机就降落在我们眼前,令人十分惊讶。

    The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes .

  26. 他们听到这消息惊讶得倒抽了一口气。

    They gasped in astonishment at the news .

  27. 使她惊讶的是,他笑了。

    To her astonishment , he smiled .

  28. 他的辞职毫不令人惊讶。

    His resignation came as no surprise .

  29. 如此美景使她惊讶得屏住了呼吸。

    She gasped at the wonderful view .

  30. 她惊讶地抬起头。

    She looked up in surprise .