
  1. 胡瑗与湖州州学

    Hu Yuan and Huzhou Prefecture School

  2. 他就要去罗得岛州学校学设计了。

    He 's going to the Rhode Island School of design .

  3. 地方上主要是州县学,包括官办书院等。

    Regional schools include state or county-run schools , plus state-run Shuyuan .

  4. 湘西自治州中小学传染病暴发疫情分析与对策

    Analysis & Solution of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Middle School in the West of Hunan Province

  5. 临夏回族自治州中小学健康教育发展状况的调查与分析

    Research on the Condition of Health Education Development in Primary and High Schools in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

  6. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州私学公助政策演进及实施评述

    A Review of Policy and Practice of State Funding for Non-government Schools in New South Wales of Australia

  7. 定额非定额&晚清各府州县学缺额研究1.各州州议会应规定本州参议员及众议员之选举时间、地点及程序;

    Clause 1 : The Times , Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives , shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof ;

  8. 广东书院与社学以及府州县学相互补充,使封建教育的发展出现了前所未有的局面。

    The college learning , social education and social education in Guangdong intersected each other , which has resulted in development of the feudal education never seen before .

  9. 明代山东的基层学校是明代山东的教育体系中的重要组成部分,其对府州县学的补充与促进作用非常大,二者共同构成了明代山东完整的教育体系。

    Primary school education is an important part of the Shandong education system , the two together constitute the complete education system of Shandong education system in Ming Dynasty .

  10. 而文化的传承离不开学校,府州县学由于有完善的体制,记载的也多,历来研究者写得比较多一些,而基层学校教育由于材料分散则没有系统的论述过。

    As government schools have a sound system and many records , researchers write many more papers about them . However , primary school education is no systematic discussed before due to material dispersion .

  11. 他向来都很讲究实际——这是他自小在宾夕法尼亚州的农场学来的。

    He was practical always-something he learned growing up on a Pennsylvania farm .

  12. 明代地方儒学主要是指府、州、县学,还包括都司卫学。

    In the Ming Dynasty , the so-called local Confucian schools mainly refer to Fuxue , Zhouxue and Xianxue .

  13. 德国巴伐利亚州的中小学教育及师资培训

    On the Education and Teachers ' Training of the Middle and Primary Schools in the Bavarian State of Germany

  14. 资料来源:美国教师联合会,采访了来自加利福尼亚、康乃狄格、乔治亚、衣阿华、明尼苏达、纽约和德克萨斯州的中小学教师。

    Sources : American Federation of Teachers ; interviews with elementary and middle school teachers in California , Connecticut , Georgia , Iowa , Minnesota , New York , and Texas .

  15. 但是康涅狄格州纽黑文大学市场学教授GeorgeHaley称中国的价格一直比较低。

    But marketing professor George Haley at the University of New Haven in Connecticut says China has always kept prices low .

  16. 新泽西州罗格斯大学传播学教授JamesKatz认为存在着一种“机器灵魂”(Apparatgeis)。

    James Katz , a professor of communication at Rutgers University in New Jersey , argues that there is an Apparatgeist ( German for " spirit of the machine ") .

  17. 根据伊利诺伊州西北大学金融学教授,该篇论文作者之一,PaolaSapienza所说,这正是曾经所发生的一切的根源。

    According to Paola Sapienza , a professor of finance at Northwestern University in Illinois who is one of the paper 's authors , that is just what has happened .

  18. 美国加利福尼亚州推行的中小学历史-社会科学课程是美国社会科课程中的一种。

    History-Social Science Curriculum in secondary and primary schools in California is a model of Social Studies Curriculum in America .

  19. 俄亥俄州大学的法律学教授彼得说,消费者不应当成为计算机专家才能够保护自己的隐私。

    The jurisprudential Professor Peter of Ohio University says , consumer ought not to become computer expert ability to protect his privacy quite .

  20. 凉山州冕宁县中小学教师专业化发展的现状调查、问题分析及对策思考

    Teacher Professionalization Development of Middle and Primary Schools of Mianning County of Liangshan State One Current Situation Investigation 、 Case Study and Countermeasure Think

  21. 自建州以来,其中学教育的辍学率就呈几何级数上升,这种居高不下的辍学率对依波尼的社会经济发展产生了一系列的负面影响。

    Since its inception , the rate of secondary school drop-outs has increased geometrically . This high rate of drop out has caused a negative effect in the social and economic development of the State .