
  • 网络househusband;HOUSE HUSBAND;house-husband;Mr. Mom
  1. 他表示,我喜欢当‘家庭主夫’并料理家务。

    I like being a househusband and a homemaker , he says .

  2. 家庭主夫和家庭主妇一样以持家为主业。

    Househusband , like housewife , manages the household as main occupation .

  3. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)最近发布的数据显示,英国家庭主夫的数量在过去20年增加了一倍。

    Figures released recently by the Office for National Statistics show that the number of stay-at-home fathers has doubled in the past 20 years .

  4. 或许有一天家庭主夫也将被认为是正常,而不再是反常现象了。

    Perhaps someday househusbands will also be considered the norm and not anomalies .

  5. 不过格雷戈里并不是家庭主夫。

    Though Gregory is no stay-at-home spouse .

  6. 我读到过一些关于家庭主夫的文�

    I 've read about these househusbands .

  7. 托马斯是为数不多、但数量逐渐增加的家庭主夫群体中的一员。

    He is one of a small but growing number of fathers who stay at home .

  8. 不过,一次网上问卷的调查显示,超过60%的男人和80%的女人都蛮喜欢家庭主夫这种概念。

    Nevertheless , an online poll showed over 60 percent of men and 80 percent of women loved the idea of househusbands .

  9. 现代这种男女角色的转换,逐渐开始使男人的原有角色从一家之主变为家庭主夫。

    This modern shift in gender roles is beginning to transform the @ man of the house @ into a @ househusband .

  10. 有家庭主夫的家庭我只听说过两家,两位丈夫后来都因为精神崩溃而试图自杀。

    I only know of two families where the husband took on the househusband role and both husbands suffered nervous breakdowns and attempted suicide .

  11. 有“家庭主夫”的家庭我只听说过两家,两位丈夫后来都因为精神崩溃而试图自杀。

    I only know of two families where the husband took on the " househusband " role and both husbands suffered nervous breakdowns and attempted suicide .

  12. 菲奥娜和吉米重归于好,共同生活在盖拉格家中,吉米(此前的史蒂夫)俨然成为一位家庭主夫。

    Fiona and Jimmy are back together again and living in the Gallagher house , where Jimmy ( formerly Steve ) has taken to being Mr Mom of the family .

  13. 菲奥娜和吉米重归于好,共同生活在盖拉格家中,吉米(此前的“史蒂夫”)俨然成为一位“家庭主夫”。

    Fiona and Jimmy are back together again and living in the Gallagher house , where Jimmy ( formerly " Steve " ) has taken to being Mr Mom of the family .