
  • 网络constitutional litigation;constitutional action;constitutional complaint
  1. 我国宪法诉讼的主要困惑

    On the Main Puzzles of the Constitutional Action in China

  2. 中国宪法诉讼的可能性;

    ; the feasibility of Chinese constitutional action ;

  3. 我国宪法诉讼制度构建的现实障碍及路径选择

    The Practical Obstacles of Chinese Constitutional Litigation And Its Routing Choice

  4. 宪法诉讼的模式

    On the Pattern of Constitutional Lawsuit The Aims of Constitution Litigation

  5. 建构我国宪法诉讼机制的若干思考

    Some Consideration on Establishing Constitution Litigation System in Our Country

  6. 世界各国的宪法诉讼制度可以分为两大类:一类是普通法院型模式;

    The systems of constitutional lawsuit could be classified by different criterions .

  7. 宪法诉讼的司法性是宪法诉讼目的实现的必然要求;

    It is the inevitable demand of realizing the goal of constitutional litigation ;

  8. 司法实践中宪法诉讼机制的引入

    The Introduction of Constitutional Proceeding System into Judicatory Practice

  9. 我国应当建立宪法诉讼制度。

    China should establish the system of constitutional litigation .

  10. 宪法诉讼是受教育权司法救济的根本途径。

    It is the basic way through constitutional procedure to protect education right .

  11. 论宪法诉讼的目的行政诉讼目的新论

    On the Goal of Constitution Lawsuit Discussion on the Purpose of Administrative Litigation

  12. 远期目标即建立宪法诉讼制度。

    Long-term goal is to establish constitutional litigation .

  13. 关于宪法诉讼的法律思考

    On the Legal Thoughts of the Constitutional Lawsuit

  14. 宪法诉讼是现代保障公民基本权利最为有效的方式。

    The constitution litigation is the most effective approach to safeguard the citizens rights .

  15. 宪法诉讼的必要性与可行性分析

    Necessity and Feasibility Analysis of Constitutional Lawsuit

  16. 宪法诉讼中的审查基准

    The Censoring Benchmark in the Constitutional Litigation

  17. 宪法诉讼模式之比较

    Comparison on the Mode of Constitutional Litigation

  18. 最后从六个方面说明了建立宪法诉讼制度的必要性。

    At last , the author introduce the necessity of establishing constitution litigation from six aspects .

  19. 论宪法诉讼的目的

    On the Goal of Constitution Lawsuit

  20. 宪法诉讼之必要性分析

    On Necessity of Constitutional Lawsuit

  21. 论文的第一部分介绍了宪法诉讼的一般理论。

    In the first part of the article , the author introduces the general theory constitution litigation .

  22. 宪法诉讼是宪法上的权利救济制度,建立宪法诉讼制度是完善我国公民基本权利保障机制的一项重要内容。

    Constitutional litigation is a relief system of constitutional rights which safeguards the basic rights of citizens .

  23. 农民工平等权利需通过宪法诉讼与宪法救济加以实现;

    The equal rights of farmer-workers in cities should be realized through constitution lawsuit and constitution remedy ;

  24. 略论宪法诉讼

    On Constitutional Law suit

  25. 我国虽然没有西方式的宪法诉讼机制,但是司法审查制度却是存在的。

    Although there are no Western-style Constitution litigation system in China , the judicial review systemis still there .

  26. 对宪法诉讼正当性的客观维度的论证植根于特定的历史情境当中。

    The demonstration of objective standard in legitimacy of constitutional procedure is deeply rooted in special historical situations .

  27. 制约公民基本权利寻求诉讼救济的根本原因在于我国的法院无权也不宜主管宪法诉讼。

    The reason is that court has no right and is unfit to have jurisdiction over constitutional action .

  28. 宪法诉讼制度的形成及欧美模式之比较;

    The forming of the system of the constitutional action and the comparison of the models between Europe and The U.S.A.

  29. 略论宪法诉讼民事检察监督的目的是为了维护司法公正、司法权威和法制统一。

    The procuratorial supervision in civil lawsuit is to safeguard the fairness and authority of justice , the uniformity of law .

  30. 建立宪法诉讼制度,为知情权提供最终的司法救济。

    Most importantly , the constitutional litigation system must be established as the ultimate judicial protection for the right to know .